RP And BHK Steam

Hakob Badalyan


Samvel Nikoyan from the Republican Party and Harutyun Kushkyan from
the Bargavach Hayastan party clashed with each other and were nearly
to even beat each other. If we follow this dynamism, we may presume
that the third "duel" of the RP and BHK parties will be physical
contact. If the first was at distance between Ruben Hayrapetyan and
Gagik Tsarukyan who quarreled or debated with each other during press
conferences and interviews, so the second was visual-Samvel Nikoyan
and Harutyun Kushkyan insulted each other and came close to physical
strike. Whether it will happen or not depends on inner-governmental
developments which introduced some apparent tension between the two
parties. By now, the sides do not have political courage to accept
the tension and they are just trying to shift the blame on the press
inventions. Since there is no political content in their quarrels,
it comes out to have personal content since the steam has to come
out from somewhere.

The reason for this inter-party boiling has often been mentioned. The
reason is that a process of redistribution of the power is taking
place. For Serge Sargsyan, this process is to end by 2010 parliamentary
elections for him to be able to fully administer those elections. As
Serge Sargsyan’s political activities have already shown, he puts the
stake on everything, at least so was in 2007 when Serge Sargsyan took
the complete majority in the parliament and in 2008 when he became
president through only one-round election. Sure, after the election,
he shared the power within several parties but he did not present it
as a political need but as RP good will. And in 2009, Serge Sargsyan
registered his regular absolute victory in Yerevan Mayoral election,
making clear to everyone that the time to share passed just when he
became the main "sharer" of the republic.

Bargavach Hayastan is natural to be the most tensed because of this
fact because it is the second within the government and its leader
Gagik Tsarukyan has long been the first among Armenian capitalists
as everyone were aware of his financial situation and first of all of
his close relationship with Robert Kocharyan. But Robert Kocharyan is
no longer the president and Serge Sargsyan has closer people whom to
trust more. All this is natural. Of course, the change of the president
in civilized countries does not lead to such problems but Armenia is
not a civilized country. Here laws and the Constitution are under the
governmental control consequently they will defend only those whom the
government will want and they will become a danger for those who will
have problems with the government. This is a clear and understandable
reality to everyone.

Maybe those figures who were calmly situated in this realty thought it
would never become a problem for them. But time is moving very fast
and sometimes the safe realty starts becoming dangerous, the wide
world starts narrowing. And perhaps this is the reason why debates at
distance become visual quarrels because there is no territory to stay
at distance any more, the world is narrowing the sides come closer
to each other.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS