Ecology Problems Endanger Security Of Armenia

A1 Plus | 14:38:46 | 10-05-2004 | Social |


The ecology crisis may abet the political instability. Settlement of
ecological problems helps to lessen the political tension. There are
numerous unsolved issues in the ecology sphere of Armenia, which may
endanger safety of the country.

The members of OSCE and UNEP told this during the discussion over
“Assessment of “Hot Spots” in Ecology and Security Spheres of Armenia”.

The aim of this program is to find the reasons of deterioration of
the environment in South Caucasus states and to apply measures to
prevent them.

According to OSCE Economy and Ecology Councilor Gianluca Rampolla,
drinking water pollution, the waste, the old industrial establishments,
which may cause accidents during natural disasters are the problems
endangering Armenia.

Mr. Gianluca informed that program would be introduced in Azerbaijan
the following week. “We are aware of Azerbaijan attitude towards
Armenia. But we do hope that Armenia and Azerbaijan will combine over
the ecological problems”, he added.

By the way, a representative from Azerbaijan was invited for this
discussion but he didn’t come.