Naira Zohrabyan Read Out Terrible Clauses Of Agreement


Country – Friday, 20 December 2013, 22:20

During the extraordinary session convened to vote to the agreement on
sale of shares of ARG to Gazprom the secretary of the PAP parliamentary
group Naira Zohrabyan announced that the minister energy Armen
Movsisyan passed by the clauses of the agreement that will turn
Armenia to a vassal. “You read only the neutral parts of this vassal
agreement. I will read one or two small parts. Gazprom acquires the
mentioned package of shares of ARG through direct sale without the
approvals and permits required by the legislation of the Republic of
Armenia, including the approval of the antitrust bodies. The Armenian
side commits that no future laws, decisions, decrees of the Republic
of Armenia will be changed and declared null and void by 31 December
2043. The Armenian side may attend the meetings of the ARG CJSC’s
board of directors. I would like to know whether this government
understands the difference between a strategic partner and a vassal,”
Zohrabyan said. He also asked the minister whether he knows why the
ex-prime minister of Ukraine Yulia Timoshenko has been sentenced for
signing a gas deal that was not in line with the interests of her state
and for hiding some documents of the gas deal from the parliament of
her country and her people. She noted that Armen Movsisyan and his
government will sooner or later face a criminal punishment. Armen
Movsisyan answered that the government knows the differences and does
not find that this agreement stipulates obligations of a vassal.