Public Event Organized and Co-Sponsored by a Coalition of Organizati

Analysis Research and Planning for Armenia (ARPA) Foundation
P.O.Box 33603
Granada Hills, CA 91394
Tel: 818-586-9660
Fax: 818-881-0010
Email: [email protected]

Young Armenians concerned with environmental threats in Armenia created the
Save Teghut civic initiative in Nov. 2007. Many participated in successful
actions to save Kacharan, in the Syunik region, from harmful mining and
Trchkan waterfall from destruction. These activists are not affiliated with
any organization or political party and they insist on covering their
expenses either through their own means or donations from the general
public. While they started with about 20 activists, today Save Teghut has
over 10,000 followers on Facebook, and many more supporters in the regions
of Armenia without internet access. Groups who support the Save Teghut
movement have so far been established in Moscow, Germany, and Los Angeles.
Save Teghut addresses the disastrous environmental situation in Armenia. It
aims to raise awareness among Armenians of the environmental dangers
looming over our country, as well as the irresponsible, illegal, and secret
activities of mining companies in collaboration with the oligarchic system
in Armenia. The group works to protect the ecosystem and promote public
health by ensuring that Armenia’s water, air, and land are clean. In the
Teghut forest, specifically, the civic initiative demands the end of the
illegal and catastrophic mining project. A great number of Los Angeles area
and other organizations strongly support the legal and environmentally safe
mining in Armenia. However, what is currently practiced is far from what
Armenia and its younger generation deserves. Please attend this important
event and engage yourselves in helping save the environmental disastors of
Speaker: Yeghia Nersesian: was born in Aleppo, Syria, in 1978. He graduated
from `Mkhitaryan Miabanutyun’ seminary in Aleppo, and later studied
photography at `Tag Color’ Studio. In 2001 he left Syria with an aim living
in his homeland – Armenia. After working at several different places became
a freelance photographer. Photography allowed Yeghia to get closer to
nature and the elements which he considers the most important part of his
life. His favorite activities include hiking, nature photography, and
guiding travel groups. Yeghia has always had a passionate concern for the
struggles of Armenia and has been active in participating in different
environmental and civic meeting and activities with the intent of creating
a clean, ecologically sustainable and peaceful Armenia.

ARPA Institute President
Hagop Panossian, Ph.D.
Adj. Prof. CSUN
Memeber of the NAS of Armenia
Boeing Tech Fellow (retired)