Azerbaijan accuses Armenian of occupation

United Press International
September 24, 2004 Friday

Azerbaijan accuses Armenian of occupation


Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev told the U.N. General Assembly
Friday Armenians are illegally settling in his country.

“Armenia has launched an outrageous policy of massive illegal
settlement of the Armenian population into the occupied Azerbaijani
territories, which is a blatant violation of the international law,”
he said.

The conflict has forced more than 1 million Azerbaijani people to
become refugees, Aliyev said.

“The situation deteriorates with the use of these territories for
drug trafficking, arms transfers, harboring terrorists, illegal
economic activities and smuggling.”

Azerbaijan has asked for U.N. participation in returning the refugees
to their Azerbaijani homes. The two countries have long been in
contention, the Azerbaijani a Muslim nation historically allied with
Iran and Turkey, and the Armenians a Christian people who accuse the
Turks of genocide in the early 20th century.

Aliyev criticized the U.N Security Council for having a “passive and
silent attitude” on the migration issue.

“We expect more responsive strategy by the United Nations in relation
to the situation of a forgotten humanitarian crisis in Azerbaijan,”
Aliyev said.

Analysts on Gazprom’s strategy in Georgia

RosBusinessConsulting Database
September 24, 2004 Friday 6:04 am, EST

Analysts on Gazprom’s strategy in Georgia

Gazprom could only be interested in acquiring gas distributing
companies in Georgia, analysts believe. Gas is delivered to Armenia
via Georgia, therefore, Gazprom may benefit from a stake in Georgian
gas distributing companies. Tbilgaz is Georgia’s largest gas
distributing asset and it contributes 20 percent of the overall gas
supplies to Georgia. And a fair price for it may amount to $20m.

Other experts believe that Gazprom may be interested in Georgian
pipelines. The Russian gas giant may be interested in strategic
cooperation with Georgia so that to ensure a lack of problems related
to gas supplies to Armenia and Turkey, they say. Gazprom may provide
necessary funds for the reconstruction of the existing Georgian
pipelines in exchange for control over transportation facilities and
lower transportation tariffs. Thus Gazprom may win control over
Georgian gas distributing facilities and prevent neighboring
Azerbaijan from entering the Turkish market.

In any case, Gazprom will benefit from stable relations with Georgia,
experts point out. Last year it had problems with payments for
supplied gas. But the situation has changed and the company is going
to improve relations with Georgia so as to boost gas supplies in the

Armenia has no intention to send its military to Iraq

Agency WPS
September 24, 2004, Friday


Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskaryan announced this to
journalists on Wednesday.

“We’ve never declared our intention to send our troops to Iraq. The
matter concerned humanitarian aid and involvement in the post-war
restoration of Iraq only,” he noted.

In Oskaryan’s words, Armenia is ready to send military medics and
field engineers to Iraq, but this step has to be discussed and
approved by the Armenian parliament.

On September 6 President Robert Kocharyan of Armenia and Alexander
Kwasniewski of Poland signed an agreement on bilateral cooperation in
the security sphere. Under this agreement, the Armenian troops of 50
military medics, field engineers and drivers will be dispatched to
Iraq in late 2004 – early 2005 to join the coalitional forces under
command of Poland.

Know your friends as well as your enemies

Agency WPS
September 24, 2004, Friday


SOURCE: Nezavisimaya Gazeta, September 21, 2004, p. 5

by Viktor Myasnikov

CIS summit in Astana resolved to reorganize structures of the
Commonwealth. CIS Security Council for dealing with terrorism will be
established. “Globalization and appearance of new threats force
countries of the Commonwealth to pool effort in dealing with pressing
international problems,” President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev

There are two parallel collective military structures in the
Commonwealth, nowadays. One of them purely military. The CIS Council
of Defense Ministers was formed 12 years ago for the purpose of
working out a common military policy. It includes a permanent
secretariat, CIS Headquarters for Coordination of Military
Cooperation, and a number of councils and committees.

The second structure is counter-terrorist. The Organization of the
CIS Collective Security Treaty includes 6 countries of the
Commonwealth – Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Armenia,
and Belarus. The Organization has the Rapid Response Collective
Forces that include several battalions of mobile troops, a helicopter
squadron, and frontal aviation.

Bona fide military cooperation has been developing among these six
countries only because they face a common enemy – international
terrorism. Joint exercises are run within the framework of the
Organization of the CIS Collective Security Treaty, and the
Counter-Terrorism Center performs the duties of the coordinating

CIS military structures formed in the early 1990’s for the purpose of
construction of a common military organization found themselves in
the background. They never performed their task because CIS countries
do not agree on what constitutes a military threat. Working out a
common position is difficult indeed when some countries aspire for
membership in NATO and others regard its eastward expansion as a
potential threat. Add here the border dispute between Russia and
Ukraine and the latent conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia. In
short, any coordinated military policy is simply out of the question.
It means that withering away of the CIS Council of Defense Ministers
and related military structures was but a question of time.

There is no love lost between the Organization of the CIS Collective
Security Treaty and CIS military structures. Sources who know what
they are talking about ascribe it to the pitiful financial standing
of the latter. Establishment of the counter-terrorist CIS Security
Council will automatically lead to abolition of the ineffective CIS
Council of Defense Ministers with all its headquarters and

The CIS United Antiaircraft Defense System is the only structure to
be spared by the forthcoming military-administrative reforms. No
country of the Commonwealth including Russia can hope to close its
skies entirely on its own, and cooperation in this sphere has
proceeded at a fast rate. CIS leaders allocated 2.3 billion rubles
for the CIS United Antiaircraft Defense System in 2005 – against 800
million in 2004 (almost tripling the sum, in fact).

The Organization of the CIS Collective Security Treaty and its Fast
Response Collective Forces are a response to the threat of terrorism.
Military cooperation between its members will continue while the
threat exists. Moreover, the view of international terrorism as an
external threat guarantees mutual defense of members of the
Organization from any external aggression. That is why the
Organization includes Russia, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan (the
countries directly involved in the war on international terrorism),
Kazakhstan (whose geo-strategic location may make it a target too),
and Armenia (the country that does not want a renewal of a shooting
war with Azerbaijan). And Alexander Lukashenko’s regime in Belarus
needs defense against actions of the opposition that may spark a
“humanitarian intervention” of the Yugoslavian make.

Uzbekistan, the country seriously affected by terrorism, steers clear
of all military blocs. On the other hand, it may decide to join the
counter-terrorist CIS SC.

Ukraine is another potential candidate. It is not facing any threats
from the West or the East at this point. Separatism of the Crimean
Tatars is under control. All of that makes it a political issue for
President Leonid Kuchma, not a military. And an economic issue as
well – the war on money laundering and drain of capitals is of
paramount importance for Ukraine. On the other hand, just like
Moldova or Turkmenistan, Ukraine does not participate in the CIS
Council of Defense Ministers.

Implementation of Nazarbayev’s suggestion will certainly improve
coordination of efforts in the war on terrorism. As things stand,
commanders of CIS border troops have their own committee, defense
ministers their own, secret services and foreign ministers have
structures of their own too. Pulling them together is a must. As for
the attempts to set up at least some semblance of a common military
organization or even to establish cooperation between armies, all of
that is finished. Time to forget it.

Translated by A. Ignatkin

UE-Turchia: Commissione, raccocomandazione sara’ dettagliata

ANSA Notiziario Generale in Italiano
24 Sept 2004



(ANSA) – BRUXELLES, 24 SET – La Commissione Europea
presentera’ il 6 ottobre la sua raccomandazione se e quando
aprire con la Turchia negoziati di adesione e sara’ una
“raccomandazione dettagliata”.

Lo ha ribadito il portavoce della commissione Jean-Christophe
Filori, rispondendo a diverse domande sugli sviluppi delle
relazioni tra Ue e Turchia dopo la visita del premier turco ieri
a Bruxelles.

“La chiave della raccomandazione saranno i criteri politici
e il loro grado di attuazione da parte della Turchia”, ha detto
Filori. “Questo ci e’ stato chiesto dai leader europei nel
dicembre 2002 e questo e’ quello che faremo”.

Alle domande su molte questioni che restano ancora da
chiarire con la Turchia, la questione curda, il genocidio armeno
tra le altre, Filori ha detto: “lo spettro delle cose ancora da
risolvere con la Turchia e’ molto largo, questo non era
l’obiettivo degli incontri di ieri”. Ed ha aggiunto: “non
stiamo parlando ora dell’adesione della Turchia per dicembre, ma
stiamo parlando solo dell’apertura dei negoziati. E per aprire i
negoziati, vanno rispettati una serie di criteri sul fronte
democratico, politico, economico e del rispetto dei diritti
umani”. (ANSA).

UE-Turchia: Riconoscimento Genocidio Armeno non e’condizione

ANSA Notiziario Generale in Italiano
24 Sept 2004



(ANSA) – BRUXELLES, 24 SET – La Commissione europea e
consapevole “del carattere molto sensibile” della questione
armena e del riconoscimento da parte delal Turchia del genocidio
armeno, “ma nessuno Stato membro ha mai chiesto che questo
riconoscimento dovesse far parte dei negoziati”.

Lo ha detto il portavoce delal commissione Jean-Christophe
Filori rispondendo ad alcune domande all’indomani della visita
del premier turco a Bruxelles.

Filori ha rilevato che la questione armena “e una questione
molto dolorosa che appartiene pero’ al dibattito tra gli
storici, in quanto nessuno Stato ha preteso di inserire il
riconoscimento de, genocidio armeno tra le condizioni per aprire
negoziati di adesione con la Turchia”.

Quanto alla questione del trattamento della minoranza turca,
per la Commissione “ci sono stati grandi cambiamenti. Ci sono
ancora progressi da fare, noi lo sosteniamo – ha detto Filori –
ma la tendenza e’ positiva”. (ANSA).

“Il canto del pane” poesie dall’Armenia

ANSA Notiziario Generale in Italiano
24 Sept 2004



(ANSA) – ROMA, 24 SET – Esce una nuova edizione de ‘Il canto
del pane’ (Ed. Guerini e Associati) di Varujan, un libro di
poesie curato, tradotto e introdotto da Antonia Arslan, ormai
significativa mediatrice tra la nostra cultura e quella armena,
cui appartiene e alla cui storia ha dedicato anche il suo
fortunato romanzo ‘La masseria delle allodole’ (Rizzoli).

Nel simbolismo poetico di Varujan si svelano le radici
profonde dell’Europa: da Venezia alle Fiandre per arrivare a una
Costantinopoli fervida e incandescente. La terra, il grano,
l’aratro, un’anima contadina per impastare, tramite versi
apparentemente leggeri, quel pane che e’ linfa vitale per la
comunita’. Sono versi in cui si svela il bizantino senso
liturgico del canto.

Un libro che ripropone il nostro, sempre vivo bisogno di
parole che svelino la possibilita’ di un legame profondo tra
culture diverse, nei contenuti e nei gesti di tutti i giorni.

ANCA: Full Senate Reverses WH Effort to Break Military Parity

Armenian National Committee of America
888 17th St., NW, Suite 904
Washington, DC 20006
Tel: (202) 775-1918
Fax: (202) 775-5648
E-mail: [email protected]

September 24, 2004
Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
Tel: (202) 775-1918


— Joins House in Restoring Parity in Military Aid
Allocations to Armenia and Azerbaijan

WASHINGTON, DC – Armenian Americans welcomed the adoption by the
Senate, late yesterday evening, of a $19.6 billion fiscal year 2005
foreign aid bill that earmarks at least $75 million in economic aid
for Armenia, provides another $8.75 million in military aid, a $2.5
million appropriation for Nagorno Karabagh, and reverses the
Administration’s efforts to tip the balance of U.S. military aid
toward Azerbaijan, reported the Armenian National Committee of
America (ANCA).

“We appreciate the leadership of Senator McConnell and the support
of all of our friends on the Foreign Operations Subcommittee in
constructively addressing the many provisions of the foreign aid
bill that hold special meaning for the Armenian American
community,” said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. “In
particular, we welcome the Senate’s reversal of the ill-advised
effort to break the military aid parity agreement, as well as its
decision to increase the aid level for Armenia beyond the figure in
both the Administration’s and the House’s version of the bill. At
the same time, we regret that the Senate, in failing to include
language similar to the Schiff Amendment, missed an opportunity to
send a clear message to Turkey that the U.S. government will not
tolerate its shameful denial of the Armenian Genocide.”

The restoration of military aid parity by the Senate follows
similar action taken by the House earlier this year. In February
of 2005, the Administration’s budget proposal recommended breaking
the agreement struck between the White House and Congress in late
2001 during discussions over Section 907, to keep military aid to
Armenia and Azerbaijan at equal levels. The White House proposal
would have allocated roughly four times more Foreign Military
Financing (FMF) assistance to Azerbaijan ($8 million) than Armenia
($2 million). The House version of the foreign aid bill set the
FMF figures at $5 million for each country. The Senate bill
adopted last night sets the FMF level for both countries at $8
million, with an additional $750,000 to each country for
International Military Education and Training (IMET).

The Senate version of the foreign aid bill did not include Schiff
Amendment language. This provision, adopted unanimously by voice
vote in the U.S. House this July, restricts the government of
Turkey from using any of the aid it receives from this
appropriation to lobby against the adoption of the Congressional
Genocide Resolution.

The FY 2005 Foreign Operations bill, which was adopted by voice
vote, was $210 million above the House version, and $1.7 billion
below the Administration request. The bill includes $150 million
in emergency funds for Global HIV AIDS and $75 million in emergency
funds for peacekeeping in Sudan. The $75 million hard earmark for
Armenia is $10 million more than the figure approved by the House
and $13 million over the Administration’s $62 million budget
request. By contrast, foreign aid levels to neighboring Caucus
countries include $38 million to Azerbaijan and $100 million for

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

ARKA News Agency – 09/24/2004

ARKA News Agency
Sept 24 2004

Security and stability in Caucasus are very important to Europe

RA Government and UNDP develop joint program on monitoring of

Trends and directions of development of science and technology in
Armenia and Russia coincide – representative of Russian Academy of

International theater festival `Highfest 2004′ to take place on Oct
2-9 in Yerevan

RA President hands awards and honorary titles to art figures

Newly appointed US Ambassador to Armenia meets with representatives
of American Companies in Armenia



YEREVAN, September 24. /ARKA/. Security and stability in Caucasus are
very important to Europe, Vice Chairman of Parliament Assembly of
West European Union Marco Dzaker stated today at the meeting with RA
Minister of Defense Serge Sargsian. Dzaker said that his mission is
to prepare report on security issues in the region. Sargsian noted
that security issue is one of the most important. `Caucasus is very
sensitive region, namely in the view of international goals. Problem
of Karabakh must be settled by peace by all means’, he added. The
Minister represented three basic principles of Armenian party on
conflict settlement: Nagorno Karabakh cannot no longer be a part of
Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh cannot be in isolation and must have
land border with Armenia and it is necessary to provide guarantees of
Talking about relations with Turkey, he said that `Turkey’s entry in
EU is very profitable to Armenia’. `Diplomatic relations with Turkey
should be established without preconditions’, he added.
Dzaker said that fully supports given point of view and will include
this issue in the report. The parties also discussed issues of fight
against terrorism. L.D. –0 –



YEREVAN, September 24. /ARKA/. RA Government and UNDP developed joint
program on monitoring of corruption, RA Government press office told
ARKA that this was stated today by the Head of Monitoring Commission
on Anticorruption Strategy, RA President’s Advisor Bagrat Yesayan at
the sitting of RA Council on Fight Against Corruption. Besides, he
said that the group of CE countries represented Armenia a list of
questions, on the base of which, by the end of Oct 2004, the
preliminary works on development of National report on conducted
works in the field of fight against corruption must be prepared.
With this goal, according to Yesayan, working group has been created.
L.D. –0 –



YEREVAN, September 24. /ARKA/. Trends and directions of development
of science and technology in Armenia and Russia coincide, RA
Government press office told ARKA that it was stated by the
representative of Russian Academy of Science Gennady Matishov during
the meeting with RA Prime Minister Andranik Margarian. Matishov
stressed that coincidence of basic development directions allows both
countries to put realistic goals and productively solve them.
RA PM in his turn stressed the importance of restoration of
scientific links between Armenia and Russia and establishment of new
cooperation, which at the same time will contribute to development of
Armenian-Russia bilateral links. In given aspect Margarian stressed
the importance of the agreement signed in June 2004 in the sphere of
science and technology between Armenian Academy of Science and South
Center of Russian Academy of Science.
Margarian assured in readiness of Armenian Government to provide
assistance to activation of links between science circles of the two
countries and stressed the important role of Armenian-Russia
interstate commission on economic issues. L.D. –0



YEREVAN, September 24. /ARKA/. International theater festival
`Highfest 2004′ will take place on Oct 2-9 in Yerevan. According to
the President of the Festival and the Head of Armenian Actors Union
Arthur Gukasian, more than 150 actors from 18 countries as well as 20
troupes from Russia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Korea, Serbia, Czech
Republic and Romania will take part in the festival. The show of 25
performances is scheduled in the frames of the festival. The basic
goal of the festival is expanding of culture links of Armenia with
other countries, which will contribute to activation and development
of Armenian cultural life and stimulate integration of Armenia in
international culture area. Gukasian also said that producers,
artists and chairmen of international festivals will conduct seminars
and discussions, which would contribute to development of culture
policy and sphere of art-management in Armenia. He also said that
total budget of the festival makes about 15 million AMD.
The festival is organized by Caucasus Fund, Producer Center AlfaEl
and Union of Armenian Actors in assistance with RA Prime Minister
Andranik Margarian. The festival is conducted in Yerevan second time.
L.D. –0 –



YEREVAN, September 24. /ARKA/. RA President Robert Kocharian handed
awards and honorary titles to art figures on occasion of 13th
anniversary of Independence Day of Armenia. After the ceremony the
President congratulated everyone with the awards and noted that the
country has good tradition to hand awards dedicated to Independence
Day. According to Kocharian, `it allows to estimate the role of the
people that made their contribution in strengthening of the state’.
He stressed that only proportional development of all directions –
army, science, culture and art – can lead to development and
stability of the republic. `Every one of us makes contribution in
development of separate spheres and the state in the whole. Thank You
for your activity’, Kocharian said.
Note the President awarded Yeghishe Astsatrian with order of St.
Mesrop Mashtots for serious contribution in development of Armenian
economy, the actress of Abelian Theater Roza Mkhitarian with the
medal of Movses Khorenatsi and Chief Nurse of Kapan Anti Tuberculosis
Clinic Marusya Gukasian with Mkhitar Geratsi Medal.
The title of people’s artist was given to professor of State
Conservatory after Komitas Araksya Davtian, Composer Araik Gevorkian,
Violinist Nikolay Madoev, artists of National Academic Theater after
Sundukian Greta Medjlumian and Harutyun Movsesian.
The title of honorary art figure was given to the sculptor Eduard
Ter-Kazarian and the title of honorary doctor – to Pediatrist Eve
Captain of Police Haik Galumian was posthumously awarded with order
Battle Cross and Commander of 80925 military base, Colonel Garegin
Gabrielian, the Head of Artillery Mayor-General Vladimir Airapetian
and the Head of Aviation Department of RA Armed Forces Colonel Kadjik
Mnatsakanian were awarded with orders of Vardan Mamikonian. L.D. –0 –



YEREVAN, September 24. /ARKA/. The newly appointed US Ambassador to
Armenia John Evans met today with members of American Chamber of
Commerce in RA and representatives of American business community in
Armenia. According to American Chamber of Commerce in Armenia
(AmCham), the objective of the meeting attended by 45 members of
chamber and members of Economic and Commerce Departments of US
Embassy was the acquaintance of the newly appointed Ambassador with
American companies functioning in Armenia. During the meeting, the
members of Chamber of Commerce presented the business opportunities
and existing obstacles in Armenia. At that, the Head of AmCham Edit
Khatchatryan noted that the American Chamber of Commerce is an
organization which creates opportunities for business cooperation in
Armenia and participation of John Evans in these activities is very
important for the creation of favorable business atmosphere in
Armenia. In his turn, Evans pointed out the special role of the
organization in bringing together the US companies in Armenia
`Establishment of close relations between the Embassy and American
Chamber of Commerce, increase of American investments in Armenia are
our priorities’, added the Ambassador.
According to the regulations of AmCham, the US Ambassador in Armenia
is a member of Directors Board of the Chamber of Commerce, according
to his position. L.V. – 0 –

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

ArmenTel to keep monopolist status in Armenia at least till Oct. 12

PanArmenian News
Sept 24 2004


24.09.2004 19:47

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Making changes in the license, regulating the
activities of Armentel telecommunication monopolist company of
Armenia, is postponed till October 12, Armenian Minister of Justice
David Harutyunian stated in an interview with Mediamax news agency
correspondent. He said that talks between the company and the
government continued. It should be noted that earlier a new license
was expected to come into effect July 30 to deprive the company of
the monopoly and to open the Armenian market for cellular
communication new operators. However, June 27 it was stated that due
to the negotiations with Armentel the Government of Armenia decided
not to make changes in the license till September 28, 2004.