DM: Generals Must Control Themselves Politicians Must Not “Cheek Up”


YEREVAN, JULY 1. ARMINFO. NKR Defense Minister Lt.General Seyran
Ohanyan must have iron nerves to control himself and not to yield to
provocation. Such was the comment of Armenian Defense Minister Serge
Sargsyan on the incident in Stepanakert when a representative of the
NKR Defense Army, a member of Artsakh Central Committee of ARFD party
Pavel Manukyan was beaten up.

He thinks the incident a personal conflict between Karabakh generals
and Pavel Manukyan, and it must not be politicized and “grown to a
conflict” between Seyran Ohanyan and ARFD. In any case, a military
commander, especially of the level of Seyran Ohanyan, must have iron
self-control, however, NKR defense minister seems to have problems
with it, although he is one of the most disciplined general “I have
known.” On the other hand, native politicians must be self-restrained
with respect to the army leadership and “not to cheek up”. “How one
can call ‘rascals’ a person repeatedly wounded in the course of
military actions in Karabakh or such Honored Commanders as Samvel
Karapetyan or Vardan Balayan?” the minister said with bewilderment. He
pointed out that the incident requires analysis and carefulness.
Today’s officers and generals in Armenia and NKR are quite different
with their understanding of behavior and discipline from the officers
and generals of ealry 90s. Minister Sargsyan thinks.