Independence of the psyche

Independence of the psyche

September 24, 2004

The current internal political situation that many people qualify
as a crisis does not have merely political causes and consequently
cannot be resolved by merely political means.

The problem is not political but social. Thus the solutions must
be sought in the domain of social psychology and collective social
consciousness if we want those solutions to be sustainable and not

Changes in the collective psyche and consciousness imply measures
directed at the consolidation of collective dignity and self-respect,
self-sufficiency and independence.

The psychology of self-sufficiency and independence must be
consolidated both at the individual and national levels. The feeling
of social unity and conciliation cannot be artificially imported
from abroad unless real foundations for its consolidation are created
within the society. Without the reunification of the society on the
basis of a feeling of self-respect it will not be possible to resolve
the political crisis.

Unfortunately, we have to state that independence has remained a legal
fact without turning into a psychological reality. The independence
and self-sufficiency of the collective consciousness must become the
basis for the formation of a unique Armenian line which must be rooted
in the collective psyche before it can become a political doctrine
and behavioral norm.

The existing situation can be resolved through real social initiative
aimed at the transformation of the social environment. This process
must aim at the formation of the Armenian line, in other words it
must be a social consensus around national interests based on the
psychology of self-sufficiency and independence.

This social process must stimulate confidence in our strength; it must
generate a new wave of patriotism and self-respect. This new wave is
the only force capable of restoring true patriotism. The reunification
of the society is possible only on the basis of a new pathos.

The Armenian line implies a grand vision of the future, a vision of
how the society sees itself in 10, 20, 50 years perspective. It should
not be a theoretical but an idealistic vision. The social pathos must
unite people around this ideal, this dream. The party ideologies must
be pro-Armenian rather than being pro-Russian or pro-Western. They
must be functional tools rather than being an end in themselves.

The political domain must be formed in such a way as to ensure the
necessary flexibility vis a vis the external players. Ideological
differences should never cause hostility. Rather, they should ensure
the flexibility of the society while being united around the same