FM: No Ground For Substantial Discussions of NK Settlement Yet


YEREVAN, August 27 (Noyan Tapan). During the meetings of former
President of Azerbaijan Heidar Aliev with RA President Robert
Kocharian the heads of the two countries were very close to the
settlement of the Karabakh conflict, the same can’t be considered
during the meetings with his son, incumbent President of Azerbaijan
Ilham Aliev. RA Minister of Foreign Affairs Vartan Oskanian said about
it during the August 27 press conference. According to him, the
purpose of his meeting with the Azeri Foreign Minister to be held in
Prague on August 30 is to establish the ground on which the most
substantial discussions should be constructed in the future. According
to Vartan Oskanian, this ground hasn’t been established yet.

AZTAG Interview: Serj Tankian, du groupe System of a Down

“Aztag” Daily Newspaper
P.O. Box 80860, Bourj Hammoud,
Beirut, Lebanon
Fax: +961 1 258529
Phone: +961 1 260115, +961 1 241274
Email: [email protected]

« Vous connaissez la signification des mots que vous avez répétés des
millions de fois »
dit Serj Tankian à la jeunesse arménienne

par Khatchig Mouradian
Traduction Louise Kiffer

« Les penseurs libres sont dangereux » dit l’un des chants de SOAD.

Oui, les penseurs libres sont dangereux pour tous ceux qui de bonne heure
ont cessé de s’irriter, d’écumer de rage, de tempêter, et sont devenus
inertes, stagnants et couverts de mousse. Ils sont dangereux les penseurs
libres de sortir des anciennes opinions terrifiées issues des tuniques de
leurs grands-pères, ils sont dangereux pour les adolescents et les jeunes
gens à qui on leur a confié le soin de présenter la réalité.

Ils sont dangereux , et aujourd’hui plus que jamais, nous avons besoin de
leur danger. Nous avons besoin de hurler « NON ! » à la face du monde, en
leur recommandant le courage.

La formule « On ne peut rien changer » ne figure que sur le programme de
ceux qui nagent nuit et jour dans l’eau stagnante.

Mais il y en a qui pensent différemment. Ils pensent librement.

Serj Tankian, du groupe System of a Down, qui a vendu des millions de
disques dans le monde entier, est l’un de ces penseurs libres. Interprète et
auteur de plusieurs des chansons de ce groupe de 4 membres, Tankian pense
que le chant est un moyen de se révolter, de refuser la boue et la mousse.
Mais ce n’est pas seulement avec ses chants qu’il mène son combat. Il y a un
an, il a fondé avec Tom Morello des groupes de rock

« Rage » et «Audioslave » l’organisation « Axis of Justice » (Axes de
justice) au sujet de laquelle il a dit au journal « Azdag » : Tom Morello et
moi avons fondé « Axis of Justice » pour qu’en collaborant avec ces artistes
nous rapprochions les adolescents et les jeunes des organismes à but non
lucratif, et par des concerts former des assemblées de protestation et
autres démarches. Le site de cette organisation est
où sont présentés des organismes différents à
but non lucratif, qu’ils soient politiques, sociaux, biologiques,
antimilitaristes, défenseurs des Droits de l’Homme ou autres buts.


Né au Liban, Serj est parti avec sa famille à Los Angeles, dès son enfance.

L’une des phases de son activité a depuis été la course pour la
reconnaissance du génocide. En novembre 2000, en collaboration avec le
comité américain « Hay Tad» (Procès arménien) SOAD a donné un concert « Pour
la reconnaissance du génocide arménien et la cessation des crimes contre
l’humanité » dont les sommes recueillies 20 000 $ US ont été consacrées aux
travaux de Hay Tad..

En 2002, au festival grandiose et très important de concerts symphoniques
ozzfest SOAD s’est de nouveau joint au Comité « Hay Tad » qui a relaté aux
milliers de participants le génocide arménien et le déni turc, et a
distribué des brochures et des imprimés.

Le 12 juillet, le New York Times écrivait : le groupe « Axis of Justice »
composé d’Arméno-américains a dressé une tente pour distribuer des écrits au
sujet des Arméniens sacrifiés au cours de la Première Guerre Mondiale.

Naturellement, SOAD ne se borne pas à s’investir périodiquement à Hay Tad.
Lors des séances de dédicaces, Serj Tankian et les membres de son groupe
Daron Malakian, Chavo Adadjian et John Dolmayan rappellent continuellement
le génocide arménien et la politique incessante de dénégation de la Turquie.

Sur le site officiel de SOAD de même que sur Axis
of Justice, ou le site de Daron Malakian nous
retrouvons toujours les déclarations et les appels du Comité « Hay Tad » de
même que les rubriques concernant le génocide arménien et les liens qui s’y

Après tout cela, lorsque nous demandons à Serj s’il a un agenda et un
programme relatif à la reconnaissance du génocide, il répond en plaisantant
: « Je n’utilise pas d’agenda, j’ai un cahier de rendez-vous »

Et il ajoute : « J’exprime simplement ce qui jaillit de mon c`ur ».

SOAD avec son 1er album, puis le 2ème Toxicity,de même que celui sorti l’an
dernier « Steal this album » est devenu un groupe à la renommée
internationale. La semaine des événements terrifiants du 11 septembre 2001,
par coïncidence, l’album « Toxicity » se trouvait aux Etats Unis parmi les
plus vendus. Le groupe a été “nominé” pour les Grammy Awards. A notre
question : Quelle signification a pour le groupe le fait de mériter des prix
? Serj répond : « Je ne peux parler que pour moi, pas pour les autres, car
je ne peux présenter personne d’autre aussi bien que moi-même. Je pense que
je mérite un tel honneur, mais je n’ai jamais beaucoup réfléchi à ces
choses-là. »

Il y a quelques années, le groupe SOAD a donné des concerts en Europe avec
le groupe « Slayer ». En Turquie, ils ont refusé de monter sur scène et un
texte a été lu de leur part, dénonçant la politique négationniste de la
Turquie. Serj explique : « Ils nous ont dit qu’ils ne pouvaient pas nous
cautionner, que nous ne serions pas emprisonnés pour ce que nous avions
écrit ; mais nous ne sommes pas montés sur scène en signe de protestation »
Mais quelle est l’importance des mots dans un genre dominé par la Musique ?
« Il faut demander cela aux auditeurs, c’est sûr qu’ils vont donner des
réponses différentes. Mais il faut préciser que dans une chanson, les
paroles et la musique s’entremêlent et les auditeurs, consciemment ou non,
les perçoivent ensemble ».

En ce qui concerne les textes des chansons sur la politique et les Droits de
l’Homme, System of a Down est conscient de l’originalité de son art qui
comprend du rock, du jazz, du rap, du classique et des influences
moyen-orientales et arméniennes. « Nous sommes influencés par des genres
musicaux différents et par des musiciens différents » dit Serj, et parlant
de la musique arménienne qu’il écoute, il ajoute :

« J’aime écouter la musique traditionnelle populaire arménienne, les chants
révolutionnaires (Karnig Sarkissian) et quelques chants pop (Harout
Pamboukdjian, etc…) J’aime également les chansons de Rouben Hakhverdian. »

Serj Tankian a aussi mis ses pas dans le monde littéraire. Son livre de
poèmes « Cool Gardens » (voir ) est un témoin
supplémentaire de la diversité de son talent. Ces poèmes communicatifs et en
même temps profonds ne peuvent dissimuler leurs erreurs à l’attention des
poètes confirmés, mais Serj va continuer dans cette voie. « Cool Gardens » a
été un essai agréable, mais je ne crois pas que je publierai un second livre
de poèmes. Je veux écrire un roman ou une biographie si je trouve un moment
favorable. »

Mais où Tankian se trouve-t-il le mieux, dans la poésie ou dans « System Of
A Down » ?

– « Dans les deux, de même que dans d’autres voies… »

– Plusieurs des chansons de « System of a Down » refusent le statu
quo qui leur paraît oppressif et tyrannique. Est-il possible cependant de
changer ce statu quo ?

– « Le monde dans lequel nous vivons a été créé sous la direction
d’une Force Invisible et s’est développé avec nos représentations

Seul un changement, réalisable sur le plan socio-culturel pourra introduire
des modifications socio-économiques et politiques. »

– Et Serj Tankian qu’a-t-il à dire aux jeunes Arméniens qui
souhaitent faire avancer un changement ?

– « Notre combat, et tous les autres combats, sont sur le même front
: Prenez exemple sur les anciennes méthodes de combat et sachez la
signification des mots que vous avez répétés des millions de fois. »

Traduction Louise Kiffer

Additional Funds To Go For Credit Repayments of Cos in Irrigation


YEREVAN, August 27 (Noyan Tapan). The decision on the attraction of
additional funds with the purpose of the offsetting of the debts of
companies exploiting irrigation systems was made during the August
26sitting of the RA government. The RA government’s press service
reported Noyan Tapan News Agency about it. As the management
functions of the “ArmWaterCanal” CJSC are transferred to the asset
management and the works foreseen by the “Purchase and Distribution of
Water-Gauges for Tenement Houses” program will be carried out by the
latter, it was decided to direct the sums expected for this purpose at
the credit repayments (including prepayments) of the companies
exploiting the irrigation systems.

Screening Of Filmmaker Carla Garapedian’s Documentary on Sundance

August 27, 2004


Directed by Carla Garapedian

YEAR 2002

50 MINS, Color

This award-winning documentary, broadcast on British television in 2002,
presented a stark image of Taliban justice: the execution of a
35-year-old mother before 30,000 spectators at an Afghani sports arena.
Trying to uncover the full story behind the horror, filmmaker Carla
Garapedian went to Afghanistan shortly after the fall of the Taliban. In
LIFTING THE VEIL, Garapedian reveals the disturbing details of one case
of Islamic fundamentalist justice and evidence that, in Afghanistan,
much still remains unchanged. TV14 (AC, V)

Thursday 09.02.2004 – 3:00 PM

Tuesday 09.07.2004 – 7:00 AM

Monday 09.13.2004 – 1:00 PM

Tuesday 09.21.2004 – 12:00 PM

Accidents Increase By 17% in Yerevan During Jan-Aug 2004


YEREVAN, August 27 (Noyan Tapan). 324 cases of road-transport
accidents were registered in Yerevan during eight months of this year,
which is more by 47 cases in comparison with last year. The number of
victims decreased by 2 and made 47 people, and the number of injured
people increased by 68 and made 388 people. Margar Ohanian, Chief of
the State Motor Licensing and Inspection Department of the Yerevan
Mayor’s Office, told journalists on August 27 that one of the reasons
for the growth of motor accidents was the increase of transport means
by 5,000 figures in the capital last year. It was also mentioned that
in January-June of this year, 64% of road-transport accidents mainly
took place as a result of pedestrian crossing of the streets in
unproper places. According to Margar Ohanian, the RA President’s
Surveillance Service registered 46 cases of drivers’ violations of
traffic rules as a result of the check-ups started still two months
ago. It was mentioned that all the violators have been fined.
M. Ohanian doesn’t negate the statements that the traffic lights are
inherited from the Soviet times and are out of date now, as well as
that the situation with traffic signs gives the occasion for anxiety,
because they are only in the center of the city. But, according to
Margar Ohanian, the resolution of these issues is out of the bounds of
the authorities of the police and the State Motor Licensing and
Inspection Department.

$12m for increased security of nuclear power plant

Aug 26 2004


YEREVAN, AUGUST 26, ARMENPRESS: Armenian Nuclear Power Plant (NPP)
stopped for repair and recharge on July 31. According to Armenian
energy minister Armen Movsisian, this year the overhaul of the plant
has been exceptional: both two turbines and a reactor are repaired at
the same time. Some 12 mln USD will be invested to rise security
measures at the plant this year. According to him, about 40 mln has
been invested since the re-operation of the plant.
Once again the minister mentioned that unless an alternative
energy source with the same capacity is available in Armenia, it is
senseless to speak about shutting down the NPP. In case of proper
funds are available selection may be made among two alternatives – a
new nuclear power plant or a thermal power plant. In any case, the
100 mln USD suggested by European Union is not enough to build an
alternative energy source. Some 1 bln USD is necessary for that
According to the minister, security level of the power plant is
rather high at present, meets all international requirements and
poses no danger of itself. According to NPP chief architect Movses
Vardanian, works on security are made compatible with international
standards. Due to rise in security guarantees, the plant can safely
operate until 2016.
Speaking about recharge of NPP, Armen Movsisian mentioned that
nuclear fuel has been already transported to Armenia and is now in
the plant. All the nuclear fuel is now in the cooling basin. Czech
Shkoda is now doing the repair of the reactor. Works will be over in
5-6 days after which the fuel will be moved to the reactor. Yesterday
a discussion at NPP reported that works go according to timetable and
the plant will be put into operation on October 4.

BAKU: Armenian FM says peace talks will be fruitless

AzerNews, Azerbaijan
Aug 26 2004

Armenian FM says peace talks will be fruitless

A meeting between Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents Ilham Aliyev
and Robert Kocharian will be held within the summit of leaders of CIS
countries due in Astana, Kazakhstan on September 15, Armenian Foreign
Minister Vardan Oskanian told journalists.

According to Oskanian, there is a subject for discussion by the two
presidents during the meeting. Speaking about a meeting scheduled
between Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers in Prague on
August 29-30, Oskanian said his Azerbaijani counterpart has issued a
statement in this respect.

“If the opinions expressed in the statement are not realized, the
fourth meeting of the two countries’ foreign ministers will take
place,” he said. Oskanian underlined that he did not expect serious
results from the forthcoming meeting. “We can only continue talks and
achieve certain results. Then it will become clear how the talks will
be continued,” he emphasized. Commenting on the upcoming Prague
meeting, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov did not
elaborate on what issues related to the Upper Garabagh conflict will
be discussed. Mammadyarov noted that Azerbaijan has already expressed
its standpoint on the conflict settlement and emphasized that all
details have been discussed during the meetings held so far.

Olympics: Bulgarian Ace Nazaryan Captures Bronze on Mats

Novinite, Bulgaria
Aug 26 2004

Bulgarian Ace Captures Bronze on Mats

Bulgaria’s greco-roman wrestler Armen Nazarian (R) grabbed the
Athens 2004 Bronze medal on the mats defeating his Russian rival in
the 60kg category Alexey Shevtsov. Photo by BNT.

Sports: 26 August 2004, Thursday.

Wrestler Armen Nazarian enlarged Bulgaria’s collection of Olympic
medals winning another bronze in the 60kg category.

Double Olympic, double World and six-times European Champion Nazarian
defeated Russian Alexey Shevtsov 4:3 to step on the honorary podium
of Athens 2004 medallists on Thursday.

“I am extremely disappointed and upset that I could not win a third
Olympic gold and make Bulgarians happy again. I was very well
prepared and I fought to the very end. The Korean hit me with his
head during the semifinal and now I have a bump above my right eye.
However, the judges pretended they did not see and did not sanctioned
him”, Nazarian said.

Earlier the same day he failed to qualify directly for the finals
after suffering defeat from South Korea’s Jung Ji Hyun who beat
Nazarian 3-1.

The South Korean won the gold medal in the Greco-Roman wrestling 60kg
category with a 3-0 overtime victory over Cuban Roberto Monzon

Lantos Champions Indies

Lantos Champions Indies

Featured Player

July 19-25, 2004
Pg. 16
Film / International

By Cathy Dunkley

HOLLYWOOD – Robert Lantos is by his own admission an aberration.

One of the last of a dying breed of indie producers, he specializes in
financing projects via long-term relationships with such filmmakers as
Atom Egoyan, Istvan Szabo and David Cronenberg.

Moreover, he relishes making films that many would not care to take on –
like Egoyan’s “The Sweet Hereafter” or Szabo’s “Sunshine.”

The downturn in the international presales market and the inherent
difficulty of getting any upscale arthouse pic financed at all have made
his life even more difficult.

But Lantos has managed to roll with the punches. While he can at first
come across as brash and impulsive, he can also be best described as
deeply literate and strategic in his thinking.

He has also used his position as an outsider to his advantage. A
Hungarian Jew by birth and the only son of Holocaust survivors, Lantos
grew up in Canada and broke into films in the 1970s, starting his own
distribution business with college friend Victor Loewy and a couple of
others while he was a student at McGill before becoming a producer.

“I’m not dependent on Hollywood, on one town or one system of financing
or one method of filmmaking. I’m genuinely independent of the rules and
regulations that run the way films get made in Hollywood,” Lantos says.

“But nothing is for free. I think it comes from never having been a
full-blown member of the Hollywood community. I am and always have been
an outsider in terms of relationships with the key players in town. I
know most of them, but we don’t go to each other’s barbecues.”

In recent years Lantos has continued his maverick ways and has had to
break the producer’s cardinal rule by investing his own money in his
projects via his own shingle Serendipity Point.

“I finance my projects through a combination of equity investments,
subsidy incentives and presales, but more often than not through my own
personal investment,” he explains.

That was the case for his newest pic, his latest collaboration with
Egoyan, the most recent in a relationship that spans 13 years.

“Where the Truth Lies” will star Colin Firth and Kevin Bacon and marks
the first time Egoyan has directed a pic not based on his original
script. Pic will start shooting this August in Toronto, L.A. and London.

It was also the case for the Annette Bening / Jeremy Irons starrer
“Being Julia,” which opens the Toronto Film Fest in September.

Falling into place

Unlike most of his pics, “Julia” came together quickly by Lantos
standards. It was only about three years from its inception to the start
of shooting – usually his pics take anything from five to seven years
before they get made.

“I truly have to fall in love with a project to make it. ‘Like’ is not
enough. Take Egoyan’s ‘Ararat.'”

When Lantos was introducing Egoyan, who was being honored at the
Armenian Community Center in Toronto, Lantos pledged in front of the
crowd to back Egoyan if he ever chose to tell the story of his own people.

Lantos battled to find financing for the $11 million “Ararat,” which
focuses on the Armenian genocide. Though both he and distributor Miramax
lost money on the pic, it was a decision he stands by.

“I had no alternative but to stand by the pledge I made that day. My
only concern was let’s make it as good as possible.”

But it’s not all a case of passion vs. business.

When he was still a film student in Montreal, Lantos made his first
foray into the distribution biz with Loewy but then became a producer.

Alliance godfather

After producing his first pic “L’Ange et la femme” at age 26 and “In
Praise of Older Women” at age 27, he co-founded Alliance Communications
in 1985 with Loewy. He remained chairman and CEO until 1998, when he
sold his controlling interest after the company merged with rival
Atlantis to for Alliance Atlantis Communications.

In 2003 he acquired a 50% stake in North American distributor ThinkFilm
after he was freed from a non-compete clause from Alliance and became

“I have a fondness for the distribution business, it’s part of my
roots,” he explains. “But I also think there is opportunity in the
marketplace in the U.S. and Canada for nonstudio-owned specialty
distributors. We’re not the only ones who are doing it, but I see the
gap ever widening as the traditional players pay less and less attention
to it.”

Lantos is currently in the process of closing an equity deal for
ThinkFilm to add cash to its coffers.

Looking forward, Lantos says he will spend his time and energy building
ThinkFilm – “it’s part of the five-year plan,” he says – and continuing
to make films.

“As a filmmaker, I’m just going to continue to make one film a year
based on my heart. If my films find and please people and deliver
something of value, that gives me a great deal of satisfaction.”

Photo captions on pg. 16:
– Personal Projects: Lantos has a long relationship with Atom Egoyan,
shown above shooting labor of love “Ararat.”
– Toronto-Bound: Annette Bening stars in “Being Julia,” a Serendipity
Point pic that opens the Canadian fest.

Who killed Turkish Diplomat? 22-year hunt for assassin

The Ottawa Sun
August 26, 2004 Thursday Final Edition



Someone knows who committed the cold-blooded murder of a Turkish
military attache in Ottawa 22 years ago tomorrow.

The question is whether the passage of time will give that person the
courage to come forward.

“Hopefully some day we will get something solid to follow up on,”
said RCMP Sgt. Andre Bigras.

Until then, the RCMP will continue to search for the killer of Col.
Atilla Altikat, who was shot to death on Aug. 27, 1982, as he sat in
his car stopped at a red light on the Ottawa River Pkwy. at Island
Park Dr.

The gunman conducted the brazen killing in plain view of other
motorists and disappeared without a trace.


“It was something you don’t expect to see in Canada,” Bigras said
about the assassination.

The Justice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide claimed responsibility
for the killing — another violent act in the longstanding feud
between Turks and Armenians.

“These attacks caused by Armenians were a result of passing hate from
generation to generation,” said Dr. Kevser Taymaz, a representative
of the Federation of Canadian Turkish Associations.

“Both sides lost lives and what we want is to commemorate those lives

Armenians say the Turkish government of the Ottoman Empire carried
out genocide on the Armenian minority in Turkey from 1915-1916 and

They say the massacre of more than a million Armenians was systematic
and repeated to eliminate the Armenian minority and create space for
Turkish development.


Turkey denies the accusation of genocide almost a century ago, but
hatred between the two nationalities endures.

Each year, Turkish mourners commemorate the anniversary of Altikat’s
assassination in Ottawa by gathering at the intersection where he was
gunned down.

This year’s commemoration ceremony starts at noon tomorrow and is
expected to attract Turkish Canadians from Toronto, Montreal,
Kingston and Brockville. Altikat’s relatives are not expected to

“We want to remind people that … we should raise our children with
tolerance and understanding,” said Taymaz.