ANKARA: The longest 90 minutes

Sabah, Turkey
Sept 6 2008

The longest 90 minutes

Although there are no diplomatic relations between Erivan and Ankara,
the leaders of both countries defined protocol which is suitable for
the significance of the visit.

Erivan, accepted fulfilling responsibilities of the protocol for the
president, Abdullah Gül.

According to protocol rules which was defined by diplomats of the two
countries, president Gül, will arrive in Erivan with flight ANA at 5
pm. Armenia Foreign Minister will welcome President Gül, in Edward
Nalbandyan Airport.Both in plane ANA and in the airport Turkish flag
will be hoisted.


The President will meet Armenia President, Serj Sarkisyan in the
Palaco of President.Sarkisyan will welcome Gül at the door of
palace.There will be two interpreters for each President. Because
Sarkisyan wants to host Gül at dinner, dinner time is scheduled as 7


It’s expected that Gül will give a silk carpet as a gift to Sarkisyan.