Berkeley: Students Comemorate Genocide’s Legacy

Daily Californian (UC Berkeley)
Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Students Comemorate Genocide’s Legacy

The Armenian Genocide of 1915 resulted in the extermination of 1.5
million Armenians at the hands of the Ottoman Turks. Millions of
Armenians were tortured, murdered and starved to death during a forced
death march through the Syrian deserts. To this day, Turkey refuses to
acknowledge its past and instead distorts the truth by attempting to
rewrite history. In spite of the overwhelming evidence documenting the
Armenian Genocide, Turkey continues to refute its crime and pursues a
well-funded campaign here and throughout the world to deny the
Genocide. Organizations such as the United Nations, the European
Parliament, the People’s Tribunal, and countries such as France,
Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Greece, Italy, Lebanon, Russia, Sweden,
and Uruguay have all recognized the genocide. After years of referring
to the Genocide as a “tragedy,” Canada’s Parliament passed a motion
last week stating, “this House acknowledges the Armenian genocide of
1915 and condemns this act as a crime against humanity.”

The official commemoration day of the Armenian Genocide is the 24th of
April, as it was on that day in 1915, that several hundred Armenian
intellectuals were rounded up and mass murdered. This was the starting
point of the genocidal plans of the Young Turk regime which would then
forcibly remove the Armenians from their ancient homeland. They would
be driven to their deaths in manners unconceivable to the human
imagination. As bullets were too expensive, daggers, bayonets, ropes,
and gas chambers were used. It is just as much unimaginable how the
Turkish government can blatantly deny and falsify its own history.

On the evening of April 16 the hallways leading to the History
Department’s Conference Room in Dwinelle Hall echoed with the voice of
Turkish scholar, Taner Akçam. Akçam is one of the few Turkish scholars
who has not only openly recognized the Genocide, but publishes and
teaches about it. He delivered a lecture specifically about Ottoman
documents which carried obvious evidence of the orders for the
extermination of the Armenians. Akçam currently teaches at the
University of Minnesota since he is not hired by universities in
Turkey, as his topics are too controversial for the government’s

During a week of Genocide Commemoration and Education, the Armenian
Student Assocation at UC Berkeley organized lectures and documentary
showings to educate the campus community about the genocide. Last
Monday, the association spearheaded an event called United Hands
Across Cal, the purpose of which was to bring students together,
irrespective of cultural, ethnic, racial, and gender differences to
stand in solidarity against genocide and all forms of human rights
violations. More than 100 students lined up, holding hands, from Lower
Sproul Plaza up to the Golden Bear Café. After a short program of
speakers, every student as well as every participating student group
had the opportunity to vocally express what they stood for or against
in this world.

It is important to acknowledge such horrific events that have occurred
throughout history. Failing to acknowledge such events allows leaders
to justify their actions. After all, it was Hitler, who before
beginning his campaign of extermination, said “Who still talks
nowadays of the extermination of the Armenians?”

Alina Azizian
Hasmig Tatiossian

ARKA News Agency – 04/27/2004

ARKA News Agency
April 27 2004

Romania, Italy, GB, Belarus and Kazakhstan celebrated anniversary
Armenian Genocide Victims Day

Meeting in support of TV Channel A+1 to be held in Yerevan on 3 May

Opposition powers of Armenia sure that their struggle will lead to a

Actions devoted to Armenian Genocide of 1915 held in Paris



YEREVAN, April 27. /ARKA/. Romania, Italy, GB, Belarus and Kazakhstan
celebrated anniversary Armenian Genocide Victims Day, RA MFA told
ARKA. In London, Armenian Embassy organized procession to memorial of
victims – Cenotaph, and the representatives of the procession gave
the letter to GB Prime Minister Tony Bler.
>From the beginning of the 19th century till 1920, the Ottoman Empire,
legal successor of which is today’s turkey, regularly tormented and
persecuted Armenians. The top of barbarity was in 1915 when over a
million of Armenians was massacred in different regions of West
Armenia, part of the Empire.
The fact of the Armenian Genocide has been recognised by many
countries, including Uruguay (the first state that recognised the
genocide in 1965), Russia, France, Argentina, Greece, Lower Chamber
of Italy, 31 states of the U.S. L.D. -0–



YEREVAN, April 27. /ARKA/. `The Fund for Support of Freedom of
Speech’ and the Initiative Group for the support of A+1 TV Channel
will organize a meeting in the support of the Channel on 3 May, as
the Initiative Group told ARKA.
April 2, 2002 the Commission recognised Sharm company as a winner in
the tender for the 37th decimetre frequency. As a result, A1+
opposition channel was deprived of the license for 5 years, which
aroused discontent of the opposition. Currently the information
agency with the same name published `Ayb Fe’ daily. T. M. – 0 –



YEREVAN. April 27. /ARKA/. Regular meeting of opposition started
today in Yerevan. According to the Secretary of Opposition Faction
Justice Viktor Dallakian, opposition powers of Armenia are confident
that their struggle will lead to a result. He said that since today
any dialogue with authorities will be stopped, because main demand of
opposition is not met.
He announced 10 offers of the Justice Faction that were represented
at yesterday’s political consultation at RA NA Speaker Arthur
Baghdasarian. Among basic offers are restoration of legal order,
release of political prisoners, right for free movement of the
citizens, legal guarantees of authorities on non-use of power against
peaceful rallies, punishment of guilty in violent actions on April
12-13, referendum on vote of confidence to the president. L.D. –0–



YEREVAN, April 27. /ARKA/. Paris hold actions devoted to the Armenian
Genocide of 1915 in Ottoman Empire, as RA Foreign Ministry Press
department told ARKA. According to the information provided the
actions began on 23 April a day before the commemoration date of the
victims of the Armenian Genocide. At that day there was no access to
the Champs-Elysees adjacent to the Etoile Square, from where the
participants started a march to the Arc de Triomphe. As it is
mentioned in the press release, RA Ambassador Plenipotentiary and
Extraordinary in France Eduard Nalbandyan accompanied by the top
military laid a wreath to the Unknown Soldier Tomb in sign of respect
to the victims of the Genocide. During the ceremony there were
performed hymns of two countries and the Armenian and French flags
were lowered. As also mentioned in the press release, on 244 April
Paris Municipality organized a reception in memory of the Genocide
victims attended by RA Ambassador in France and Paris Mayor Bertrand
Delanoe. On the same day the Armenian church of St. Surb Hovhannes
Mkrtitch (St. John the Baptist) and on 25 April the Paris Notre Dame
Cathedral finished liturgy. The press release also mentioned about
mass actions devoted to the Armenian Genocide held in Marseille,
Lyon, Grenoble, Toulon, Valance and Cannes.
The fact of the Armenian Genocide, during which the Ottoman
authorities annihilated 1.5 million Armenians has been recognised by
many countries, including Uruguay (the first state that recognised
the genocide in 1965), Russia, France, Argentina, Greece, Lower
Chamber of Italy, 31 states of the U.S. T.M. -0–

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Decree signed

Azat Artsakh – Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)
April 27, 2004


NKR president Arkady Ghukassian signed a decree according to which
Youri Ghazarian was released from his duties in the position of the
minister of development of industrial infrastructures and building
according to his application.


From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

128 bank accounts for large families

Azat Artsakh – Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)
April 27, 2004


According to the November 26, 2002 decision N 62 of the NKR government
measures are taken to raise birthrate, improve material supply and
education of the growing generation and the quality of life of large
families, the final aim being social security of the Karabakh
population and relief of the social tension. According to the head of
the department of benefits of the NKR Ministry of Social Security
Samvel Dadayan, for several years now in the first trimester of the
current year in the regional branches of “Artsakhbank” 128 bank
accounts were opened for the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th and 11th
child in their families until the age of 18, the total amount of money
is 115 thousand 400 US dollars. According to the mentioned decision of
the government, within the framework of providing financial aid to the
families having more than 5 children 1329 children of 241 families
received in total 3 million 409 thousand 700 drams (subsidy for 60
kW/h electricity per child). The official of the Ministry of Security
informed that in the first trimester of the current year on the birth
of the 11th child in the family of Tamara Sarghissian, village
Vazghenashen, Martouni region, for improving the social and economic
condition of the family, 2 million 823 thousand 900 AM drams equal to
5000 US dollars was transferred on the account opened in the Martouni
branch of “Artsakhbank”. According to Samvel Dadayan, the
implementation of the program has already produced desirable results,
and in parallel with the policy of encouraging birthrate the outflow
of the villagers is also slowed down.


Difficult to confuse the international community

Azat Artsakh – Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)
April 27, 2004


In the recently published report of the US State Department on
strategic control of international circulation of drugs for the first
time there is no information on production and circulation of drugs in
Nagorni Karabakh and its adjacent regions. In his interview to the
news agency “Mediamax” the NKR vice minister of foreign affairs Masis
Mayilian mentioned that “since 1996 for the first time in the report
of the US State Department there were no accusations made by
Azerbaijan in address to Karabakh.” According to him, it was
facilitated by the open policy of the Karabakh authorities who have
for a number of times applied to the corresponding international
organizations, particularly the OSCE and the PACE, as well as the US
State Department with the request of forming an independent monitoring
group to observe the situation and confirm facts. Masis Mayilian
reminded that in order to prevent the access of such a group to
Karabakh the Azerbaijani party has set forth unacceptable conditions
which enabled them to confuse the international community freely. The
vice foreign minister of NKR said that hopefully the USA State
Department and the international organizations will from now on refuse
to use unverified information in their reports. “We are sure that the
activity of the groups of independent experts will enable to put an
end to the false accusations of Azerbaijan and prevent the circulation
of misinformation on the international arena,” said Masis Mayilian.


NKR and Cyprus conflicts have different bases

Azat Artsakh – Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)
April 27 2004


Commenting on the recent announcement of the Azerbaijani president
Ilham Aliev that official Baku may recognize the Turkish Republic of
North Cyprus, NKR foreign minister Ashot Ghulian mentioned that “it is
possible, it looks unexpected but in the sense of the contents there
is nothing unexpected.” According to the minister, the authorities of
Azerbaijan once again proved their inconsistency in the process of
settlement of the Karabakh conflict. “Ilham Aliev’s statement
obviously testifies that Azerbaijan does not exclude the use of dual
standards,” said Ashot Ghulian, “in his actions he is merely guided by
the political conjuncture, once supporting the right of the Turk
Cypriots for self-determination, on the other hand, denying the same
right of the people of Nagorni Karabakh.” Answering the question of
possible resemblance of the problems of Cyprus and Karabakh, the head
of the NKR Ministry of Foreign Affairs answered that the situation in
North Cyprus and Nagorni Karabakh are completely different. According
to him, from the aspect of their prehistory, origins, processes of
settlement these conflicts have different bases and directions. At the
same time Ashot Ghulian did not exclude that because of the extremely
different approaches of the Karabakh conflict parties its settlement
will last very long like in the case of Cyprus. “Our approach is the
following; Nagorni Karabakh is interested in the rapid settlement of
the problem because together with de jure recognition of NKR the rates
of economic development of the republic will grow,” said the minister
of foreign affairs of NKR Ashot Ghulian.Â


From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

BAKU: UK diplomat for South Caucasus visits Azerbaijan

Baku Today, Azerbaijan
April 27 2004

UK diplomat for South Caucasus visits Azerbaijan

Baku Today 27/04/2004 11:54

British envoy for South Caucasus Bryan Foll said, at a meeting with
Azerbaijani defense minister Safar Abiyev yesterday, the resumption
of military operations in Karabakh is unfavorable for both sides of
the conflict.

Foll, who said he is concerned that the conflict has not been settled
yet, stressed the importance for strengthening international efforts
for peaceful solution of Karabakh conflict.
Karabak issue has also figured during Foll’s meeting with Azerbaijani
president Ilham Aliyev.

Fall said, the conflict has been mostly affecting people who have
become refugees and internally displaced persons as a result of the

Fall has also touched energy cooperation issues between Azerbaijan
and British oil companies during his meeting with ALiyev. He said,
British companies have been actively investing into both oil and
other sectors of Azerbaijani economy.

This material may not be copied, reproduced, republished, posted, in
any way except for your own personal non-commercial home use. Any
other use requires the prior written permission of Baku Today.

Summer Expedition Planned to Prove Existence of Noah’s Ark


(Washington-AP) — An expedition is being planned for this
summer to the upper reaches of Turkey’s Mount Ararat, where
organizers hope to prove that an object protruding from the snow
and ice is Noah’s Ark.
Daniel McGivern, who’s financing the trek, says the goal is to
enter what they believe to be a mammoth structure that was
partially exposed by last summer’s heat wave in Europe.
Explorers have long searched for an ark on the nearly
18-thousand-foot mountain, where the biblical account of the Great
Flood places it.
McGivern and Ahmet Ali Arslan, a Turkish mountain climber who
grew up near Mount Ararat, say satellite photos have helped them
pinpoint a location. Arslan will be leading the expedition.
The Bible’s Book of Genesis says that after the great deluge,
the ark came to rest on the mountain with Noah’s family and a cargo
of male and female pairs of every kind of animal.

Lecture by Varoojan Gorjian, Ph. D.


Armenian Science and Engineering Students
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, California 91330
Contact: Misak Zetilyan
Tel: 818-339-3282
E-mail: [email protected]


Armenian Engineers and Scientists of America, Inc.
417 W. Arden Ave., Suite 112C
Glendale, CA 91203
Contact: Varaz Shahmirian
Tel: 818-547-3372

In Cooperation with the
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A Lecture by

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Genocide: Remembering the past for the sake of the future

Published April 27, 2004
Genocide: Remembering the past for the sake of the future
by Veronica Adamson

One and a half million people were murdered between 1915 and 1923, while the
U.S. sat on the sidelines — determined to stay neutral. But was allowing
countless innocent people to be murdered really remaining neutral? American
Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, Sr. Henry Morgenthau certainly didn’t
think so. In 1915, Morgenthau sent this urgent message to the State

“Deportation of and excesses against peaceful Armenians is increasing and
from harrowing reports of eye witnesses it appears that a campaign of race
extermination is in progress under a pretext of reprisal against rebellion.”

Although as an ambassador Morgenthau was expected to act supportively
towards his host country, he refused stay neutral, and asked the U.S.
repeatedly to take steps to end the “race extermination,” he perceived to be
taking place.

This race extermination in Armenia falls, as Morgenthau, and later his
successor Abram Elkus described it, under the category of genocide.
Genocide, later defined by the U.N. as the purposeful and systematic
extermination of a national, racial, political or cultural group, is a term
that is much debated when put in conjunction with the word Armenian. Many
governments, including the U.S. government, do not formally recognize the
Armenian genocide as a historical fact.

The Armenian Diaspora, which was spread around the world as a result of the
tragedy, is now a powerful group working to get the Armenian genocide
recognized as a historical fact everywhere.

Last Tuesday the Tufts Armenian club invited the Holocaust Museums chief of
staff, William Parsons, to speak at Goddard chapel about remembering
genocide for the sake of the future.

In reference to this event, I have asked president of Tufts Armenian Club,
Dzovinar Derderian, a few questions concerning the Armenian genocide, the
Armenian lobby, and William Parsons’ lecture last Tuesday.

Why do you think that the Armenian genocide should be recognized? <$>”The
Armenian genocide shouldn’t be recognized just to remember the one million
people who were murdered. It is important to know about it because it was
the first genocide of the 20th century, has crucial links to the Holocaust,
and by accepting the Armenian genocide Turkey will be taking a first step
towards bettering its human rights conditions.”

What do you mean it would be taking a step towards bettering Turkey’s human
rights conditions? <$>”If Turkey were to accept the Armenian genocide, it
would help the government reduce its human rights violations. It may, for
example aid the different ethnic minorities in Turkey such as the Kurds who
currently do not have the right to speak their own language, and are forced
to call themselves ‘Mountain Turks.'”

Which countries do not accept the Armenian genocide?<$> “There are many
countries who do not accept the Armenian genocide, but most crucial to my
eyes are the United States, Israel, and Turkey.”

What have the efforts of the Armenia Diaspora been in regards to getting the
Armenian Genocide recognized? <$>”I’m most familiar with the efforts of the
Armenian American community; however I’m certain that the efforts of
Armenians world wide are as effective. In Washington D.C., Armenians have
two lobby groups; one of their main tasks is to consistently mobilize
American Armenians to draft letters to politicians, urging them to recognize
the Armenian genocide.”

Have these efforts been successful?<$> “The efforts of the Armenian Diaspora
have been successful in multiple countries. Most recently, these efforts
have come to surface in Canada, where the parliament accepted the Armenian
genocide on April 21st. As for the United States, the House of
Representatives passed a bill accepting the Armenian genocide, however due
to Turkish pressure; Bill Clinton chose to veto the bill.”

In your opinion, which countries does the Armenian Diaspora prioritize in
their efforts to get the Armenian genocide recognized, and why? <$>”For most
countries, the reason that they do not accept the Armenian Genocide is
because of political reasons. Mainly because of Turkey’s geo-political
location, the United States and Israel do not accept the Armenian genocide.
In the case of the United States, it is crucial that it recognizes the
Armenian genocide because it is the most powerful country, and will set a
precedent for other countries. As for Israel, I think that out of common
history, it would be not only rational, but also beneficial to the progress
of recognition, if they were to recognize the Armenian genocide. Well, in
case of Turkey it is always good for a country to reflect on its own
mistakes in history, so that it can understand it, and therefore prevents it
from happening again.'”

Were you disappointed with the turn out for the Armenian Lecture last
Tuesday? <$>”I was not disappointed by the number, since Goddard chapel was
almost full, but I was disappointed to see that most of the people present
were adults from the greater Boston Armenian community, rather than

Bill Parson, in his lecture, spoke very little about the Armenian genocide.
How do you, and how do you think the audience, regards his decision not to
focus on that issue?<$> “I think that the audience was disappointed that
there was such little time devoted to talking about the Armenian genocide,
since after all, the lecture was in light of the Armenian genocide. As for
me — if the majority had not been Armenian, I would have been also
disappointed with his limited focus on the Armenian genocide. I believe,
however, that it is important that Armenians be aware of other genocides, as
much as they are of the Armenian genocide.”

The Armenian genocide was the first genocide of the 20th century. 1915
sounds as if it was too long ago to be of any relevance to our daily lives,
but this year marked the beginning of a pattern of “neutrality” towards the
tragedy of genocide. After the Armenian genocide, the U.S. would go on to
witness the same events unfold over and over again. As global citizens, we
cannot allow this to occur again.

Recognizing genocide is important for many reasons, but most importantly, in
preventing it from ever occurring again. Genocide is a never-ending
phenomenon and constantly needs to be monitored. William Parsons said in his
lecture that by the end of the summer we may very well be sitting in Goddard
Chapel mourning yet another genocide — a genocide in Sudan; on a far larger
scale than imagined. For the sake of innocent life, research the Armenian
genocide and push the U.S. into action regarding Sudan. For further
information of Armenia, please visit

Veronica Adamson is a freshman who has not yet declared a major.