BAKU: Azerbaijan And Turkish NGOs Demand To Close Metsamor Atomic Po


Ïðaâî Âûaîða, Azerbaijan
Aug 16 2007

Local experts consider that breakdown in Armenian station will fraught
with negative consequences in the region Azerbaijan and Turkey demand
to close Metsamor atomic power-plant in Armenia which is considered
dangerous to the entire region. Recently representatives of public
organizations carried out protest action demanding to close the
said atomic power plant. The members of Turkish NGOs gathered in
the eastern city Igdir pursued a purpose to attract international
community’s attention to the risk which present atomic power plants
in the world. As secretary general of the Association of health
care workers "For peace and environment against the risk of nuclear
explosion" Derman Boztokm on behalf of the public organizations stated,
"there is clearly a need to close the Armenian atomic power-plant,
as breakdown in the station can affect on the East and South-East
Asia." It is appropriate mention that the said station is situated
for a distance of 16 km from Turkish frontier.

According to the director of Azerbaijan’s Human Rights Centre Eldar
Zeynalov, Metsamor APP problem was not at the focus of attention
since late 90s, as after a number of breakdowns it had been closed.

"After that Armenia has been deprived of the power industry
consequently which decided to use of the Metsamor APP even despite
its uselessness," said E. Zeynalov.

According to him, such protest actions took place in Armenia itself,
and their organizers also demanded to close the said station:
"In Armenia they themselves were beware of that in case of accident
first inhabitants of this country would suffer from that. In addition,
environment organizations began gathering signatures for its closing."

The issue became more acute after earthquake which took place in
Armenia and it was revealed that the APP had been built in tectonic
break and could be destroyed any time. Anyway the APP is ongoing

According to E. Zeynalov, possible consequences of the breakdown can
be predestined on basis of the catastrophe in Chernobyl APP which
caused the regrettable enough consequences.

Furthermore, as E. Zeynalov said, countries wherein there are APPs
cooperate with each other and Turkish authorities’ demand could have
some political nuance. For instance, Armenia cooperates with Iran
that is today against the IAEA because of nontransparent nuclear
programmes. Thus, as E. Zeynalov stressed, installations for uranium
enrichment are likely to be used for the atomic bomb production. At
the same time he said that Turkish organizations’ apprehensions can
be justified.

In turn, the chief of Ecology Forecasting Centre of Azerbaijan Telman
Zeynalov stated that Azerbaijan’s ecology organizations are backing
their Turkish colleagues. According to the experts, breakdown in APP,
Armenia can have negative impact upon Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey,
Iran, as the breakdown in Chernobyl APP affected on Belarus, Russia
and other countries.

He reminded that the APP in Armenia is built by outdated technologies
and generators do not meet modern requirements. In conclusion,
T. Zeynalov informed about his backing up Turkish public organizations
considering that Metsamor APP should be closed.
