Ex-President To Become An Ordinary Pro-Opposition Activist

Vasak Tarposhyan

Hayots Ashkharh Daily, Armenia
Sept 26 2007

With All the Consequences Deriving Thereof

"Synopsis", one of the leading companies in the sphere of Information
Technologies (IT) yesterday opened its new building in Yerevan. The
building does not have its equal in our region.

President ROBERT KOCHARYAN was also present at the opening
ceremony. After familiarizing himself with the accomplished renovation
and reconstruction activities and communicating with the young
specialists working in the sphere, the President also answered the
questions of the journalists.

"Has fact of declaring the sphere of Information Technologies as
a supreme branch of economy helped young people in choosing this
particular profession?"

"I am sure it has helped them. The Government’s attention and the
special program-based approach always encourage and certainly impart
certain stimuli to them. Taking into consideration the preferences,
they try to give them orientation as to what specialization to master
in order to have a prosperous future.

Today, Armenia is one of the fastest developing countries in the
world. It is also one of the best countries in terms of the quality
of the reforms. This is not my estimation; this is the estimation
of the World Bank and the International Currency Fund. And we
should do our best for this sphere to develop in a similar manner
too. The information technologies should have a significant role in
our economy. But I also have to say that the idea of introducing an
informational society is also extremely important."

"Do you estimate the IT development paces satisfactory for the
recent years?"

"Of course we would like the sphere to develop more speedily.

However, the greatest problem here is the lack of specialists, and
preparing specialists is an automatic process. I am sure that by
implementing such programs we establish bases for more significant
and important developments in future."

"Are there other foreign leading IT companies that intend to perform
activities in Armenia?"

"There are also other companies that work. Today ‘Synopsis’ made its
solid entrance in Armenia, and this can serve as a good example for
other companies."

"After a long silence, the first President of the Republic addressed
concrete accusations to the authorities for being corrupt and
Mafiosi. What will you say in that regards?"

"We have just been discussing the fact that Armenia is one of the
fastest developing countries in the world and that the most effective
reforms are being made in Armenia. Therefore, if Armenia were in the
context of such qualifications we would never have such achievements.

Let me indicate one figure which, perhaps, will best characterize
all this. I became the Prime Minister of Armenia in March 1997 and
inherited a budget of USD 300 million, of which USD 40 million was
the deficit. Next year Armenia will have a budget of USD 2.5 million.

Today Armenia’s budget is about 8 times more. I think one must have
been too self-isolated not to see all this.

Anyway, you may have noticed that I have never said anything about
the first President during the past 10 years. You know why? Because, I
consider that the first President must be in some mystery in connection
with the establishment of the statehood. And such responsibility
should first of all be perceived by the first President.

If he joins the political campaign, he will become an ordinary
pro-Opposition activist with all the consequences deriving thereof.

And we will have to remind him about a lot of things. For example, how
many streets had lights in Yerevan in 1996? There were three of them."

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS