Armenian sniper kills Azerbaijani soldier – spokesman

Armenian sniper kills Azerbaijani soldier – spokesman

Interfax News Agency
Russia & CIS Military Newswire
March 31, 2006 Friday 10:18 AM MSK

BAKU March 31 — Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry on Thursday reported
another cease-fire violation by the Armenian side, in which an
Azerbaijani soldier was killed by sniper fire.

“An Azerbaijani soldier was killed by a sniper shot from Armenian
positions near the village of Alibeili in the Azerbaijani Tovuz
district,” acting head of the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry’s press
service Ilgar Verdiyev told Interfax on Thursday.

The soldier was called up to military service in 2005, he said.

Earlier, Sabine Freizer, one of the leaders of the International
Crisis Group, said that last month alone, cease-fire violations in
the zone of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh
killed at least 19 people, including eight civilians.

In 2005, the death toll rose to at least 90.