Armenpress: Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan issues congratulatory message on New Year and Christmas

 00:01, 1 January 2024

YEREVAN, JANUARY 1, ARMENPRESS.  Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has issued a congratulatory message on New Year and Christmas, the PM's Office said.

The message reads as follows:

"Dear people, dear citizens of the Republic of Armenia,

2023 is melting before our eyes, and 2024 will enter our homes in minutes like an eager teenager.

We are closing 2023 with high economic growth and first of all I want to thank the people who worked in 2023, were creative in their work, created added value and paid the taxes stipulated by the law.

It’s first of all thanks to those people that we got the opportunity to double the salaries of military personnel and teachers, and today there are teachers and private military personnel in our country with a salary of 450 to 500 thousand AMD.

It is thanks to the people who work, are creative in their work and pay the taxes stipulated by law that we were able to take care of the basic needs of our brothers and sisters who became refugees from Nagorno Karabakh.

It is thanks to the people who work, are creative in their work and pay the taxes stipulated by law that we were able to bring the minimum pensions into line with the minimum food basket for the first time in the history of the Third Republic.

It is thanks to the people who work, are creative in their work and pay the taxes stipulated by the law that for the third year in a row, from January 1, the salary of researchers will increase.

It is thanks to people who are creative in their work, bring new ideas, and are not afraid of the responsibility of realising those ideas, that since 2018, 190 thousand jobs have been created in Armenia.

People who work, are creative in their work and pay the taxes stipulated by law deserve words of praise and gratitude, and I hope that the eagerness brought by 2024 will give them new charge, new strength, new ideas.

Dear people, dear compatriots,

As the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, I address you with a New Year message for the 6th time. And the retrospect of our joint journey evokes feelings of pain, regret, but also pride. We have talked and talk much about pain and regret, but on this New Year's Eve, I want to bow and express my pride for each of you, that with unbearable burdens on our shoulders, we were able and are able to lead our state, the Republic of Armenia, through the extremely complicated path of strengthening independence and sovereignty.

When I think about the path we have passed, I understand that this history is beyond the understandings of wrong and right decisions, and we are moving through the only possible path, even though extremely vicious, that will allow us to inherit a state for our generations.

We have passed most of this path, but we are not safe from new trials and difficulties ahead and we need not to shake, not to waver in our determination to have an independent state and to inherit that state to our generations.

I also want to apologize to each and every one of you, to all citizens of the Republic of Armenia, to all our brothers and sisters who became refugees from Nagorno Karabakh for the pain you have suffered in recent years.

I apologize not because I have committed any crime before you or I have forgotten any responsibility or obligation before you even for a moment, but because I know your feelings and I have the same feeling.

But this feeling cannot in any way undermine my duty as the head of the state, which means that all my decisions and actions must be based on the state interest of the Republic of Armenia. This is the reason why I consider it a priority to find formulas for the normalization and deepening of relations with our neighbors in our region, and I will continue to resolutely follow that path for the sake of the state, for the sake of the future, for the sake of generations.

It is the duty of the head of the state to tirelessly and constantly repeat that we need to understand many things more and more fully, we need to look at and review many things in order to irreversibly understand that the motherland is the state.

Motherland is the state. If you love your homeland, strengthen your state.

Motherland is the state. If you love your motherland, pay your taxes.

Motherland is the state. If you love your motherland, improve your education.

Motherland is the state. If you love your motherland, build your and your country's well-being, get rich and make others rich with work.

This is the state interest of the Republic of Armenia. It should be a guide for all of us, and I am sure that the year 2024, that eager teenager, will become a symbol of the state and state understanding for us.

Dear people, dear compatriots,

Fill the glasses and raise a toast for the Republic of Armenia.

Glory to the martyrs and long live the Republic of Armenia.

Long live the Republic of Armenia!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!"

European Parliament resolution condemns Azerbaijan’s destruction of Armenian cultural values in Nagorno-Karabakh



 13:54, 1 February 2023

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 1, ARMENPRESS. The European Parliament has adopted a Resolution “On the implementation of the New European Agenda for Culture and the EU Strategy for International Cultural Relations”.

The Resolution addresses issues of protection of cultural property in conflict zones and condemns the targeted destruction of historical, artistic and cultural heritage during recent conflicts, the Armenian Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport said in a press release. 

Based on the revision signed by the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Security and Defense of the European Parliament Nathalie Loiseau (Renew Europe/ France) and the member of the same faction Petras Auštrevičius (Lithuania), the continued policy of Azerbaijan on the destruction of Armenian cultural heritage in Nagorno-Karabakh is also distinctly condemned.

78 Paragraph of the Resolution, in particular, states:

“The European Parliament Asks the Commission to strongly condemn the destruction of historical, artistic and cultural heritage in recent conflicts, as well as the systematic and politically or ideologically targeted destruction of historical, artistic and cultural heritage, as well as the eradication of the identities and cultures of sovereign states, peoples or minorities, including Azerbaijan’s continued policy of erasing and denying the Armenian cultural heritage in and around Nagorno-Karabakh.”

The resolution was adopted in December last year and it is available at the following link:

Aliyev says whole world accepted second Karabakh war results, Armenia
Jan 1 2022

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said that 2021 was a successful year for the country and all the tasks set have been completed.

Aliyev added that the whole world has accepted the results of the Second Karabakh War.

He believes that the processes that took place after the war have once again proved to the whole world that we are right.

This is very important, because during the Second Karabakh war, unfounded accusations were heard against us. None of these unfounded accusations have received real confirmation, and the post-war period has shown this once again, he added.

French Ambassador to Armenia congratulates Armenian and French peoples on New Yea





YEREVAN, DECEMBER 30, ARMENPRESS. Ambassador of France to Armenia Jonathan Lacôte extended congratulations to the Armenian and French peoples on the occasion of the upcoming holidays. ARMENPRESS reports the Ambassador wrote on his Facebook page that 2020 year was full of challenges for Armenia.

''Dear Armenian friends, dear compatriots living in Armenia, at the end of 2020 year, that was so full of challenges for Armenia, my mind is first of all with the families where one of the chairs around the table will remain vacant. Now it's not time for celebrations, but I would like to share the hope that this country continues to give me'', the Ambassador wrote.

Jonathan Lacôte wished Armenia peace and security, without fears of again seeing young men heading to the frontline.

''I wish Armenia, the history of which can be measured by thousands of years, confidence in its future. I wish Armenia never to doubt its beauty, its power and its talent. I wish Armenians to refrain from disagreements and savage winds. I wish Armenians to look in the same direction together’', Lacôte wrote.

The French Ambassador to Armenia wished his country to always stand with Armenia.

''I wish France to remember the contribution of Armenians to France. I wish the French people to come to Armenia or sometimes direct their look here. I wish France to always love Armenia, like Armenia still loves us. I wish everybody that 2021 year should be a year of peace, happiness and prosperity'', the Ambassador of France to Armenia wrote.

Russia’s Gazprom lifts price of gas supply to Armenia in 2019

Business Recorder
Dec 31 2018

Russia’s Gazprom lifts price of gas supply to Armenia in 2019

Parvez Jabri

MOSCOW: Russian gas giant Gazprom will supply Armenia with gas for $165 per 1,000 cubic metres in 2019, the company said on Monday, up from $150 this year.

The deal was stuck at a meeting between Gazprom chief executive Alexei Miller and Armenian Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan in Moscow, the company said in a statement.

Gazprom’s gas price for Armenia is still lower than the average price it charges its European clients in long-term contracts, which stands at $250 per 1,000 cubic metres.

California Courier Online, Jan. 4, 2018

The California Courier Online, January 4, 2018
1 –    Commentary
Trump Gets Slapped Twice
        In One Week at
the United Nations
        By Harut Sassounian
The California
2    Historical
Drama Film ‘Lost Birds’
1915 Armenian Tragedy
3 –    Violetta Mailyan
        Sues Apple Demanding
        Almost $1 Trillion
4 –    2018 American Armenian Rose Parade Float
        Dedicated to ‘Women Who Make a
5 –    AAF Shipped $5.6 Million of Aid
        To Armenia and Artsakh, Oct.-Dec.
6    Izmirlian’s Company Files $2.25 Billion
Chinese Contractor Over Massive Fraud
7-     Azerbaijani
Teacher Dismissed for
Tolerance to Armenians
8 –    Paylan Says Assassination
of Armenians,
        Alevis, Turks
in Europe Plotted in Turkey
9-     Armenian Security Agencies Prevent Terrorist-
        Affiliated Suspect from Entering Country
1 –    Commentary
        Pres. Trump Gets Slapped Twice
        In One Week at
the United Nations
        By Harut Sassounian
        Publisher, The California Courier
Pres. Trump
added two new major mistakes last month to the long list of misguided foreign
and domestic policy decisions throughout the year.
On December 18,
2017, the United States
vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution that called for the
reversal of Pres. Trump’s announcement to recognize Jerusalem
as Israel’s
capital and move the U.S. Embassy to that city. All the other 14 members of the
Security Council, including Britain
and France, voted for the
resolution which correctly asserted that “Jerusalem
is a final status issue to be resolved through negotiations.” It further called
for all states to refrain from moving their diplomatic missions to Jerusalem.
The status of Jerusalem is a highly
controversial and emotional issue for Jews, Muslims and Christians. Israel captured the eastern part of Jerusalem during the 1967
Arab-Israeli war and annexed it in violation of international law. Israel considers Jerusalem its “undivided and eternal
capital.” Palestinians, on the other hand, consider East
Jerusalem to be the capital of an eventual Palestinian state.
Immediately after the UN vote, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas announced his
refusal to meet with Vice President Mike Pence during his upcoming visit to the
Middle East. The trip was postponed to a later
date. Thousands of protesters demonstrated in many Islamic countries against
Pres. Trump’s decision on Jerusalem.
The Palestinian leadership announced that they will no longer consider the United States
as an honest broker of peace between the conflicting sides.
the Security Council session, UN Middle East envoy Nickolay Mladinov warned
that Pres. Trump’s unilateral action lessens the chances of peace, “undermining
moderates and empowering radicals.”
Pres. Trump
justified his decision by basing it on a 1995 law passed by Congress to move
the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.
However, all U.S.
Presidents since then have signed a national security waiver postponing the
move every six months. They did not wish to undermine the Arab-Israeli peace
negotiations and inflame the passions of the Arab and Islamic world.
The fact that
Trump had made a promise during his campaign to transfer the U.S. Embassy from
Tel Aviv to Jerusalem
cannot excuse his recent decision. As I wrote a year ago, Trump had made an
unwise promise and keeping it could become dangerous.
To make matters
worse for the U.S., the UN General Assembly, where the United States does not
have veto power, overwhelmingly adopted a resolution on December 21, 2017,
declaring Pres. Trump’s decision recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital as
“null and void.” It is highly embarrassing for a Superpower like the United States
to have 128 countries vote against it, only 8 other countries supported it, 35
abstained, and 21 were absent. Thus Pres. Trump has made the United States the laughing stock of the world,
particularly since the U.S.
and Israel were supported by
tiny countries that most people have never heard of, such as Togo, Micronesia,
the Marshall Islands, Nauru, and Palau.
In contrast,
many of the major countries voted against the U.S.
in the UN General Assembly: France,
Britain, Germany, Belgium,
Denmark, Finland, Greece,
Turkey, Italy, Japan,
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal,
South Korea, Singapore, South
Africa, Spain,
and dozens of others.
As if this
embarrassment was not sufficient, Pres. Trump and his UN Ambassador, Nikki
Haley, proudly declared that the United States
would cut off aid to any country that voted against the U.S. This is a ridiculous
statement, as the United
States is not going to eliminate aid from
many of these 128 states. Furthermore, when a world power like the United States
provides foreign aid, it does so to pursue its own interests. By cutting off
aid, the United States
would jeopardize its own national interests. Giving foreign aid does not mean
that the United States
automatically buys a country’s sovereign right on how to cast its vote at the
UN and try to intimidate it into submission.
Regarding the Jerusalem issue, there was much discussion in the Armenian
press about the appropriateness of Armenia
voting against the U.S.
at the UN on December 21. The fear was that Armenia
would not receive foreign aid from the U.S.
and would antagonize Israel.
In my opinion,
both of these points are not valid. I am confident that Armenia’s many supporters in the
U.S. Congress would restore the aid against the wishes of the White House, in
the unlikely possibility that Pres. Trump would carry out his threat.
ith regard to
relations with Israel, Armenia does not have much of a risk as Israel has not been friendly with Armenia.
It has no Embassy in Yerevan, has refused to
recognize the Armenian Genocide, and has sold billions of dollars of lethal
weapons to Azerbaijan
to kill Armenians! Even Azerbaijan,
despite its love-fest with Israel,
voted against the U.S.
decision. Needless to say, Turkey
also voted against it.
abstaining from voting at the UN or being absent would have isolated Armenia from the rest of the world, from
Armenian communities in Arab and Islamic countries, and contradict the wishes
of the Armenian Patriarchate in Jerusalem which
has condemned the US
Israeli leaders should not celebrate Pres. Trump’s decision on Jerusalem,
as it is not in Israel’s
interest to antagonize the rest of the world and isolate itself. Israel needs to
win over other countries, especially Palestinians, to arrive at a peaceful
resolution through negotiations, not bullying or violence!
2-     Historical
Drama Film ‘Lost Birds’
1915 Armenian Tragedy
ANGELES, CA (ABNNewswire)   
TriCoast Entertainment starts
off the New Year with Kara Kedi Films’ three-time award winning historical
drama, “Lost Birds” streaming on VOD platforms January 1 : iTunes, Google Play,
Microsoft Xbox, Sony Playstation, Hoopla, Vudu, DISH/Sling, and InDemand.
The historical fairytale, “Lost Birds” is noted
for its significance as the first film made in Turkey to tackle the 1915 Armenian
tragedy, as well as its unique storytelling, told through the eyes and
perspective of children. 
Lost Birds is
the first film to depict the great tragedy of 1915 that was made in Turkey.
Brought to the screen by the five years of work, persistence and courage of the
filmmakers Aren Perdeci and Ela Alyamac, who share writing and
directing credits. Lost Birds handles the task of telling a very dramatic story
in a fairy tale narrative and this leads the audience to feel something magical
yet so real at the same time,” wrote Aida
Takla O’Reilly
for the Golden Globes, Foreign Language Films (
Written and directed by Ela Alyamac and Aren Perdeci, “Lost Birds” is a
historical fairytale told through the eyes of brother and sister, Bedo and
Maryam, who were left behind during the mass deportations of the Armenians in
the Ottoman Empire of 1915.  
After Bedo and Maryam go against their mother’s
wishes and sneak out to play in their secret cave, they return to find both
their home and village empty. Along with Bacik, the wounded bird they’ve been
nursing back to health, the children embark on a dangerous, yet poetically
visual journey to find their mother.  
During an interview with Bill Higgins from The Hollywood Reporter, ‘Ela Alyamac said they’d tried to make a
film that “expressed the tragedy of the Armenian exile but tell it through the
eyes of innocent children. They don’t know what happened but they know they
can’t find their mother. But it’s more a search for a life that’s gone.”’
“Lost Birds” was first released and found
instant success at the Arpa International Film Festival, acquiring three award
wins: Armin T. Wegner Humanitarian Award  Best
and Best Feature Film
(Aren Perdeci, Ela Alyamac, Kudsi Alyamac, Kara
Kedi Films
and Perdeci hope the film
continues its global success, with their hopes that “‘Lost Birds’ will help
people to share and discuss their own stories after they watch the film, and
build a bridge between people who once lived on this land in harmony,” said Alyamac in an interview with Simone Zoppellaro of Yerevan.
added, “This film can not change the fact that this tragedy took place, but it
can help us to better understand each other and to look at the future with
The film will be available on VOD platforms
beginning Jan. 1 on platformsFor more information, please visit the film’s
official site:
3 –    Violetta Mailyan
        Sues Apple Demanding
        Almost $1 Trillion
LOS ANGELES ( – A California woman has filed a lawsuit against
Apple following the company’s statement that they deliberately slow down
iPhones as they get older.
Violetta Mailyan and her lawyers demand the
off-the-wall amount of $999,999,999,000,
Last week, Apple confirmed that it does
deliberately slow down the operation of older iPhones in order
to avoid the devices from shutting down because of aging batteries.
4 –    .2018 American Armenian Rose Parade Float
        Dedicated to ‘Women Who Make a
GLENDALE (LA Times) – The 2018 Pasadena Tournament of
Roses Parade once again featured a float by the American Armenian Rose Float
Assn., this time showcasing the theme “Armenian Roots.”
The float was designed by association board
member Johnny Kanounji and includes the bust of a woman holding a sprouting
pomegranate tree. She is wearing traditional Armenian headgear and garments
decorated with cultural symbols, motifs and colors.
Mary Der-Parseghian, another association board
member, said the group wanted to put together a cultural float and make it an
educational piece for the world to learn about Armenian culture.
The tournament’s official theme is “Making a
Difference” to highlight those who contribute to their communities, however
that community is defined, and never ask for recognition.
“Since this year’s theme for the tournament was
about giving back without any expectations, we thought of the Armenian woman:
the mom, the sister, the daughter who always has a commitment to their family
and community without any expectations,” she said.
The association went through the local Armenian
community and selected nine women who “have given back to the community”
featured as float riders.
They are Hermine Janoyan, who has received
numerous awards for public service; Grace Stepanian, a third-year student at
Cal State Los Angeles; Telma Ghazarian Altoon, an ultra-marathon competitor;
Ramella Markarian, vice president of business development at Adventist Health
Glendale; Alina Dorian, an adjunct assistant professor at UCLA, as well as
Sylvia Minassian, Sirvard Chimayan, Alice Petrossian, and Carmen Azinian
Southern California-based Phoenix Decorating Co.
was in charge of constructing the float, which is expected to cost roughly
Float decorations began Dec. 2. As New Year’s
Day approached, about 600 volunteers worked all-day shifts to complete the
finishing touches, Der-Parseghian said.
The association first entered a float in 2015
and took home the tournament’s President’s Award for “most effective floral use
and presentation.” This past New Year’s Day, it earned a second trophy for
“best design and best use of floral and non-floral design.”
For more information about the organization’s
2018 float or to make a donation, visit
5 –    AAF
Shipped $5.6 Million of Aid
        To Armenia and Artsakh, Oct.-Dec.
– The Armenia Artsakh Fund (AAF) delivered over $5.6 million of
humanitarian assistance to Armenia
and Artsakh during the fourth quarter of 2017.  
AAF itself collected $5.5 million of medicines and other supplies
donated by Americares ($4 million) and Direct Relief ($1.5
Other organizations
which contributed valuable goods during this period were: Dr. George Katcherian
of California
($99,000) and Birthlink of UK ($29,000)
2017, the AAF shipped to Armenia
$25 million of humanitarian aid to Armenia and Artsakh. In the past 28
years, including its shipments under its predecessor, the United Armenian Fund,
the AAF has delivered to Armenia
and Artsakh a grand total of $766 million worth of relief supplies on
board 158 airlifts and 2,376 sea containers.
Armenia Artsakh Fund is regularly offered free of charge millions of dollars
worth of life-saving medicines and medical supplies. All we have to do is pay
for the shipping expenses. We would welcome your generous donations to be able
to continue delivering this valuable assistance to all medical centers in Armenia
and Artsakh," Harut Sassounian, the President of AAF stated.

6-     Izmirlian’s
Company Files $2.25 Billion Lawsuit
Chinese Contractor Over Massive Fraud
(Reuters) -The owner of the Baha Mar Resort, BML Properties Ltd, has filed a
$2.25 billion lawsuit alleging a “massive fraud” by the Chinese contractor of
the luxury hotel and casino project in Nassau,
the Bahamas,
that opened its doors in April after years of delays.
The 259-page complaint, filed in state court in Manhattan on Dec. 26,
accuses Chinese state-backed contractor China Construction America (CCA) of
running a self-enrichment scheme that led to the failure of the $3.5 billion
mega-resort project in 2015.
“The scheme was based on CCA’s efforts to
falsely create the appearance that it was working toward an on time and on
budget opening in December 2014 while knowingly and fraudulently concealing its
real intent not to construct the Project on time and on budget and in the
process extort more money than it earned and was due,” the lawsuit said.
BML Properties is led by Bahamas
businessman Sarkis Izmirlian, son of Armenian billionaire Dikran Izmirlian.
7-     Azerbaijani
Teacher Dismissed for
Tolerance to Armenians
YEREVAN ( – An Azerbaijani teacher was fired for
promoting peace and tolerance towards Armenians
He said
he took that step intentionally and is constantly
teaching “tolerance, democracy, human rights and equality” to his students.
According to
local media reports, Roshan Azizov recently dressed an Azerbaijani schoolgirl
in an Armenian national costume, photographed her against the background of the
Armenian church in Baku
and published the photo on his facebook page, which caused a lot of
The Baku
resident also added that the girl’s parents were aware of his intention and
fully supported him in his undertaking.
“Those kids still call me and say they still
love me even after I was expelled from school for no reason,” Azizov said,
vowing to remain in Azerbaijan to continue straggling, even through his “life
is in danger”.
Azizov said people should treat other nations,
including Armenians, the way they’d like to be treated.
“I realized that somebody had to take a step
forward and say something in order to open the people’s eyes,” Azizov said,
adding that the Azerbaijani people are “merciful and kind” and will understand
one day that he is right.
“Armenians and our people must live in peace.
It’s possible for the two nations to coexist side by side. War is not a
solution, it’s an excuse.”
According to Azizov, who is a teacher of English
at a Baku public school, people shouldn’t rush into making wrong decisions, as
everyone deserves to be respected, regardless of their religion and
“Both Armenians and Azerbaijanis must take
certain steps and learn to treat each other with respect,” Azizov said.
8-     Paylan Says Assassination
of Armenians,
        Alevis, Turks
in Europe Plotted in Turkey
ANKARA (CNNTürk ) -Pro-Kurdish Peoples’
Democratic Party (HDP) deputy Garo Paylan on December 20 said he has confirmed
intelligence that exiled opponents of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
including Alevi and Armenian leaders, journalists and academics will be exposed
to assassination or a series of assassinations in Europe.
“I confirmed it from various sources last
weekend. I have intelligence that Turkish citizens living in Europe in
particular will be targeted by assassination or a series of assassinations,”
Paylan said during a press conference at Parliament,
Turkey Purge
Underlining that he had informed the Turkish
National Intelligence Organization (MİT), police and government about three
hitmen prepared to carry out the assassinations, Paylan said: “Due to the
oppressive policies of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) thousands
of academics, journalists, politicians and leaders of society are forced to live
in Europe. Those people were labeled as traitors by the AKP government, the
president [Recep Tayyip Erdogan] and the media.” “Unfortunately, this sort of
discourse and the atmosphere created by politicians moves certain circles,” he
Stating that a structure based in Turkey has readied the hitmen for the
assassinations, the HDP deputy said: “This intelligence has been taken
seriously primarily by Germany
but also by many other European countries. They have mobilized their
intelligence services, and certain people and groups have been taken under
questions from reporters, Paylan did not share details of the intelligence
sources or the names of the targeted people.
The lawmaker added
that he has informed the Turkish intelligence, the police and relevant
ministers about the tip.
German media reported that a Turkish
parliamentarian has provided money to a boxing gang in Germany to buy weapons,
organize protests, and go after critics of Turkish President Recep Tayyip
Erdogan, reported the
(DW) TV and radio company of Germany.
Metin Kulunk, a member of Turkey’s ruling Justice and
Development Party (AKP) and close confidant of Erdogan, directly and indirectly
provided money to the Turkish nationalist Osmanen Germania (Ottoman Germany),
according to research by Frontal 21, an investigative news program on German
public broadcaster ZDF, and the daily Stuttgarter Nachrichten.
Osmanen Germania describes itself as a boxing
club and “brotherhood,” but German authorities have long suspected it of being
involved in criminal activity and violence. It is estimated to have 20 chapters
and 2,500 members in Germany.
One of Kulunk’s main contacts was Mehmet Bagci,
the former head of Osmanen Germania who has been in pre-trial detention in Germany
since 2016. Another key figure was the group’s vice president, Selcuk Sahin,
who is also detained.
According to police investigations, Osmanen
Germania was instructed by Kulunk to go after Kurds and critics of Erdogan
living in Germany.
Also, he allegedly organized protests against last year’s Armenian Genocide
resolution passed by the German parliament.
9-     Armenian Security Agencies Prevent Terrorist-
        Affiliated Suspect from Entering Country
(Aravod Newspaper) – The National Security Service of Armenia prevented the entry of a foreign citizen
suspected in being affiliated with an international terrorist organization to Armenia.
confirmed the information in an interview with Aravot newspaper.
did not disclose other information because of an ongoing investigation, but
said that similar preventive actions are always being implemented in case of having
credible information of danger.
In 2017,
the entry of 960 foreign citizens to Armenia was prevented due to
suspicion of being affiliated with terrorist organizations.
said it is actively cooperating with security agencies of other countries to
prevent the possible entry of terrorist-affiliated suspects to the country.
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Top Senate appropriators threaten Turkey aid over attacks on US protesters

Congressional uproar over the May 16th brutal beating of peaceful American protesters in Washington, DC by Turkish President Recep Erdogan’s security forces pushed into a second week, with top U.S. Senate appropriators – Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Patrick Leahy (D-VT) – threatening to cut US assistance to Ankara if the matter is not given “the highest attention and consideration it deserves by the Government of Turkey,” reported the Armenian National Committee of America.

In a May 18th letter to Turkey’s Ambassador, Serdar Kilic, Senators Graham and Leahy stressed: “We would like to remind you that peaceful assembly and freedom of speech are fundamental rights in this country.  The aggressiveness and brutality demonstrated by the Turkish security personnel are interpreted by many of us as much more than an attack against peaceful demonstrators – it is an attack against these very rights.” The text of this Senate letter is provided below.

Across the U.S. Capitol, 29 U.S. Representatives, led by Congressional Hellenic Caucus Co-Chair Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), called on the State Department to take swift action and hold perpetrators accountable. “This kind of behavior by a foreign security detail is reprehensible and cannot be tolerated. These actions are not only criminal, they are affronts to U.S. values,” House leaders told Secretary of State Tillerson in their May 19th letter.  “Freedom of speech and freedom to protest may be prohibited in Turkey and offensive to the Turkish President, but they are bedrock U.S. principles that must be safeguarded.” The full text of the U.S. House letter is provided below.

Congressional co-signers joining Rep. Carolyn Maloney include Representatives: Don Beyer (D-VA), Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR), Robert Brady (D-PA), Joaquin Castro (D-TX), David Cicilline (D-RI), Katherine Clark (D-MA), Charlie Crist (D-FL), Bill Foster (D-IL), Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), Brian Higgins (D-NY), Jared Huffman (D-CA), Daniel Kildee (D-MI), Daniel Lipinski (D-IL), Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), Betty McCollum (D-MN), James McGovern (D-MA), Seth Moulton (D-MA), Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC), Frank Pallone (D-NJ), Bill Pascrell (D-NJ), Chellie Pingree (D-ME), Bobby Rush (D-IL), John Sarbanes (D-MD), Janice Schakowsky (D-IL), Brad Sherman (D-CA), Mark Takano (D-CA), Nydia Velazquez (D-NY), and John Yarmuth (D-KY).

These legislators join a broad range of Senate and House leaders who spoke out last week for the attack, including Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain (R-AZ) who called for Turkish Ambassador to the U.S. Serdar Kilic to be sent back to Ankara.  Congressman Don Beyer, who has previously served in the U.S. foreign service as Ambassador to Switzerland and Lichtenstein, also called for Amb. Kilic’s ouster and signed on to this Congressional letter as well.

“We would like to thank Senators Graham and Leahy, Representative Maloney and her 28 colleagues, and all the Members of Congress who continue to press for concrete consequences to President Erdogan’s brutal attack on peaceful protesters in our nation’s capital,” said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian.  “These Congressional protests need to be followed by serious policy-level actions – starting with the Administration’s immediate expulsion of Ambassador Kilic, a Congressional suspension on all aid to Turkey, and Ankara’s blanket waiver of immunity for any and all involved in this unprovoked assault.”

22 dead, scores injured in Manchester Arena blast

Photo: Reuters


Twenty-two  people have been killed and more than 50 injured in a suspected terror attack on the Manchester Arena. An explosion happened just after the end of a pop concert by the US singer Ariana Grande, who is popular among children and teenagers, the BBC reports.

The blast happened at 22:35 BST on Monday following a pop concert by the US singer Ariana Grande.

Greater Manchester Police said the lone male attacker, who died in the blast, was carrying an improvised explosive device which he detonated.

Relatives are using social media to hunt for missing loved ones.

Home Secretary Amber Rudd said it was “a barbaric attack, deliberately targeting some of the most vulnerable”.

The Conservatives, Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the SNP have suspended election campaigning and the prime minister will chair a meeting of the Cobra emergency committee. She called the explosion an “appalling terrorist attack”, with Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn describing it as a “terrible incident”.

Portantino’s earmark for Armenian Genocide education passes Senate subcommittee

Asbarez – Senator Anthony J. Portantino announced the addition of $16 million in the State Senate Education Budget Subcommittee spending plan to fund the History-Social Science curriculum framework, which includes teacher training for the Armenian Genocide and other important historical updates.

Last year, the California State Board of Education (“CSBE”) adopted a new History-Social Science curriculum framework with guidelines for public school teachers. This framework provides significant improvements and expanded language and scope of information regarding the Armenian Genocide. The additions regarding the Armenian Genocide were a result of collaborative work between the ANCA-WR, the Genocide Education Project (“GenEd”), the Instructional Quality Commission (IQC), Superintendent Tom Torlakson, and a culmination of the initiative taken by Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian (D – San Fernando Valley) and the Armenian Legislative Caucus beginning with the Armenian Genocide Education Act (AB 1915) signed into law in 2014.

“I am very proud to have helped continue efforts to bring accurate and appropriate education to students across California. I am particularly pleased that this budget allocation includes implementation of Armenian Genocide curriculum standards. Historical accounts of the Armenian Genocide are a tragic and important part of world history that continues to face denial and organized opposition. To have it taught in our schools is appropriate and critical,” commented Portantino.

Senator Portantino Chairs the Senate Budget Subcommittee on Education, which voted Wednesday on Portantino’s proposal to provide $16 million in one-time Proposition 98 funds to support the implementation of the History-Social Science curriculum framework adopted by the State Board of Education. This important allocation will be used for regional trainings and professional development available for teachers, administrators and paraprofessionals and the development of an online repository of resources available to support instruction.

Sen. Portantino represents nearly 930,000 people in the 25th Senate District, which includes Altadena, Atwater Village, Bradbury, Burbank, Claremont, Duarte, Glendale, Glendora, La Cañada Flintridge, La Crescenta, La Verne, Lake View Terrace, Los Feliz, Monrovia, Montrose, Pasadena, San Dimas, San Marino, Shadow Hills, Sierra Madre, South Pasadena, Sunland-Tujunga, and Upland.