Armenia Welcomes Winner Of Chess Olympiad


Jun 06 2006

YEREVAN, JUNE 6, ARMENPRESS: Thousands of Armenians and tens of senior
government officials gathered early morning on June 6 in a downtown
Yerevan Freedom square to give a hearty welcome to Armenian men chess
players who have won the gold of the Turin Chess Olympiad.

The six men are Levon Aronyan, Vladimir Hakobian, Gabriel Sarkisian,
Artashes Minasian, Smbat Lputian and Karen Asryan. They were taken
from the airport to the square and driven through the crowd by a
Soviet time Chayka car.

Addressing the crowd defense minister Serzh Sarkisian who is also
president of the Armenian Chess Federation said. “Our chess players
have managed to justify our nation’s hopes.” Thirty-three years
thousands of Armenians had been on this very square to welcome Tigran
Sarkisian, after he won the world chess championship. The today’s
welcome ceremony was followed by a concert and a firework.

The 37th Chess Olympiad in Turin ended on Sunday.

Rapid draw by the Armenian men’s team against Hungary assured it
Olympic Gold. China took Silver in the men’s section and USA Bronze.

Environmental Problems Are Being Solved In Sisian


[12:44 pm] 06 June, 2006

Cycling and photo contests were initiated in the city Sisian by the
“Sisian Development Centre” NGO with the participation of 3-17-year
old children in connection with the International Day of Environment

According to Manvel Soghomonyan, initiator of the ceremony the best
participants will have a chance to master computer skills in the
“Sisian Development Centre” free of charge.

The environment protection issues were the theme of the roundtable
organized by the above mentioned NGO with the participation of
representatives of many interested organizations. The participants
focused on the issues of the city purification and environment
protection. There are huge piles of waste and rubbish in some parts of
the city regardless of the fact that the garbage is frequently taken
away. This question becomes more vulnerable especially in summer. They
also noted that tree-planting must be organized in the city. All the
suggestions were put down with the hope that they will be realized
one day.

TV Company “Syuni” of Sisian.

Flawless Power Alteration Is Improbable In Armenia


[03:16 pm] 06 June, 2006

“Certain people think that pressure must be exerted on the Armenian
authorities and they should make unilateral decisions so that
the society might have a chance to recover and change the present
authorities,” claims Albert Bazeyan, chairman of the party “National
Revival” and adds that such approach is inadmissible for them as the
Karabakh conflict is all national and the representatives of each
power will inherit what we have today.

Today Albert Bazeyan who was invited to the club “Pastark” noted that
the power change is not end in itself and added, “In 2003 there was
election fraud and ballot stuffs. The power is forcibly taken today and
the President of the country is not legitimate. If the power change
is improbable they shouldn’t constantly speak of it.” He also urges
that judging from our reality flawless power is improbable in Armenia;
after the power alteration one separate power or the alliance of a
few forces cannot take the whole responsibility in their hands as the
same people who are in power today will remain and govern the country.

Bazeyan and his adherents neither predict nor wish the power change
caused by outer pressure as outer forces will not interfere into the
home affairs of our country for nothing.

Albert Bazeyan announced that they will go to the Parliament with
the Opposition representatives based on the same ideology but so far
he doesn’t want to give their names and adds that the final decision
will be made in the party assembly.

Survey: Armenia In Top Ten Of Russia’s Friends


06.06.2006 15:24 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ According to the returns of a sociological survey,
held by Levada-Center, the top ten of Russia’s friends includes Belarus
(47%), Kazakhstan (33%), China (24%), Germany (22%) and India (15%),
Armenia (14%), Bulgaria (10%), Ukraine (10%), France (8%) and Italy

As of Russians’ opinion over hostile countries, the list includes
Latvia (49%), Georgia (44%), Lithuania (42%), US (37%) and Estonia
(28%). The second fide include Ukraine (27%), Afghanistan (12%),
Iraq (9%), Moldova (9%) and Poland (7%). It is significant that
Ukraine was included both among Russia’s friends and enemies, reports
Russkaya Liniya.

Reduction Of Dollarization In Terms Of Humanism

06 June 06

The Central Bank of Armenia is likely to reduce dollarization in the
country. To put it more clearly, the Central Bank has decided to have
the population of Armenia keep their savings in drams rather than in
dollars. Frankly speaking, Tigran Sargsyan deserves a Nobel Prize for
this decision. Actually, the president of the Central Bank wants to
protect the population from the consequences of depreciation of the
dollar in Armenia. However, there is no need to hurry. However, the
humanism of Tigran Sargsyan, who is also the president of the Diocese
Council of the Ararat Diocese, seems disinterested only at first
sight. What does a cut of dollarization mean? Whatever instruments are
used, there is only one way out. Either the population should exchange
dollars for drams or the Central Bank should change everything,
so as the population of Armenia earn their income in dram amounts.

Armenia annually receives transfers of over one billion dollars,
which comprises about a quarter of the GDP of Armenia. Moreover,
this is the part of transfers that is counted, in other words, these
are transfers through banks and other systems of transfers. Transfers
in cash are also significant in amount but these are not covered in
these calculations. A significant share, or rather the greater part
of this huge amount of transfers goes to the population as income.

Hence, about a quarter of the GDP of Armenia or even more, which mostly
reflects the income of people, is accrued in drams. It appears that in
order to dramize this income the Central bank has to return economic
migrants to Armenia. But economic migrants are not an exchange rate
to be made to drift in any direction. Even if we outdo the vision for
an Armenia extending from sea to sea, and imagine economic migrants
return to Armenia and earn an income here, we cannot be sure that
this income will be in drams. Many companies in Armenia pay their
workers in dollars for different reasons. In fact, only salaries of
state enterprise workers and pensions are paid in drams, as well as
salaries of workers of some private companies. And it means that the
income of a major part of the population of Armenia is in dollars;
it is another issue whether this is legal or illegal.

At least, it is fair to get a sum in dollars earned honestly than
drams which come nobody knows from where. But this is another problem,
which is not the competence of the Central Bank. It is the duty of
law-enforcement agencies, however, it does not mean that the Central
Bank will never have to deal with it.

In the meantime, we are concerned with what the Central Bank is
concerned. It is almost certain that there is one way of reducing
dollarization of people’s savings (if there are such) in Armenia:
people will save their dollars after exchanging them for drams. It
is a surprise that the Central Bank has set such a goal, because
people anyway hurry to exchange their dollars for drams because the
exchange rate of the dollar is dropping daily. And the Central Bank
is merely trying to persuade, make or encourage those citizens, who
still are likely to keep their dollars until everything is settled,
including the exchange rate of the dollar. Moreover, this step of the
Central Bank also means that they also fear that everything will be
settled soon and little time is left, and it is necessary to collect
the remaining dollars. It is not bad. More importantly, it is not
dishonest. People will know from whom to demand the money back.

Another Kocharyan-Aliev Meeting Possible By The End Of The Year

06.06.2006 16:40

“The situation in the negotiations over Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
settlement continues to remain a peculiar pressure over Armenia. I
think than in the upcoming talks a good base will be created for
signing a final agreement between the parties,” said today Novruz
Mamedov, Head of the Foreign Relations Department of the Executive
Staff to the President of Azerbaijan.

He noted that the talks between Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan
were held both in an enlarged format, featuring OSCE Minsk Group
Co-Chairs and Foreign Ministers, and tête-a-tête.

“The meeting continued for two days. The first day it lasted 3.5
hours, the second day it continued for over an hour. The talks were
held in an extremely tense atmosphere,” he noted, adding that although
agreements were reached on certain issues, no common result exists so
far. Mamedov reported that although no precise date of the next meeting
of Presidents has been set, it can be held by the end of the year.


Elmar Mammadyarov: No Serious Progress Achieved In Bucharest

06.06.2006 16:17

“We cannot say that considerable progress was achieved during the
last meeting of Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan in Bucharest
and there is necessity to match up the positions of the parties,”
said Elmar Mammadyarov, Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan.

He said that “June 6-7 the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs will hold extra
meetings in Bucharest, Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan will hold
another round of talks if necessary.”

“There is still hope for peaceful settlement, and we intend to continue
taking efforts in this direction,” Mammadyarov said.

“The work directed at bringing the positions closer continues. The
issue of return of occupied territories and the return of refugees to
their homes is out of the agenda of discussions,” the Azeri Foreign
Minister said.

Elmar Mammadyarov noted that “as for the case of economic autonomy,
the Azeri side does not rule out implementation of the Trieste model,
which also provides for broad autonomy.”

“However, the issue of autonomy refers not only to the Armenian
community of Nagorno-Karabakh but also the Azeri one,” the Foreign
minister said, underlining that “the referendum issue has found its
clear expression in the Constitution of Azerbaijan.”

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Steven Mann Leaving The OSCE Minsk Group

06.06.2006 15:52

American Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group Steven Mann was appointed
to another position at US Department of State, Azeeri media report.

“Another Co-Chair will represent the US in the OSCE Minsk Group,”
Mann said.

At the same time Steven Mann expressed his attitude regarding the June
5th meeting of Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan in Bucharest. He
noted that the Presidents held very intensive discussions.

“In the coming days the Co-Chairs will discuss the negotiation
results. They will plan the further steps and will deliver a report
on these at the recurrent sitting of the OSCE Permanent Council,
Steven Mann said.

Albert Bazeyan Does Not Expect Positive Result From The Meeting InBu

06.06.2006 16:56

In the current stage of negotiations over Karabakh conflict settlement
the positions of the parties are divergent, therefore, President of
the “National Revival” Party Albert Bazeyan does not expect positive
result from the meeting in Bucharest. Moreover, it’s not worth saying
that the negotiations over the Karabakh issue can impact the internal
political situation, although, according to Bazeyan, there are forces,
which would like the talks to end counter to Armenia’s interests,
since it would be a good reason for disputes.

The “National Revival” has not decided the format of participating
in 2007 parliamentary elections. Most probably it will not go alone,
but in alliance with opposition political forces. There is still time
for final corrections.

What does today’s National Assembly present? According to Bazeyan,
it is a Parliament where Deputies are brought to vote.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Differences Arouse Between Georgia And Turkey Over Kars-Baku Railway


06.06.2006 16:57

YEREVAN (YERKIR) – Georgia claims its misunderstanding on designing
railroad communication Baku-Tbilisi-Ahalkalaki-Kars, said Director
General of Georgian Railroads Ltd. Irakli Ezugbaya.

In his words, such claims are linked to Turkey and refer to the
technical and economic assessment of the project. He said these claims
will be discussed in late June in the course of transport ministers’
meeting in Tbilisi.

This meeting will be featured with discussion of financing schedule.

Azerbaijan is going to offer Georgia establish a joint venture to
regulate tariffs, Georgia’s share and other matters. Alongside, the
parties will review the technical and economic assessment by Iukse
Dominachi of Turkey. Namely this company was awarded the tender
announced by Turkish Transport Ministry.

Official Tbilisi, in particular, disagrees with transportation
forecasts by Iukse Dominachi on the project. ”If the Turkish party
does nto have an opportunity to work over the technical and economic
assessment of the project, Georgia can do it,” I. Ezugbaya said.
