State officials including David Harutyunyan violate constitution


| 19:48:38 | 05-07-2005 | Politics |


It’s the 10-th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution today and
people try to reveal the shortcomings of the organic law of the country. In
our republic, the Constitution does not operate in corpore.

RA Justice Minister David Harutyunyan shares the opinion. `I agree that the
Constitution does not function fully. Nevertheless the Constitution has
saved the country from many crises. Moreover, our success is thanks to the
Constitution for most part’, he said.

David Harutyunyan does not consider the government’s decision on the
construction of the North and Main Avenues to be an anti-constitutional
decision. `The denude of property is a common institute. The other question
is how the amount of compensation is calculated. Sure, there can be
discrepancies and the only way to settle them is to appeal to the court.

When asked whether he can recall a case when the Constitution was violated
by a state official David Harutyunyan said, `Certainly. There are plenty of
such cases. Very often officials do deeds they are not empowered to do.
Contrary to ordinary citizens the state officials are obliged to do the duty
imposed on them by the law.

-Have you ever violated the Constitution or your duties?

– I think I am not sinless.

-Does an official violate the law deliberately or unknowingly?

– I suppose both reasons are present.

-What about you?

– I perceive making a violation.