Warren student gets a taste of Princeton: Elite journalism workshop

Detroit Free Press (Michigan)
Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Business News

Warren student gets a taste of Princeton: Elite journalism workshop
admits only 22 students

by Renee Lee, Detroit Free Press

Aug. 5–This past year, Princeton University accepted fewer than 10%
of its undergraduate applicants. The university runs a summer
journalism program that accepts even fewer.

The program takes just 2.6% of its applicants; Angelica Terhune, 16,
was one who was accepted.

Terhune is attending the 10-day, all-expenses-paid workshop for high
school students from low-income backgrounds. It started July 27.

In the fall, Terhune will be a senior at A.G.B.U. (Armenian General
Benevolent Union) Alex and Marie Manoogian School in Southfield. The
charter school teaches the Armenian language and history to students
from kindergarten through 12th grade.

"The school is really small," Terhune said. "In high school, there
are a little more than 100 students. It’s like a little family."

She lives in Warren and is the daughter of Gregory and Gail Terhune.
Angelica has a sister, Alexandra, 17.

Angelica Terhune has written for her school publication, The
Erepouni, and hoped to gain more journalism experience from the
summer program.

"We’ll probably get a lot of experience putting together stories,"
she said before she left. "I’m hoping I can learn if I want to pursue
journalism in college."

QUESTION: More than 800 people applied to the program this year. How
do you feel being one of the 22 selected?

ANSWER: I was really excited. I thought that it was really
overwhelming that I got picked because of how few people they took.

Q: What interests you about journalism?

A: I love writing as a whole. Creative writing is my favorite because
I just use my imagination and use things that come to my mind. I like
putting words together.

Q: Do you think learning at your school is different from, say, a
public school?

A: It’s really different. At public schools, there’s not the family
aspect of everything. We’re really excited when we get new people.
Everyone knows everyone there because it’s so small. We all just
stick together.

Q: Besides working on the paper, what else do you do?

A: I’m in volleyball, National Honor Society, fund-raising and prom
committees, and I’m secretary of the high school council. I’m
planning on applying for peer mediation, too.

Q: Where do you think you’ll go to college?

A: Probably Grand Valley State University. If I change my mind, I
might apply to Princeton or Harvard. I think I might be a broadcast
journalist if print doesn’t work out.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS