Bush Stands Up For Genocide

News by James Bovard

Oct 10 2007

Bush today vigorously opposed a congressional resolution to finally
recognize as genocide the Turkish slaughter of more than a million
Armenian Christians. Bush declared: "We all deeply regret the tragic
suffering of the Armenian people that began in 1915. This resolution
is not the right response to these historic mass killings, and its
passage would do great harm to our relations with a key ally in NATO
and in the global war on terror."

It’s a helluva thing when a war on terror supposedly requires the
U.S. Congress to pretend that genocide didn’t occur. Bush’s assertion
that "we all deeply regret the tragic suffering of the Armenian
people" is a lie. Most people either don’t know or don’t care about
the carnage. And Bush apparently wants to keep it that way.

The Washington Post editorial page was even more contemptible
than Bush. They railed this morning that the resolution "endangers
present-day U.S. security." The Post states, "The subject is a serious
one – more than 1 million Armenians may have died at the hands of
the Young Turk regime between 1915 and the early 1920s."

May have? Oh. Perhaps it was all a misundertanding.

Ironically, Bush and the Washington Post editorial page are gung-ho
on threatening massive bombing of Iran in part because the Iranian
president is seen as denying the Nazi Holocaust.

The U.S. government is supposedly obliged to help the Turkish
government cover up its sordid past, and is also entitled to
kill thousands or millions of Iranians because of that country’s
figurehead’s denials of past atrocities.
