ANKARA: Milliyet’s correspondent on words used by Bush on Genocide

Cyprus Press and Information Office, Occupied Northern Cyprus
April 27 2005

MILLIYET?S correspondent on the words used by President Bush on the
Armenian genocide

Istanbul MILLIYET newspaper (25.04.05) reported the following by
Washington Correspondent Yasemin Congar:
Another 24 April has come and gone, and the US President this year as
well did not say “genocide”.

But Bush’s message yesterday, no matter how much it did not meet the
Armenian lobby’s demand for “official recognition of the genocide”,
still, according to this lobby, “contains the dictionary definition
of genocide”.

There are two main reasons that Bush did not use the expression
“Armenian genocide”.

The White House, first of all, does not want “new reactions against
the United States to come about within Turkish public opinion, or
problems to be experienced in the Ankara-Washington relationship”.

Secondly, Washington considers that the inclusion of the word
“genocide” in the President’s 24 April message would not contribute
to the normalization of relations between Turkey and Armenia, but to
the contrary it would make this more difficult.