La bible sur des airs de musique =?UNKNOWN?Q?=E0_l=27=E9glise?=Saint

Le Télégramme
15 juillet 2004

La bible sur des airs de musique à l’église Saint-Tudy

Organisée par le groupe oecuménique de Cornouaille, lundi, à l’église
paroissiale, la soirée « bible et musique » a réuni plus de 70

Organisée par le groupe oecuménique de Cornouaille, lundi, à l’église
paroissiale, la soirée « bible et musique » a réuni plus de 70

Animée par le père Michel Berder, bibliste et musicien, sur le thème
« itinéraire du Christ », la réunion a permis à tous d’écouter de la
belle musique à l’aide de cassettes et d’entendre le père leur parler
de la vie du Christ, de la Nativité à l’Ascension.

Chaque grand épisode était relayé par des chants et de la musique,
oeuvres des plus grands musiciens et interprétés par les plus grands
orchestres, chorales et choeurs des radios d’Europe. Du Noël
populaire breton « Pe trouz war an douar » avec la Maîtrise de
Bretagne, en passant par « Les béatitudes » de Franz Listz, avec
l’orchestre de la radio de Stuggart, ou les chants chrétiens
arméniens du choeur de la radio de Belgrade, sans oublier diverses
oeuvres de Jean-Sébastien Bach, Georges Frédéric Haendel, Franck
Martin, les chants russes du XVII e siècle, le public a écouté
religieusement cette façon de raconter la bible en musique.

1914-18 : La guerre barbare

Le Point
15 juillet 2004

14-18 : La guerre barbare;
Interview Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau*, historien

AUTEUR: Catherine Golliau

« 14-18 marque le vrai début du siècle »

Le Point : A l’heure du terrorisme international, pourquoi
s’intéresse-t-on encore à la Première Guerre mondiale ?

Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau : On s’y intéresse de plus en plus, et ce
depuis la fin des années 90. Je ne pense pas que cela soit dû à la
disparition des derniers survivants, mais plutôt au retour de la
guerre en Europe au cours de cette décennie, et là où elle avait
commencé, dans les Balkans. Et du fait aussi de la chute du Mur.
Après l’effondrement du communisme, dernier avatar idéologique de la
Première Guerre mondiale, on peut enfin s’interroger sur le vrai
commencement du siècle, qui n’est pas 1900, mais 1914. Tout découle
de la Grande Guerre : les totalitarismes du XXe siècle (bolchevisme
et fascisme), la Seconde Guerre mondiale, la transformation de la
carte de l’Europe et la puissance des Etats-Unis… Les générations
qui n’ont pas connu cette période ne peuvent que s’interroger :
comment une telle violence a-t-elle été possible ? De 1914 à 1918,
900 Français et 1 300 Allemands en moyenne sont morts par jour !
Comment une société peut-elle accepter un tel traumatisme ? Pour
quels enjeux ?

La guerre n’a-t-elle pas été le fruit d’un nationalisme exacerbé ?

Si on entre en guerre au départ, c’est par peur d’être vaincu. Les
décideurs sont convaincus que, s’ils retardent d’un jour ou deux la
mobilisation, ils courent le risque de la défaite. Le conflit naît
d’abord de la mécanique des alliances et de celle des plans
stratégiques respectifs. Et de la peur réciproque. Quant aux opinions
publiques, elles ignorent les buts de guerre, qui d’ailleurs au début
n’existent pas : pour elles, la guerre prend souvent le sens d’une
croisade, d’une lutte pour la civilisation. Vision simple et réflexes
simples, qui vont surdéterminer les raisons de combattre, jusqu’en

Mais comment expliquer une telle violence ?

Elle est là, très vite extrême. La guerre est d’une ampleur inédite.
Certes, les hécatombes ne commencent pas avec 1914, mais auparavant
la maladie tuait plus à la guerre que le combat. Les nouvelles
technologies – artillerie, mitrailleuses, gaz… – augmentent la
puissance de destruction dans des proportions sans précédent. Les
blessures infligées sont d’une gravité sans équivalent, les cas de
survie après le combat souvent plus rares qu’au XIXe siècle, les
traumatismes psychiques parfois irréparables. Les soldats sont soumis
à des épreuves inhumaines : les grandes batailles durent des mois.
Cinq pour la Somme, huit pour Gallipoli, dix pour Verdun ! Les
combattants sont constamment ramenés au combat, souvent dans les
mêmes secteurs, même s’ils ont déjà été blessés. Mais ce qui favorise
la violence, et même la cruauté, c’est aussi l’évolution des systèmes
de représentation.

La Première Guerre est marquée par de nombreux massacres de civils.

La dangerosité supposée de l’adversaire justifia l’emploi de moyens
extrêmes. Les atrocités sont immédiates : 5 000 à 6 000 civils belges
et français sont massacrés dès les premières semaines par l’armée
allemande. Ces soldats qui entrent en Belgique et en France sont sans
expérience des combats. Ils vivent dans l’angoisse des
francs-tireurs. Ils tuent pour prévenir à Andenne, Dinant, Louvain.
Mais toutes les armées d’invasion vont se livrer à des violences. Il
est déconcertant de constater à quel point celles-ci se sont
intégrées à la vie quotidienne des combattants et des civils. Les
viols deviennent un phénomène massif au sein des armées d’invasion.

On ne respecte plus les lois de la guerre ?

Non. On bombarde les villes sans recherche d’un bénéfice stratégique
ou tactique. On tire sur les brancardiers, ce qui rend difficile le
secours des blessés. On estime ainsi qu’un tiers des 20 000 morts
britanniques lors du 1er juillet 1916, dans la Somme, auraient pu
être sauvés si les pratiques d’assistance en usage moins de cinquante
ans plus tôt avaient été mises en oeuvre. On multiplie aussi les
camps de concentration pour se créer des otages, on développe le
travail forcé, on déporte les populations ! Tout cela en parfaite
bonne conscience : c’est toujours l’ennemi qui ne respecte pas les
règles. On ne fait que se défendre. La guerre élève les seuils de

La guerre de 14 a-t-elle déjà une composante raciale ?

Le darwinisme social et les nationalismes qui en procèdent sont
passés par là, mais il serait plus juste de parler d’une dimension
ethnique dans les mécanismes de cristallisation de l’hostilité
réciproque. Le sentiment de supériorité allemand vis-à-vis des Russes
n’est pas seulement racial, il est aussi culturel. De même pour les
Français par rapport aux Allemands. Dans la culture de guerre
française, ces derniers sont très souvent animalisés. Quant aux plus
grands intellectuels français, souvent fins germanistes avant 1914,
ils refusent désormais tout lien avec la culture allemande ! On va
jusqu’à nier la valeur de la philosophie ou de la musique

Dès l’été 1914, 180 généraux et colonels français furent démis de
leur fonction. Le commandement était-il aussi incompétent et cruel
que le dit la tradition ?

Le commandement des armées occidentales s’est retrouvé confronté à un
mode de conflit qui dépassait complètement son expérience et ses
modes de pensée. Les généraux se sont trouvés dans la situation où se
retrouveraient peut-être nos chefs d’armée face à une guerre
bactériologique : désorientés. De plus, c’étaient des hommes assez
gés. Rares sont ceux qui, comme Ludendorff du côté allemand ou
Pétain chez les Français, ont su s’adapter.

Pétain mérite-t-il donc sa réputation de « bon » général ?

Il a compris une chose toute simple : dans les conditions
stratégiques et tactiques de 1914-1918, la défensive est supérieure à
l’offensive. Il en tire donc les conséquences et, à l’époque, c’est
une révolution mentale. Ses collègues restent dans une logique de
rupture, qui consiste à en finir coûte que coûte en tentant la
percée, et à se battre sur les premières positions, ce qui conduit à
envoyer les troupes au massacre. Lui fait savoir qu’il attend les
Américains et les chars. Il était même réticent pour la grande
contre-offensive de l’été 1918, imposée par Foch. Aujourd’hui, on
dirait qu’il a fait preuve de bon sens, mais en 1918, quand il
recommande d’échelonner le champ de bataille en profondeur et de ne
pas se battre sur la première position, c’est un choc. Comment
accepter de laisser le territoire de la patrie à l’ennemi ?

A-t-il vraiment économisé les hommes ?

Les mutineries de 1917, qui coincident avec son arrivée à la tête de
l’armée, n’ont entraîné qu’une cinquantaine d’exécutions capitales.
En 1914-1915, on avait fusillé « pour l’exemple » près de 600
soldats… Du fait de sa stratégie et de sa tactique, Pétain a en
outre renégocié le contrat moral tacitement passé avec les
soldats-citoyens français, qui exigeait que les sacrifices fussent
proportionnés aux bénéfices.

Cette guerre a-t-elle profité aux femmes ?

Cette guerre a moins fait pour leur libération que les années 60, par
exemple. On s’est longtemps laissé piéger par l’image de la «
garçonne » émancipée des années 20. Les gains de la guerre sont assez
provisoires, et l’après-guerre signe un retour à l’ordre. La guerre
marque à la fois la catastrophe et le triomphe des hommes. Ils
meurent, ils sont blessés, traumatisés, mais ce sont les valeurs
masculines qui sont mises en avant. D’où la culpabilité de ne pas
combattre chez certaines femmes, des infirmières par exemple.

En 1918, 6 millions d’orphelins et les deux tiers des familles
françaises touchées par le deuil. Le traumatisme pèse-t-il encore sur
notre société ?

J’en suis persuadé, même si on ne peut guère le prouver. Aujourd’hui,
nous assistons peut-être à ce que des psychiatres appelleraient un
phénomène de « troisième génération » : ce sont les petits-enfants
des poilus qui ramènent la guerre au premier plan de leurs
préoccupations.« Il faut trois générations pour faire une psychose »
, disait Serge Lebovici. Peut-être s’agit-il de cela ? C’est aussi la
troisième génération qui a ramené à la surface le génocide arménien
de 1915…

Le regard sur la guerre en 2004 est-il le même dans toute l’Europe ?

Partout on constate une même demande sociale de mémoire, surtout de
la part des jeunes générations. Mais les pays européens vivent ces
processus de manière différente. En Russie, parler de la Grande
Guerre, longtemps effacée, c’est remettre la révolution bolchevique
de 1917 dans une autre perspective, ce qui n’est pas simple. En
Allemagne aussi, les choses sont complexes. Lors d’un colloque
organisé à Düsseldorf en 1999, je me souviens de la réaction
scandalisée des historiens allemands lorsque Bruno Cabannes a décrit,
grce au dépouillement du contrôle postal, la pulsion de violence
qui, à partir de l’automne 1918, animait les soldats français alors
prêts à entrer en Allemagne. Même à leur épouse ou leur fiancée,
certains allaient jusqu’à écrire leur désir de viol à l’égard des
Allemandes ! Pour beaucoup d’Allemands présents, cela revenait à
légitimer en 1999 le discours de l’extrême droite allemande des
années 20. L’Allemagne ne peut accepter aisément une histoire de la
Première Guerre affranchie de l’ombre portée du nazisme. En novembre
1998, alors que l’Europe entière célébrait le 80e anniversaire de
1914-1918, le chancelier Schröder préféra commémorer la Nuit de
cristal du 9 au 10 novembre 1938, occultant ainsi le 11 novembre
1918. En histoire comme ailleurs, les faits passés ne se séparent pas
de leur présence dans notre présent ni de leur interprétation.

* Directeur d’études à l’Ecole des hautes études en sciences
sociales, codirecteur du Centre de recherche de l’Historial de la
Grande Guerre, auteur de nombreux livres dont, avec Annette Becker, «
14-18, retrouver la guerre » (Gallimard, 2000).

Lettre de Pierre Chausson, 1914

Arthur, 16 avril 1917

Les grandes batailles

Le combat de la veuve Maupas

Artavazd and Arman Karamyan in action for Armenia News
Artavazd and Arman Karamyan in action for Armenia (©empics)
The brothers Karamyan
Friday, 16 July 2004
By Paul-Daniel Zaharia

It takes quite a bit to surprise supporters in Romania, but when AFC Rapid
Bucuresti signed Artavazd and Arman Karamyan from Ukrainian club FC Arsenal
Kyiv for a combined fee of around ‚¬100,000, it was a novelty in more than
just the one sense.

Novelty factor
Not only will the 24-year-olds become the first Armenians ever to play in
Romanian football, they are also twins. At most, five pairs have twins have
been active in the whole history of Romanian football, and there have been
none at all in the last ten years.

Ronald and Frank de Boer have spent much of their careers together

Moving together
That the two brothers, of whom striker Arman is the older by five minutes,
have joined Rapid together is no surprise. They have moved together
throughout their careers. Both started at FC MIKA before joining FC Pyunik.
They then tried their luck abroad, firstly at Greek side Panahaiki GC and
then at Arsenal.

High hopes
However, while midfield player Artavazd and his brother struggled to make
the grade in Kiev, they have high hopes for their time in Bucharest. “We
came here in order to prove that we can play at a high level and to win
everything we can with Rapid,” said Artavazd. “What I like is that here in
Romania that the teams play attacking football with pressing and not a
defensive game.”

Ground rules
However, first Artavazd was keen to lay down some ground rules. He said:
“You journalists call me Artavazd. Please, do not do that anymore. In
Armenia, nobody knows me as Artavazd. Everybody knows me as Artiom. Since I
was a little boy, my family, my friends and all the colleagues where I
played called me Artiom.”
Rapid experience
Seems fair. Artiom and Arman know all about Romanian style after both played
in a UEFA Cup qualifying round game against Rapid during their time with
MIKA four years ago. The Armenian side lost the game 3-1 on aggregate but
the twins were suitably impressed to want to try their luck in Romania when
the chance arose.

Artavazd prefers to be known as Artiom

Stoichita link
The opportunity came because of a Romanian connection – former Armenia coach
Mihai Stoichita. Stoichita recommended the attack-minded pair to one of the
old Romanian national team assistant coaches, and now Rapid technical
director, Dan Apolzan, who moved to sign them after watching them in a
friendly game.
Famous twins
So the Karamyan twins are preparing to embark upon another chapter of their
career, hoping no doubt that they can one day emulate great footballing
twins like Egyptians Hossam and Ibrahim Hassan or Dutchmen Frank and Ronald
de Boer.
Ulterior motive
Meanwhile, Rapid president Dinu Gheorghe, who made the decision to buy the
Karamyans, has admitted that he may have had an ulterior motive in signing
the midfield player and striker. After all, Armenia have been drawn
alongside Romania, Finland, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, F.Y.R.
Macedonia and Andorra in 2006 FIFA World Cup qualifying Group 1.
‘Good deal’
“I am sure that these two boys will prove in a very short time that we made
a good deal and that we didn’t fool ourselves,” said Gheorghe. “Apart from
anything else, our deal will enable our national coach, Anghel Iordanescu,
to keep an eye on them.
International angle
“And, who knows,” he added. “Maybe they will be so well trained at Rapid
that they will score goals against all of our main opponents in the 2006
World Cup qualifiers, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands. And not
against us, of course!”

BAKU: OSCE Karabakh Mediators Meet Azeri Public


ANS radio, Baku
16 Jul 04

The OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen, Yuriy Merzlyakov (Russia), Henry
Jacolin (France) and Steven Mann (USA), have met representatives of
the Azerbaijani public at the US embassy in Baku. The director of the
Institute for Peace and Democracy, Leyla Yunus, told ANS that leaders
of political parties, ambassadors, human rights activists and other
representatives of the public attended the meeting. The OSCE Minsk
Group co-chairmen met the Azerbaijani public openly for the first time
since the group’s establishment.

Talking about the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict, the co-chairmen said
that the Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers were currently
conducting serious talks. They think that a peaceful solution to the
conflict will be impossible if the two sides do not compromise with
each other. The director of the Institute for Peace and Democracy,
Leyla Yunus, said that the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen told the
meeting that it would be wrong to leave the resolution of the conflict
for the future generation. The sides should try to resolve the
conflict. The co-chairmen think that the South Caucasus countries
wishing to enter the European Union should speedily resolve conflicts
among themselves. Otherwise, they cannot be admitted to the European

BAKU: Azeri Politicians Blast OSCE Mediators’ Stance on Karabakh


Turan news agency
16 Jul 04

Baku, 16 July: The opinion of the Minsk Group that the Karabakh
conflict cannot be resolved without compromises and concessions by
Azerbaijan has elicited a negative reaction in Azerbaijan. The
co-chairmen expressed this general view at yesterday’s reception in
the residence of the American ambassador. Turan news agency conducted
a small opinion poll among some of those who attended the reception.

The activity of the OSCE Minsk Group cannot be regarded as
satisfactory and the stance of the co-chairmen “merits criticism”, Isa
Qambar, the leader of the Musavat Party, said. He thanked the US
embassy for organizing the meeting with the co-chairmen.

Commenting on (political analyst Vafa) Quluzada’s demarche, Qambar
said that he completely supports his view that Azerbaijan cannot make
concessions to the Armenians.

The leader of the Azarbaycan Milli Istiqlal Party, Etibar Mammadov,
reckons that the co-chairmen are repeating the old mistakes. They are
not interested in a “fair” solution to the conflict and demand
concessions only from Azerbaijan, he said.

He also supported Quluzada’s speech which reflected the actual state
of affairs. “The co-chairmen have to realize that neither the
Azerbaijani authorities, nor the opposition will concede,” Mammadov

Ex-foreign minister Tofiq Zulfuqarov said that the co-chairmen have to
criticize the non-constructive stances of this or that side. He
regretted that they are not doing so. Touching on Quluzada’s remarks,
he said that they were “emotional”. Nevertheless, he agrees with
“certain aspects” of Quluzada’s speech.

Political expert Eldar Namazov gave a negative assessment to the
co-chairmen’s statements. He believes that they do not understand the
realities and there is nothing new in their position. Moreover, the
OSCE Minsk Group is totally uninformed about the Azerbaijani public’s

Quluzada’s remarks caught them by surprise, Namazov said. “Vafa
Quluzada gave a very good and harsh answer.”

BAKU: Azeri Pundit’s Speech Puzzles OSCE Mediators – Agency


Turan news agency
16 Jul 04

Baku, 16 July: There was a reception yesterday evening in the
residence of the US ambassador to Azerbaijan on the occasion of the
OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen’s visit to Baku. More than 100 guests
were invited to the reception, including representatives of political
parties, MPs, foreign ambassadors and leaders of a number of NGOs and
mass media.

All three co-chairmen addressed the guests on their vision of the
Karabakh conflict settlement. Each of the co-chairmen said that
reconciliation, compromises and concessions were necessary and that
achieving peace will be impossible without that, political analyst
(and former presidential aide) Vafa Quluzada has told Turan news

“No outsider can resolve the conflict and you have to reach an
agreement between yourselves. We are glad that the dialogue between
Armenia and Azerbaijan has resumed,” said one of the speakers. The
gist of all statements by the co-chairmen was that Azerbaijan had to
resign itself to the results of the occupation, drop the demands to
restore its territorial integrity and recognize Nagornyy Karabakh’s

“I reckon that such statements are absolutely inadmissible and
unacceptable. They pursue the goal of forcing Azerbaijan to stop
fighting for the liberation of its lands,” Quluzada said.

“I asked them to allow me to speak and told all this to the
co-chairmen. My indignation was caused by the efforts of the
co-chairmen to shift the responsibility for the ongoing conflict onto
Azerbaijan. We are the victims of the aggression and instead of
thinking how to liberate the occupied lands the co-chairmen are
demanding that we put up with the occupation. The co-chairmen are
deliberately making this blunder, calling the aggression a
conflict. No-one wants to recall the four UN Security Council
resolutions about the liberation of Azerbaijan’s occupied
territories. Russia’s position causes especial indignation. It
supplies Armenia with arms and signs a military alliance pact (with
Armenia),” Quluzada said.

Such sharp remarks puzzled the co-chairmen who asked someone else to
take the floor. However, the people who were there supported
Quluzada’s position by applause.

Quluzada believes that the idea behind the event was to persuade the
Azerbaijani public that concessions to Armenia were necessary. But
this idea failed.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Armenia’s Speaker Hopes For Dialogue With Opposition by Late Summer


Aravot, Yerevan
14 Jul 04

Armenian parliament chairman Artur Bagdasaryan has said the
authorities should resume dialogue with the opposition by the end of
the summer. He said that every effort would be made to persuade the
opposition deputies to end their boycott of parliament. Asked about
problems in the governing coalition, Bagdasaryan said that a split
could not be ruled out, although there were no serious disagreements
at present. The following is the text of Margarit Yesayan’s report in
Armenian newspaper Aravot on 14 July headlined “Coalition split not
ruled out”; subheadings inserted editorially:

An interview with the chairman of the National Assembly, Artur

Dialogue with opposition

(Aravot correspondent) How do you assess the domestic political
situation in Armenia? Do you think the current stage of relations
between the opposition and authorities is normal?

(Artur Bagdasaryan) I think that the domestic political situation is
calm. We shall restart dialogue with the opposition by the end of the
summer. There have already been conversations with several opposition
figures. We should work together to try to ensure that all 131
deputies play a full part in the National Assembly’s legislative work
from September. Of course, there will be people who will not want to
return to this work, but we shall try do everything possible for their
return. The policy of declaring war is unacceptable. We should find
mutually acceptable solutions. Even world wars end by means of
dialogue. The conflict between the opposition and authorities should
also end by means of dialogue. I should say that the people are not
inspired by this boycott. During my travels in the regions people
demand that all the deputies of the National Assembly should work. The
leaders of the opposition should accept and understand that parliament
is a place for making laws and they can greatly help this structure to
work properly. I want to ask them, would an election code adopted
without the opposition really be better than one passed with its
involvement? I am someone who is sure that the participation of the
opposition in legislative work will promote the passing of better

(Correspondent) There are rumours that by the end of August or at the
beginning of September radical changes will take place in the
government. Do you think it possible?

(Bagdasaryan) We should accept the reality that nobody will remain in
his post forever and staff changes are always possible, stemming from
the situation in one sphere or another. Such rumours are often
artificial, they are directed against individual officials and I do
not think it is right.

OSCE criticism does not mean end of European integration

(Correspondent) The president of the republic backed the statement of
other CIS presidents on the activity of the OSCE, which was assessed
as a demarche against Europe. As for you, you say everywhere that all
roads lead to Europe. What has brought about this contradiction?

(Bagdasaryan) There is no contradiction. Armenia has adopted the path
of European integration. Certainly there are numerous obstacles and
difficulties on this path. And we should overcome this. As for the
statement you mentioned, the point is not about Armenia’s cooperation
with the OSCE. The point is about some disagreements on some
problems. Naturally, every country should submit its own viewpoint,
because we are a nation, we have statehood, we are an independent
state and we should be able to express our positions strictly on
existing problems.

(Correspondent) The president’s audit service is going to supervise
the entrance exams to higher education institutions, as it did the
final exams for top students. Is the Audit Chamber of the National
Assembly not going to come forward with the same initiative?

(Bagdasaryan) The Law-Governed Country Party (Orinats Yerkir) will do
everything possible to end the “entrance exam” concept in Armenia. We
need just a year to achieve this. We have said and continue to say
that we need to get rid of the state order system in our higher
education institutions. Only clever children should study for free and
not the children of rich or influential people. The fuss surrounding
entrance exams is the result of two factors – the state order and
military service. In September-October we shall adopt a law “On
university and post-university education” which will get rid of the
state order concept.

Coalition split cannot be ruled out

(Correspondent) Is it possible that some problems will merge and cause
a split in the coalition?

(Bagdasaryan) The rumours about a coalition split are exaggerated, but
it cannot be ruled out, if there are strict disagreements of principle
for the parties. Nobody is stuck to his post. At present there are no
serious disagreements. There are serious problems, serious
displeasure, but all of them may be overcome and today we have been
able to overcome them by means of discussions.

Political Situation in Armenia Won’t Allow Holidays For Sides


YEREVAN, JULY 16. ARMINFO. The internal political situation in Armenia
today is so that the political forces of the country do not have the
right to go on leave easily. Leader of the party Bloc of national
democrats, deputy of the National Assembly of Armenia from the
opposition bloc Justice Arshak Sadoyan stated during the press
conference today.

According to him, gradually Armenia slip into the class of third-sort
Asian countries, whereas its neighbor Georgia moves by the way of
democracy with confidence, and another neighbor Azerbaijan possesses
large oil resources, which allows the international community to shut
their eyes to the violations of democracy in that country. In these
conditions instead of taking some steps the present leadership of
Armenia is only concerned over tamping of own pockets, and the recent
visit of Prime Minister of Armenia Andranik Margarian to Moscow again
confirmed it, the deputy thinks. In this situation the Bloc of
national democrats has come out with a Program which will be widely
discussed by the opposition and finally corrected after the congress
of the party on July 31.

The Program consists of two points, the first point to conduct
constitutional reforms till Jan-Feb 2005, which aim to reduce the
authorities of the president and creation of a program State. After
conducting a constitutional nation-wide referendum it is necessary to
hold immediate extraordinary presidential and parliamentary elections
in the country, and the incumbent President Robert Kocharian will be
the guarantor for holding the elections, but he will not have the
right to nominate his candidacy in these elections. Only this will
allow the society to shut eyes to the outrage taking place in the
country by the illegal power, the parliament member stressed. Sadoyan
refused to answer the question about the possibility of return of the
opposition to the parliament, stating that there is much time till
Sept and he is not authorized to decide and answer similar questions
alone. One thing is clear – the opposition must change its tactics,
Arshak Sadoyan thinks.

Reaction of Experts and Political Figures on Statement of Co-Chairs


BAKU, JULY 16. ARMINFO-TURAN. The opinion of co-chairmen of Minsk
group that Karabakh conflict will not be regulated without compromises
and concessions from Azeri side, caused negative reaction in
Azerbaijan. The “Musavat” leader Isa Gambar considers, MG OSCE
activity is not satisfactory, and position of co-chairmen is worth
while criticism. At the same time he expressed his gratitude to US
embassy for organization of the meeting with co-chairmen.

As for demarch of Vafa Guluzade, Isa Gambar supported completely the
statement of former state advisor on foreign policy that Azerbaijan
may not concede to Armenians.

The leader of AMIP Etibar Mamedov considers co-chairmen repeat
previous mistakes. He thinks co-chairmen are not interested in fair
settlement of conflict and demand concessions from Azerbaijan only.

He also supported Guluzade’s speech, reflecting actual situation.
“Co-chairmen must realize, neither Azerbaijan government, nor
opposition will yield Armenians”, – he said.

The ex-minister of foreign affairs Tofik Zulfugarov considers,
co-chairmen must criticize non-constructive position of one or another
side. He expressed regret that they do not accomplish it. As for Vafa
Guluzade’s speech, it was “emotional”. Nevertheless, Zulfugarov agrees
with some points of Guluzade statement.

Expert Eldar Namazov negatively evaluateed speeches of co-chairmen. He
considers, they do not understand the realities, and there is nothing
innovative their position. Moreover, MG OSCE is not informed about
Azerbaijan public opinion. Namazov considers speech of Guluzade was
unexpected for them. Vafa Guluzade gave very tough response, he

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Freeze Technologies Will Allow Agro Production Expansion


YEREVAN, JULY 16. ARMINFO. For easy selling of agricultural products
in Armenia 2-3 years later the Ministry of Agriculture of the country
takes steps for introduction of technologies of freezing. Minister of
Agriculture of Armenia David Lokian informed during the press
conference today.

According to him, such a farsight is connected with predicted increase
of production and demand for agricultural products of Armenia in
foreign markets. Lokian mentioned that the system of consolidation of
lands in a number of communities will be introduced in Armenia under
the pilot program FAO. It will allow the peasants to reunite their
land areas and expand the agricultural production. Of course, when the
growth of the harvest a problem of selling appears, and the
possibility of freezing of products will allow to expand the foreign
market for selling fresh fruits and vegetables, he mentioned.