You Do Not Win, Shop Owner Is Crucified


18:01:21 – 11/06/2009

In the Yerevan streets, you may notice shop windows with very big
and noticeable ribbon on which it is written: "The shop did not give
a winning check".

These are those objects, which the tax service closes for several days,
for not giving cash register checks to the clients. This practice
was not used before. Before, they only used to write the reason why
the shop is closed and when it will open on an A4 format paper.

Now, the tax service uses a new approach, in order to provoke the
citizens showing that the owners of objects seize the prizes of the
citizens. The next step will probably be to consider that objects dens
of national enemies and after several months, instead of sticking
the ribbon "The shop did not give a winning check" they will stuck
the owner of the shop in front of their own shop and will write
"He or she did not give a winning ticket".

After several years, they will not tie the owners of the shops but will
crucify them as national enemies. The TV will secure the informational
background of all of this showing an owner of a shop who won using
the cash register ticket, which they did not give to a client.