A la recherche d’un Chirac perdu

Le Figaro, France
Samedi 26 Mars 2005

A la recherche d’un Chirac perdu

Guillaume Tabard
[26 mars 2005]

«Je me fiche des Turcs !» Ce cri du coeur est signé de la main même
de Jacques Chirac. Pas du président de la République de 2005,
partisan de l’entrée d’Ankara dans l’Union européenne. Mais du maire
de Paris qui s’agaçait, en 1979, dans une note manuscrite à son
directeur de cabinet, que la crainte des dirigeants français de
froisser la Turquie conduise au refus de reconnaître le génocide
arménien. De telles anecdotes fourmillent dans ce D’un Chirac l’autre
que publie Bernard Billaud, qui fut son collaborateur durant dix ans,
dont près de six à diriger son cabinet à la mairie de Paris (1).

Conseiller-maître à la Cour des comptes, ami intime du philosophe
Jean Guitton, Billaud entra en 1976 au cabinet de Jacques Chirac à
Matignon comme conseiller pour les affaires religieuses. Fin 1978, le
voilà propulsé directeur de cabinet du nouveau maire de Paris, de
préférence à Alain Juppé, qui en nourrit à son encontre une aigreur
tenace. L’histoire s’acheva en 1984 par une séparation et une
désillusion dont Bernard Billaud porta longtemps la blessure.

Certains proches du chef de l’Etat s’inquiètent de la parution de ce
livre. Aucune méchanceté, aucun règlement de compte pourtant au fil
des pages. Ce document unique sur les années d’ascension du futur
président révèle simplement un Chirac dont les engagements ont changé
du tout au tout. L’actuel chantre de la laïcité, en France et en
Europe, n’a pas hésité, lors de son premier passage à Matignon, à
s’immiscer personnellement dans le conflit entre Mgr Lefebvre et
Rome, écrivant à l’évêque traditionaliste de réfléchir à «la
responsabilité que vous prenez devant Dieu et devant l’Histoire». On
voit le nouveau maire de Paris se battre contre les réticences
vaticanes dans le but d’obtenir une entrevue avec Paul VI et contre
les résistances élyséennes afin d’accueillir Jean-Paul II à l’Hôtel
de Ville. «Ce que ce pape me demandera d’accomplir, je l’exécuterai»,
dit-il. A l’époque, celui-ci n’avait d’ailleurs pas besoin de lui
rappeler l’existence des racines chrétiennes de l’Europe. «Son ciment
a été le christianisme et la civilisation qu’elle incarne demeure
dans ses finalités profondément spirituelle», martèle alors le maire
de Paris.

Billaud raconte par le détail l’épisode, aujourd’hui occulté par ses
proches, où le président du RPR refusa en conscience de voter en 1979
la prolongation de la loi Veil sur l’avortement. Sous la pression de
son très catholique directeur de cabinet, à qui il répète à plusieurs
reprises : «Vous êtes ma conscience» ? Pas seulement. C’est de sa
main que Chirac ajouta une mention ~V «droit sacré de la vie, donc à
naître» ~V au texte que celui-ci lui avait préparé.

De l’Hôtel de Ville, le directeur de cabinet du maire fut aussi un
acteur et un témoin privilégié d’une stratégie politique tout entière
orientée vers cette «idée fixe», comme le dit Pierre Juillet, la
conquête de l’Elysée. On entre dans les coulisses du célèbre appel de
Cochin. On assiste aux préparatifs de la première campagne
présidentielle, en 1981, à laquelle Billaud est l’un des rares à
s’opposer, ce qui annonça sa future disgrâce. On est pris dans le
vertige des influences contradictoires s’exerçant sur Chirac. «Avant
de partir, je lui ai tout dit. Ils lui ont menti sans arrêt et ils
continuent de lui mentir», confie Jérôme Monod en claquant la porte
du RPR, en 1978, excédé par le tandem Juillet-Garaud, à l’égard
duquel Billaud, partageant sa conception de la France, se montre

De nombreux récits diplomatiques témoignent de l’aplomb hors pair de
Jacques Chirac. En 1978, il se bat ainsi pour faire venir à Paris le
maire de Jérusalem, Teddy Kollek. Fureur des ambassadeurs des pays
arabes, à qui Chirac jure alors : «C’est lui qui a demandé à être
reçu», avant de se vanter, devant des associations juives
américaines, d’avoir «résisté aux pressions» des diplomates arabes…
Durant ces dix années, Bernard Billaud a cru que Jacques Chirac
serait l’artisan du «redressement moral et spirituel de la France».
Il n’y croit plus. Mais sous les regrets affleure toujours une
admiration qui ne veut pas passer.

(1) Bernard Billaud, D’un Chirac l’autre, éditions Bernard de
Fallois. 558 p., 22 euros.


From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Poutine =?UNKNOWN?B?4A==?= Erevan pour s’assurer de la=?UNKNOWN?Q?fi

Agence France Presse
24 mars 2005 jeudi 8:00 PM GMT

Poutine à Erevan pour s’assurer de la fidélité de son allié dans le

EREVAN 24 mars 2005

Le président russe Vladimir Poutine est arrivé jeudi soir à Erevan
pour une visite de travail visant notamment à s’assurer de la
fidélité de son meilleur allié dans le Caucase, alors que la Géorgie
voisine et d’autres pays de l’ex-URSS se tournent vers l’Occident.

M. Poutine et son épouse Lioudmila ont été accueillis à l’aéroport
par son homologue Robert Kotcharian et sa femme. Les deux couples
devaient dîner ensemble, avant d’aborder l’essentiel du programme de
visite le lendemain.

“Les positions de la Russie dans la Caucase se sont affaiblies vu le
tournant pro-occidental pris par la Géorgie. Poutine tentera de
sauver l’Arménie de l’influence américaine et d’obtenir d’Erevan un
voeu de fidélité”, souligne l’analyste Viktor Kremeniouk de
l’Institut USA-Canada à Moscou.

L’Arménie, en conflit avec ses voisins (l’Azerbaïdjan à propos de
l’enclave de Nagorny Karabakh, territoire azerbaïdjanais peuplé
majoritairement d’Arméniens, et la Turquie avec laquelle elle n’a pas
de relations diplomatiques à cause du génocide arménien de 1915),
reste l’alliée la plus fidèle de Moscou dans la région, et abrite une
importante base militaire russe.

“Tout gouvernement arménien fera des concessions politiques et
militaires à la Russie tant que ces deux problèmes ne seront pas
levés”, souligne l’analyste arménien Alexandre Iskandarian.

La tendance pourrait changer, selon M. Kremeniouk et l’Arménie sous
l’influence d’une importante diaspora qui vit aux Etats-Unis et en
Europe pourrait se tourner vers l’Occident comme la Géorgie,
l’Ukraine ou la Moldavie.

Le problème du Nagorny Karabakh ainsi que la construction d’un
gazoduc entre l’Arménie et l’Iran, vu d’un mauvais oeil par Moscou,
devraient également être abordés au cours de cette visite.

“Poutine pourrait donner des garanties à Erevan que la Russie
soutiendra la position de l’Arménie” pour laquelle l’indépendence du
Karabakh n’est pas négociable, souligne M. Kremeniouk.

Le Karabakh a proclamé son indépendance en 1991, avec le soutien
d’Erevan qui l’a défendu durant une guerre de trois ans, faisant près
de 30.000 morts et un million de réfugiés.

Un cessez-le-feu a été signé en 1994, mais un traité de paix est
toujours en cours de négociation.

La Russie co-préside avec la France et les Etats-Unis le groupe de
Minsk chargé par l’Organisation pour la sécurité et la coopération en
Europe (OSCE) de trouver une solution négociée à ce conflit.

Le gazoduc que l’Arménie et l’Iran ont commencé à construire en fin
de l’année dernière en dépit de l’opposition de Moscou et de
Washington “inquiète la Russie qui craint de perdre son monopole sur
le marché gazier arménien”, souligne M. Iskandarian.

Ce gazoduc pourrait à l’avenir être utilisé pour faire transiter le
gaz iranien vers la Géorgie et l’Ukraine, deux ex-républiques
soviétiques désormais pro-occidentales et qui dépendent de livraisons
de gaz russes.

Vendredi le président russe s’entretiendra avec M. Kotcharian et le
catholicos arménien Karékine II. Il participera également à la
cérémonie d’ouverture de l’Année de la Russie en Arménie alors que
Mme Poutine inaugurera pour sa part avec la première dame arménienne
un centre du livre russe dans cette république caucasienne qui
abandonne progressivement la langue de Pouchkine depuis la fin de
l’URSS en 1991.


BAKU: Azerbaijani representatives report at Univ. of Denver

AzerTag, Azerbaijan
March 26 2005

[March 26, 2005, 12:35:55]

A conference entitled “Geopolitical and potential conflicts in the
Caucasus and Central Asia” was held at the University of Denver,
AzerTAj correspondent was told at the Khazar University. The event
was attended by famous specialists from the above-mentioned region
as well as USA, Europe and People’s Republic of China.

Representatives from Azerbaijan took an active part in the seminar.
Thus, Zarifa Musayeva delivered a report “Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
and Russia’s interests in the South Caucasus”, Ilham Poluxov – ”
Grave consequences of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: historical and
architectural monuments”, Ilham Huseynov – “Oil and Gas potential and
perspectives of Azerbaijan”, Baba Bayramov “Regional Security Issues
in the South Caucasus”.

The issues discussed in the conference aroused a great interest
of the conferees. The discussions turned out to be fruitful for
Azerbaijan from the point of view of delivering Azerbaijan’s truth
to the participants.

Congress Of Panarmenian Games And All Armenian Basketball Championsh


YEREVAN, MARCH 24. ARMINFO. The Armenian Government made a decision to
hold an All Armenian Congress of PanArmenian Games and All Armenian
Basketball Championship of male and female teams in August 2005
in Yerevan. The press-service of the Armenian Government informs
ARMINFO that 12 mln AMD were allocated from the Reserve Fund of
the Government, which will be provided to the Governmental State
Committee of Physical Culture and Sport. The Government approved the
staff of the Organization Committee of the All Armenian Basketball
Championship. Amending its decision dated May 29 2001 “On encouragement
of sportsmen, trainers and sport organizations which achieved
good results at Olympic games, World and Europe Championships” the
Government prepared premiums for assistant trainers and physicians
of the teams that occupied 1-3 places in the tournament.

Revisiting Dr. Death on Good Friday

Revisiting Dr. Death on Good Friday

Rush Limbaugh , CA
March 25 2005


You know what I want to do, folks? We’re going to go back to 1996,
Rush Limbaugh the Television Show. Jack Kevorkian. I think it would
be interesting because I want to review three things that Kevorkian
said in a National Press Club speech that was carried and heralded at
the time by many, and I want to play for you my reaction to what
Kevorkian says. The reason I want to do this is because it was 1996,
which is nine years ago, and for those of you that are relatively new
to the program and have only heard the subject of human life
discussed on this program by me this week, I’m going to take the
occasion to go back, play what Kevorkian said on our TV show in 1996
(Video Clip) and then what I said following Kevorkian, so as to
establish for those of you new to the program that the things that
you’re hearing from me are things I have said consistently over the
years. The warnings that I issued nine years ago are now becoming
reality. I just want you to hear Kevorkian and what he has to say
about “death with dignity” and just to prove to you that there’s a
culture of life in this country, that it’s been building and that
this is not an isolated case. The reason people are choosing sides on
this is because of this battle over the meaning of life in this
country. It is clear.

John Podhoretz has a great piece today in the New York Post. His
op-ed piece. If I may paraphrase. Podhoretz says that there are two
groups in this battle over life. One group holds the belief that life
is created, it’s sacred, we all only have one. It’s nobody’s business
to start tampering with this life, and this life is beyond our
definition because of the inclusion of the soul. And the soul is our
connection to the divine, our creator. The other side doesn’t believe
in any of that. They’re irreligious or secularists and they think
that we’re just a miracle of nature, a bunch of things happened when
the sperm and the egg meet and bammo! You get a human machine. But
when the machine goes south, it’s time to get rid of the machine
because the machine, if it can’t perform optimally and save itself
and do things for itself, it’s not worth living. There’s no
connection to the spiritual on the part of these people, and those
people are deathly afraid of those who do believe in the soul and the
divine connection to life and so the battle thus ensues. We’ll link
to the piece on the website. You could read it yourself. It’s the
NewYorkPost.com in their opinion section, but I think for the sake of
the simplification of this discussion all week long it’s a great
piece and will help people understand the dividing line here. I think
it’s pretty right on the money what Podhoretz says about how those
who are secularists view human life. You know, we’re just the most
supreme form of a natural accident, the meeting up of genes and cells
and sperm and egg and voila! We’re the most advanced machine on the
planet but we’re nothing special, we’re just the most advanced. And
when our machines go wrong, aspects of our machines go wrong, then
it’s time to just pull the plug if it’s necessary to keep that
machine running and going with no knowledge, no recognition, no
acknowledgment whatsoever that there may be a divine connection to
human life, or with human life, and the creator. It’s really well
done. Let me take a quick time-out here. We’ll come back and go back
to the TV show from 1996. Jack Kevorkian. We have three bites of
Kevorkian. I’ll play for you my summation as it aired on the TV show
back in 1996.


RUSH: Before we move on to this Kevorkian stuff from my TV show from
nine years ago, I want you to hear where the case is now, according
to Bob Schindler, Terri Schiavo’s father. He spoke to the press not
long ago this morning, and this is his view of where the case is at
this moment.

SCHINDLER: The information that was presented last night in front of
the judge, the federal judge in Tampa, was very, very strong, and
we’re encouraging these judges, when they review that it’s under
appeal, to make the right decision. And we’ve had some of the best
legal minds in the country working on this, and, you know, we’re
always — seems that we’re losing in court, and it’s not because we
have poor attorneys. They’re offering sound legal motions, but we
haven’t been very successful. But I do think that what was presented
last night in the federal court is very, very viable and we’re, you
know, encouraging the appellate court to take a hard look at this
thing and to do the right thing.

RUSH: Unidentified reporter then asked, “Well, what’s your best hope
now, Mr. Schindler.”
SCHINDLER: Our best hope right now is the appellate court. What’s in
front of them is very, very — I can’t say how strong it is, and it’s
important. The legal opinions that we’re getting are telling us that
this thing should — the judge’s decision last night should be
reversed. That’s the information we’re getting, and we’re now
hanging, waiting for that.

RUSH: As time continues to dwindle away. I went ahead during the
break and printed out the Podhoretz column. Let me just read to you
the relevant sections I was talking about mere moments ago. He tries
to line up the two sides here, and point out what the fight is really
all about. He says, “Those who want her to live tend to view life as
a gift ~W a treasure beyond value that has been bestowed upon us and
that we therefore have no right to squander. The giver of the gift
cannot be seen by the human eye, and the essence of the gift cannot
be seen either. We usually call that essence the ‘soul.’ Our souls
define us: They make us who we are in the deepest sense. And they
transcend us as well: They are our connection to the divine, to all
in the universe that is unseen and unknowable but is still there.
Most religious people share this set of beliefs, which is why those
who have pushed hardest to save Schiavo are devout Christians. Many
of those who want her to die, by contrast, view life as a natural
phenomenon ~W a collision of egg and sperm that gives rise 280 days
later to a baby. That baby is the product of human interaction,
deriving genetic information equally from mother and father and
recombining it into a new human form. It’s a wonder, but it’s not a
miracle. It’s explicable within the laws of nature, and so there
isn’t anything necessarily transcendent about it. In some sense,
then, the human body has a mechanical quality to it. We are created
by a rational process. We all look kind of similar (arms, legs, eyes,
nose, mouth, shoulders all in the same place), and we all have an
inborn capacity to communicate, to learn and to develop complex
relationships with other people. We’re created and grow in the same
way. Our core desires are the same ~W food, shelter, sleep, love. In
this way of thinking, we are the world’s most marvelous, most
spectacular machines. This is the view of life shared by most secular
people, who are uncomfortable with the idea of a divine spark within
all of us and prefer to think that science is the best explanation
for everything.” That’s John Podhoretz in the New York Post today
attempting to shape the two sides and what the fight is really all
about. All right. Let’s go back to the TV show. Rush Limbaugh, the TV
show in 1996, National Press Club, Jack Kevorkian discussed the
dignity in which people die with his assistance versus the dignity in
which some other people die.

KEVORKIAN: Well, let’s take what people think is a dignified death.
Christ. Was that a dignified death? Do you think it’s dignified to
hang from wood with nails through your hands and feet, bleeding for
three or four days and slowly dying? With people jabbing spears into
your side and people jeering you? Do you think that’s dignified? Not
by a long shot. Had Christ died in my van (laughter) with people
around him who loved him, the way it was, it would be far more
dignified. My rusty van.

RUSH: This is Dr. Death, Dr. Kevorkian, making the case for his
euthanasia movement which was to take people who weren’t even
terminally ill and talk them into dying and take them into his van
and he would inject them. I forgot his method. But I don’t know that
everybody’s ever really talked about crucifixion as dignified. That
is mystifying for me. But let’s move on here. Here is Dr. Death,
another portion of that audio, the National Press Club, 1996.

KEVORKIAN: God sets things in motion and then hands off. Let humans
run it. And that’s why he set this country up the way it was.
Hands-off? The Pope has got his hands on our neck. He’s wringing it.
Now, I’m not anti-Pope. Basically he can do whatever he wants and say
whatever he wants. But I think he’s got a grip on our government. I
know he has a grip on the Michigan Supreme Court. Grip? He owns it. I
know he’s got a grip on our Supreme Court. Therefore, I don’t care
what any Supreme Court says. I don’t care what any legislature does.
Pass any law you want. I don’t care.

RUSH: Here’s your modern icon. This is the modern icon of the
Culture of Death movement. Here he is, Dr. Death, Jack Kevorkian.
Let’s listen to one more from this speech. It happened July 29th,
1996 at the National Press Club, and the audience is members of the
media. They’re the ones who are laughing.

KEVORKIAN: We’re trained to lie as we get older. That’s the way you
survive. That’s the grief that society is lying. To yourselves and to
others. And the epitome of lying is in the epitome of society, the
government. I don’t think what I’ve said is wrong so far. If there’s
any disagreement I’ll hear about it later. These questions I’m
asking, “Does that baboon heart become sacred?” You can’t answer it.
Why not? You know what sanctity is, don’t you? Can the body be partly
sacred? Is the fecal material in your intestines sacred? You’re a
human body. You’re a biological organism like every other biological
organism. You bleed when you cut and when you die you stink. Now,
what’s sacred about that?

RUSH: So you forgot about this? (asking staff) You forgot? A lot of
people have forgotten because this is so unpleasant to remember. Who
wants to run around remembering this kind of stuff? This is the
modern hero of the Culture of Death movement, Dr. Jack Kevorkian —
and he epitomizes here what Podhoretz has said. We’re just biological
machines, miracles, we’re all the same. We stink when we die.
Dignified? What, what, what, what, what? So I play this. I just want
to you find out the mind-set of people, and this guy’s clearly
unafraid to tell us what he thinks, which is a service. But it’s
clearly an illustration of some of the thinking that goes on about
life and death among some of us, particularly our secularists, in
this culture. Now, this is what I said at the end of the TV show that
day, and for those of you that have just been listening this week or
in the past month or even year and you’ve not heard the subject of
life come up intensely as it has this week, just to show you that
we’re consistent here, we have core principles and values, and they
are what guide this program. This is how I closed out the Kevorkian
segment on my TV show back in July of 1996.

RUSH IN ’96: I think Kevorkian’s dangerous and I think that what he’s
doing is not a service to society for this reason: He talked about
sanctity and I believe that too many Americans are losing sight of
the sanctity of life, losing respect for it. And I’ve been alarmed
about it for a long time. I know it’s going to make some of you
uncomfortable, but a million and a half abortions a year for all
these years, now we’re deciding — and that’s basically a convenience
to the living decision. We’re deciding who lives and dies based on
the convenience of those who are alive. And now we’re deciding who,
at the elderly end of the spectrum, should live or die and we tell
ourselves that we’re doing it out of compassion and understanding,
that they must die dignified deaths but basically what it boils down
to is, we’re making decisions for people based on what we think is
good for them and — or not good for them. So killing or euthanasia
or assisted suicide, whatever you want to call it, is becoming very
easy. And I don’t think you can separate what’s happening without
regard for life, or lack of it, in this country, from the crime rate,
from the illegitimacy rate and from a number of the things going on
in our society that make you ask, “Where is America’s soul?” Until
this kind of thing is taken seriously, that’s why I’m concerned with
the long-term view. I’m not anti-abortion because I want to tell
other people how I think they ought to live. I’m concerned where the
country is going to be 15, 20, 25, 30 years from now. I inherited
fortunately, because the people who came before me had a great sense
of values and purpose, I inherited a pretty great country. I hope the
people who come after me do too, but you worry about that when you
see the things that are happening all around us today and the loss of
respect for life is central to our deterioration.

RUSH: That was nine years ago, July 30th, 1996. Dr. Kevorkian was
back on TV today. He was on Good Morning America from his jail cell.
Charlie Gibson said (cut nine here Mike), “When you see Congress
begin to get involved, when you see this go through layer after layer
in the courts, does it become something in your mind of a circus?”

KEVORKIAN: Yes, of course. What bothers me is the bit of hypocrisy in
this. When the Congress and the president get involved because all
life is sacred and must be preserved at all costs, they don’t say the
same thing about men in the death row cell. Their life is just as

RUSH: See, there’s no difference between somebody who has been
convicted of a crime, convicted of murder, and Terri Schiavo, in
Kevorkian’s mind. Now, I also might point out, is it not interesting
who Good Morning America decided to call as the source authority on
how we’re dealing with Terri Schiavo? Dr. Death, Jack Kevorkian, and
seeking — honestly seeking — his opinion about what the Congress
and the president are doing in this regard. I just remain buffaloed.


RUSH: All right. Now, let me throw some gasoline on a fire here,
ladies and gentlemen, because all of us who want that feeding tube
reinserted have been trying to get a handle, have been trying to
understand the other side in this, and there is a divide. It’s hard
to understand why there is so much enthusiasm for this woman to die
— and I don’t care what anybody wants to tell me, there is. I’ve had
it call this program. I’ve heard it expressed on this program. I’ve
seen it on television. There is an active enthusiasm for this case to
die. There is happiness and applause when these court rulings come
down. Now, you can sit there and deny it. You can call here and tell
me, “No, that’s not what you think all day long, but you’re not going
to convince me that there’s not a culture out there that has
something to gain from this woman’s death and that’s the point.” We
call ourselves a civilized society and we’re letting this woman’s
death drag on and on and on, and it is public. We are starving one of
our own citizens. The government is starving one of our own citizens.
“No. No, Rush, these are court rulings.” Three branches of
government, dummkopfs. We’ve got the legislative, the executive and
the judicial. The judicial is a branch of government and the
judiciary has decided the woman is going to starve, for one reason or
another. There was a great piece, I saw it in National Review Online.
“If she could make a phone call, if she’d dial 911 and say somebody,
‘Help me, I’m being starved to death.'” The cops would show up and
they would take action. If she could do it, she would, but she can’t,

Well, what’s happening here? You know, there is an advantage to some
people for having this play out day after day after day. There is an
advantage for all this emotion being ginned up, and what do you think
that advantage is? This is, in effect, what we have going on this
week is a week-long or however long it goes ad for people to make a
case for mercy killing. How many people do you think, after this
agonizing week, would probably say, “Yeah, you know what? We need
mercy killing now instead of this agonizing starvation and so forth.”
What do you think the reaction among some people is going to be? It’s
not going to be, “Let’s not kill people this way; let them live.” No,
the reaction is going to be, “Let’s not kill people this way; let’s
not make them suffer.” Even after we’ve been told all week, “She’s
not suffering; she’s not going through pain; it’s euphoria,” still
what we’ve got here is a week-long advertisement for those who want
to make a case for mercy killing — and how much of this country do
you think is going to be ripe for that after this week of raw emotion
that has been playing out 24/7 in the US media, versus how many
people in the country do you think will have a reaction that says,
“Yeah, this slow agonizing death of starvation, we should reinsert
the tube.” That will be the two arguments here, and there’s going to
be an even growing, I predict to you, an even larger segment of
society — I don’t know how big in terms of total percentage — but a
larger segment of society which will now decide, “It’s just too
agonizing to see and hear about this. Let’s do mercy killing.” Let’s
see. I’ve got more of Jack Kevorkian. I just want to finish him up
via Good Morning America today. In fact, let’s play nine and ten all
over again today. Kevorkian, Dr. Death, reached out to by ABC as a
source authority on what the Congress and the president have done in
this case. Charlie Gibson, talking to Dr. Death in his jail cell,
Charlie says, “When you see Congress begin to get involved, when you
see this go through layer after layer in the courts, does it become
something in your mind of a circus, Dr. [Death]?”

KEVORKIAN: Yes, of course. What bothers me is the bit of hypocrisy in
this. When the Congress and president get involved because all life
is sacred and must be preserved at all costs, they don’t say the same
thing about men in the death row cell. Their life is just as sacred.

RUSH: And then Gibson says, “Well, do you believe some good can come
from the current debate?” Listen to this.

KEVORKIAN: It has raised the consciousness level concerning this
issue, and many more people now are going to be willing to face it
squarely and discuss it among their families and in society in

RUSH: If you know what Dr. Death is in favor of, “mercy” killing,
then he’s just made my point here about the consciousness-raising
toward mercy killing that this raw week of emotion is providing for
certain people. So just keep a sharp eye. In the midst of all this,
don’t forget CNN feels sorry for the polar bears because of global
warming up at the North Pole; the bears aren’t dying. The bears are
just forced to find food in different places, and they say that
they’re 15% skinnier, 20% skinnier over the last 20 years — and, of
course, this is just intolerable. It’s just so sad. They’re losing
weight, folks. They’re wasting away to nothing. Oh, how can this be?
We’ve got to do something for the polar bears. It is mind-boggling. I
predict this stuff earlier in the week as a joke and every time I
make a joke about the left, it just comes through. One other thing,
folks, about this Kevorkian business, just to close the loop. Back in
1996, and ’95, when this Kevorkian stuff was at the top of the page
and it was the lead story day in and day out, I took grief from my
audience like you can’t imagine. I didn’t understand suffering. I was
thinking too much rather than feeling. My emotion, my emotion was
lacking here. I was not relating and understanding the pain and the
suffering these people were going through, and I was the one who was
the mean, dirty SOB, cruel, rotten bastard, because I had the guts to
speak out against Jack Kevorkian — and the same kind of heat I’m
taking this week from some of the audience, same type of heat took
back in 1996. Now, the lesson is, I’ll take the heat. I don’t care.
Because I think people tell us who they are. I think we learn a lot
about people when they get mad and when people call to criticize me,
I understand that they are telling me more about who they are than
anything they know about me because not only are they wrong, as they
assess me, but they don’t know me in that sense.



Euthanasia Crusader Jack Kevorkian Weighs in on Terri Schiavo

Euthanasia Crusader Jack Kevorkian Weighs in on Terri Schiavo

LifeNews.com, MT
March 25 2005

March 25, 2005

Lapeer, MI (LifeNews.com) — Euthanasia activist Jack Kevorkian
weighed in on the Terri Scvhiavo debate on Friday. “Dr. Death,”
responsible for the assisted suicide deaths of more than 130 people,
is in prison after showing a euthanasia on national television.

Kevorkian, who hasn’t done an interview in nearly six years, spoke
by phone Friday with the ABC television program “Good Morning America.”

He told the program that he was “dismayed” by the Schiavo case and
opposed efforts by lawmakers to get involved.

“What bothers me is the bit of hypocrisy in all of this,” said
Kevorkian. “When the president and the Congress get involved because
life is sacred and must be preserved at all costs, they don’t say
anything about the men on death row, and their lives are just as

Terri Schiavo’s supporters say the arguments go both ways and that
Terri has not been afforded the same due process rights as death
row inmate, who normally receive a review of their case from federal
courts. Federal judges have denied stepping in to stop Terri’s painful
starvation death or to hear her parents’ lawsuit.

Kevorkian said the best thing to come of the Terri Schiavo debate
has been a renewed focus on end-of-life issues and discussions among
family members of the kind of medical care and treatment they prefer.

“One thing, it has raised the issue, and many more people would be
willing to face it and discuss with families and society in general,”
he said.

Kevorkian was convicted in 1999 of killing Thomas Youk, a Detroit-area
man with Lou Gehrig’s disease whose death was shown on the CBS
television show “60 Minutes.” He argued the murder was a mercy killing,
but was sentenced for 10 to 25 years in prison. He is not eligible
for parole until 2007.

In December, a state parole board again denied a request for parole
and his attorney Mayer Morganroth hoped to get his client out of jail
based on his poor health, including the hernia problems.

However, the Michigan Parole Board refused to grant him parole or
commute his sentence. The board indicated another request could be
filed in November.

Morganroth was also hoping Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm will
intervene on Kevorkian’s behalf.

But, Granholm indicated she would not get involved.

In November, the Supreme Court refused to hear a request to overturn
the conviction.

Michigan authors and Kevorkian friends Neal Nicol and Harry Wylie say
they have been helping Kevorkian to prepare a 300-page manuscript,
tentatively titled “The Life of Dr. Death.” Kevorkian has been shopping
it around to publishers.

Oscar-winning director Barbara Kopple and producer Steve Jones plan
to begin filming a movie version in Michigan later this year.

Jones says Oscar winner Ben Kingsley would head the short list of
people he would like to play the imprisoned coroner. Kingsley is a
three time Oscar nominee who won the award for best actor in 1982
for his role in the film Gandhi.

The Nagornyy Karabakh Republic [NKR] denies plans to hold chesstourn

The Nagornyy Karabakh Republic [NKR] denies plans to hold chess
tournament this year – Armenian agency

Arminfo, Yerevan
24 Mar 05

Stepanakert, 24 March: The Nagornyy Karabakh Republic [NKR] has
not planned to hold an international chess tournament this year,
the NKR Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports has told our
Arminfo correspondent. The ministry was commenting on reports of the
Azerbaijani media on the chess tournament [in Karabakh].

[Passage omitted: Azerbaijani media report]

[The Azerbaijani Chess Federation and the Ministry of Youth, Sports
and Tourism have appealed to FIDE and other international bodies to
prevent the Armenians from holding a chess tournament in Karabakh,
the Azerbaijani radio station ANS 0700 gmt 23 March reported]

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

AFA Opens Its Liaison Office In Stepanakert, Nagorno Karabakh

Americans For Artsakh
Washington, DC
Tel: (202) 215-1800
Email: [email protected]

March 25, 2005
Contact: Hrant Jamgochian
Email: [email protected]


Washington, DC – Stepanakert office of the Americans For Artsakh (AFA)
organization has begun its operations in Nagorno Karabakh Republic,

AFA application for registration in Nagorno Karabakh followed a July
2004 resolution of the AFA Board of Directors to open a representation
in Artsakh. By another Board decision, Elvina Azarian was appointed
director of the AFA Liaison Office in Artsakh. A native of Stepanakert,
Elvina volunteered her time and skills to advance AFA’s innovative
projects in Artsakh.

Working in close cooperation with both the NKR government and the
public, the AFA Liaison Office in Artsakh will be responsible for
project implementation, regular updates on humanitarian and development
needs of Artsakh, and on-site support for visiting members.

In separate meetings with AFA President Zaven Khanjian and Executive
Director Hrant Jamgochian, NKR President Arkady Ghoukasian voiced his
strong support for the AFA objectives and pledged close cooperation.

In May 2004, AFA sponsored two seismologists from Nagorno Karabakh to
participate in the “2004 Disaster Resistant California” international
conference in Sacramento, CA. Since last year, Liaison Office director
Azarian has represented AFA in the CIMAP – a local committee tasked
with implementation of medical assistance projects for Artsakh’s
children and veterans.

This month AFA launched a first-ever food market study in Artsakh. AFA
Board of Directors is currently reviewing a number of innovative
projects in democracy development and education for their possible

Americans For Artsakh is a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization
established to preserve freedom, strengthen democracy, foster economic
development, protect the cultural identity and promote the heritage
of the people of Artsakh. The founding Board of Directors include:
Zaven Khanjian, President; Dr. Hratch Abrahamian, Vice President; Savey
Tufenkian, Treasurer; Rita Balian, Secretary; and Edward Chobanian.
To learn more visit:

# # #

Photo Caption: Nagorno Karabakh President Arkady Ghoukasian voices
his strong support for the Americans for Artsakh’s (AFA) objectives
and pledges close cooperation. From left to right Mrs. Sona Khanjian,
President Arkady Ghoukasian and AFA President Zaven Khanjian

To request this photo for publishing with the press-release, send an
email to [email protected]


Government of Karabakh [NKR] launches web site

Government of Karabakh [NKR] launches web site

Arminfo, Yerevan
24 Mar 05

Stepanakert , 24 March: The presentation of the NKR government web
site was held in the capital of the Nagornyy Karabakh Republic [NKR]
– Stepanakert today.

The prime minister of the NKR, Ararat Danielyan, told the ceremony
that the web site will once again give the world an opportunity to
see Karabakh as an independent state, and the mass media outlets and
citizens of the republic to closely work with the government.

“We are striving to make the government’s work more transparent for
journalists and the population of the republic. The web site should
be efficient and should be timely updated,” Danielyan said.

[Passage omitted: about the content of the web site]

So far the web site is available only in Armenian, but will soon
be available in Russian and English. The provider of the web site is
Karabakh-Telecom. It was designed and developed by the NKR government’s
press service. The address of the web site is


Russia Has Turned From Great Power Into Big Country: ULP Leader


YEREVAN, MARCH 24. ARMINFO. Today Russia is more concerned for
its corporative business interests in Armenia rather than for
Russian-Armenian government ties with the former being presented as
high level strategic partnership, says the leader of the United Labor
Party of Armenia Gurgen Arsenyan.

Russia should pay attention to this problem as this approach can lose
that country its positions in Armenia. Russia has not yet got rid
of Soviet psychology and does not take Armenia as a sovereign state.
“They treat us as elder brothers,” says Arsenyan. They say “we will
solve your problems” while true strategic partnership implies equal
cooperation. This approach may lead to negative attitude to Russia in
Armenia. Many in the country have already begun criticizing Russia.
“I could never imaged before that I would criticize Russia myself but
I do now. Russia is turning from a great power into a big country.”
“They should understand that Armenia is a sovereign country and should
build up their relations with us accordingly,” says Arsenyan.

He is satisfied with the level of Armenian-Russian cooperation in
politics, military and culture but not in economy saying that the
countries should seek closer mutually beneficial economic integration.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress