Turkish historian to ride from Van to Yerevan

Photo by David Gevorgyan

Mustafa Isciler, a history student at BoğaziƧi University of Istanbul, will bikeĀ from Van to Yerevan, Ermenihaber.am reports, quoting the Turkish Birgun website. Ā According to the source, the student wants to write down the memories and stories of the people living in those regions.

Mustafa Isciler intends to conduct field research on Islamized Armenians, Genocide and Yezidis for his Masterā€™s thesis.

The trip will kick off on August 12 and will continue for three weeks. The route includes the Akhtamar Island, the ancient Armenian villages, Mount Ararat, Bayazet, Igdir, Kars, Ani, etc., as well as Georgia and Armenia.

Isciler told Birgun that he will not be alone on the journey. A six-member group will start the trip from Istanbul; they will be joined by a six-member group of Armenians in Diyarbekir.

The researchers will write down peopleā€™s memories and stories in every village and will prepare a documentary.