Aliyev Boycotts CIS Unofficial Meeting

Aliyev Boycotts CIS Unofficial Meeting

14:54 – 08.05.10

Ruling Azerbaijani party Yeni Azerbaijan highly appreciates President
Ilham Aliyev’s decision not to attend an unofficial meeting of the
leaders of Commonwealth of Independent States to be held on May 8.

According to the Deputy Chairman of Yeni Azerbaijan Ali Ahmedov the
reason is that Armenia is being ruled by people who participated in
the `occupation of Shushi.’

In his words this decision by Aliyev is a clear message for Armenia
that establishement of relations with Armenia is out of the question
unless it returns the `occupied’ territories to Azerbaijan.

Exhibition Dedicated To The 65th Anniversary Of Victory In The Great


MAY 7,2010

YEREVAN, MAY 7, ARMENPRESS: An exhibition opened today in the Armenian
National Archives dedicated to the 65th anniversary of victory in
the Great Patriotic War. The exhibition presents documents about
the Armenian divisions participating in the World War II as well as
materials telling about the activity of Armenian fighters in the
partisan squads. At the opening of the exhibition present where
Armenian Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan.

Director of the National Archive Amatuni Virabyan said that Armenian
people have their great contribution to the victories over fascist

Seyran Ohanyan highly praised the work of the organizers of the
exhibition and noted that in all the provinces of Armenia events are
being held dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the victory in the
Great Patriotic War. "The goal of the event is to present to the
public the role of our fighters in the war and how with the joint
efforts the victory was erected," the minister said, at the same
time expressing gratitude to the employees of the National Archive
who keep in their skilled hands the history of Armenian heroes.

Veteran Colonel of the Great Patriotic War Sergey Mirzoyan was also
present at the opening of the exhibition, who Seyran Ohanyan said,
is classified in the rows of alive legends.

The exhibition will be open till May 31.

The Armenian National Archive is planning to publish a book in near
future dedicated to the 65th anniversary of victory in the Great
Patriotic War.

BAKU: Russian Ambassador: NK Conflict Will Be Discussed During Medve


May 5 2010

Many issues, including the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement,
in which Russia participates as a mediator, will be discussed during
the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’s Turkey visit that scheduled
for May 11, Russia’s Ambassador to Azerbaijan Vladimir Dorokhin
told journalists.

"In recent years, we and Turkey have developed successful relations,
one of whose priorities is the dialogue on the stability in South
Caucasus," Dorokhin said.

He said the Moscow-Ankara relations develop both in political and
in economic terms, which will be the topic for discussion during
Medvedev’s Turkey visit.

"There is a large trade turnover between our countries. We are
engaged in energy projects in southern Europe and one of the topics of
discussion between our countries, of course, is the Nagorno-Karabakh
conflict," Dorokhin said.

New York Will Commemorate Hrant Dink

11:48 06.05.10

A charity concert is planned on May 8 to take place in New York
dedicated in memory of Hrant Dink, former slain Chief Editor of the
Istanbul-based bilingual daily Agos.

According to Turkish local Gumhurriyet the concert will be organized
by American Turkish Society-ATS and Moon and Stars Project and will
be dedicated to the third anniversary of the assassination of Dink
in Istanbul.

The concert will take place in Kaye Playhouse concert hall in New
York. Among other songs to be performed will be one from Against
Hatred album jointly prepared by Armenian singer Arthur Tunj Boyajyan
and Yasar Kurt, a famous rock artist of Armenian origin.

All the funds to be raised during this concert will be sent to Hrant
Dink international fund created by Dink’s family after his killing.

Jean Paul Vahle Impressed With The High-Level Education In Armenia


MAY 5, 2010

YEREVAN, MAY 5, ARMENPRESS: Jean Paul Vahle, head of the Mission to
Europe of the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie (International
Organization of the Francophonie) is impressed with the high-level
education of Armenia. He said at a press conference today that he
has visited a number of educational establishments, where French is
taught, and said he is deeply impressed, as pupils of French-oriented
schools and students of universities are speaking French perfectly.

‘I would be very happy if in my homeland- Belgium- which has 2
official languages, students spoke the two languages so perfectly,’
Jean Paul Vahle said. The 23d four-day conference of the European
region of the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie, which is
dedicated to the educational system, started May 4 in Yerevan. Jean
Paul Vahle expressed his gratitude for organizing the event in such
a perfect way. He says the discussions on educational system held
during the conference will be useful for everybody from the point
of exchanging experience. Annette Martinez, member of the French
Parliament, expressed her satisfaction on the occasion of Armenia’s
integration into the organization. ‘The fact such an event has been
organized in Armenia proves that this country is of great importance
to the organization. Our goal is spreading French and preserving it
all over the world.

We are sure that this language is wholly protected in Armenia,’
Annette Martinez said. According to Armen Rustamyan, head of the
Armenian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie,
the conference is an important event to Armenia, as the Armenian
society got the opportunity to understand the role and mission of
the organization perfectly.

‘We are satisfied with the fact Armenia already owns the status
of being an associate of the organization, as La Francophonie is
not just an organization uniting French-speaking peoples, but an
establishment based on the principles of democracy and Human Rights,’
Armen Rustamyan said. He added that Armenia will have access to a
number of prospective projects, which will grant the opportunity to
have an international contact with a plenty of countries of the world.

Astrophysics: Research From K.S. Gigoyan And Colleagues Provide New


Physics Week
May 4, 2010

According to a study from Armenia, "A list of comparatively faint
late M and Carbon type stars detected on the Digitized First Byurakan
Survey (DFBS) spectral plates in the zone with +45A degrees a parts
per thousand currency signaEuro parts per thousand delta a parts per
thousand currency signaEuro parts per thousand+49A degrees covering
684 deg(2) is presented. Accurate DSS2 positions, USNO-B1.0 B and R
magnitudes, 2MASS near-infrared J, H, and K-s photometry, IRAS PSC/FSC
fluxes (when available), approximate spectral types, and luminosity
class estimates are given for 72 objects."

"Nine of them are newly confirmed carbon stars and 63 are M-type
stars. For seven Mira variables with known pulsation periods we
determined distances of 2 A center dot 8 kpc using a period-luminosity
relation. Distances of 17 A center dot 115 pc for five M dwarfs,
classified on the base of detected proper motions, were estimated
using a color-luminosity relation," wrote K.S. Gigoyan and colleagues.

The researchers concluded: "The object FBS 0845+466 is classified as
a candidate carbon dwarf with distance r a parts per thousand aEuro
parts per thousand 72 pc."

Gigoyan and colleagues published the results of their research
in Astrophysics (Late-type stars found in the DFBS. Astrophysics,

For additional information, contact K.S. Gigoyan, VA Ambartsumian
Byurakan Astrophys Observ, Byurakan, Armenia.

The publisher of the journal Astrophysics can be contacted at:
Springer, Plenum Publishers, 233 Spring St., New York, NY 10013, USA.

"Requiem Pour Nos Freres Armeniens " Par Mustafa Akyol


3 mai 2010

Le 24 avril, une centaine d’intellectuels et de militants des droits
de l’homme turcs ont commemore pour la première fois a Istanbul le
"massacre" d’Armeniens dans l’Empire ottoman. Si le terme de "genocide"
n’a pas ete utilise, la presse turque s’est bien fait l’echo du
malheur armenien, a l’instar du quotidien conservateur Hurriyet.

Il y a quatre-vingt-quinze ans, le 23 avril marqua le debut d’un
episode sinistre dans l’Empire ottoman au bord de l’ecroulement. Près
de 250 intellectuels et notables armeniens furent arretes a Istanbul
et deportes en Anatolie, d’où ils ne revinrent jamais. La veritable
catastrophe commenca un mois plus tard. Le gouvernement d’Union et
Progrès, le parti des jeunes-turcs, qui avait pris le pouvoir dans
l’empire a l’issue d’un coup d’Etat militaire en 1913, vota une loi
d’expulsion qui lui conferait l’autorite de deporter quiconque etait
considere comme une menace pour la securite nationale.

En realite, c’etaient les Armeniens qui etaient vises. Bientôt,
dans presque toutes les villes et bourgades d’Anatolie orientale,
ils furent chasses de chez eux en direction de la lointaine et aride
Syrie. Dans certains endroits, ils furent embarques dans des trains,
mais la plupart durent marcher pendant des centaines de kilomètres,
souvent sans eau ni nourriture. Beaucoup moururent en route, de famine,
de deshydratation et de maladie. (Les photos de ces victimes, surtout
des enfants et des bebes mourant de faim, sont insupportables toute
personne douee de conscience). Ailleurs, ils furent massacres par les
habitants de la region, animes par la haine ou le desir de s’emparer
de leurs biens.

En tout, au moins 600 000 Armeniens, et probablement plus, perirent
en 1915, dans ce qui fut l’un des nettoyages ethniques les plus
tragiques de l’histoire. En tant que Turc musulman, je ne ressens
que du chagrin et du remords pour ces âmes torturees, dont la memoire
merite d’etre entretenue et respectee. Pourtant, cette meme memoire
m’amène a me demander pourquoi cette grande catastrophe a eu lieu,
et comment ma nation l’a engendree.

La force motrice, ai-je cru comprendre, etait un melange de peur
et de nationalisme. En 1915, les Ottomans etaient en guerre sur
trois fronts meurtriers (contre les Britanniques et les Francais
a Gallipoli et au Moyen-Orient, et contre les Russes dans l’Est),
et les Armeniens etaient de plus en plus consideres comme ligues
avec l’ennemi. L’elite ottomane, en particulier les jeunes-turcs
originaires des Balkans, avait vu comment les Grecs et les Bulgares
avaient procede au nettoyage ethnique de grandes parties de leurs
populations musulmanes lors de leurs soulèvements nationaux. Ils
craignaient de vivre la meme chose en Anatolie avec l’avènement d’une
Armenie independante sous la tutelle des Russes.

On peut trouver trace de la logique "preventive" des jeunes-turcs dans
les memoires de Halil Mentese, ami proche de Talat Pacha, le cerveau de
toute cette tragedie [les massacres d’Armeniens]. Durant l’ete 1915,
il rendit visite a Talat chez lui, et le trouva deprime. "J’ai recu
des telegrammes de Tahsin [le gouverneur d’Erzurum] qui me parle de
la situation des Armeniens", expliqua Talat. "Je n’en ai pas dormi
de la nuit. Le c~ur humain ne peut endurer une telle chose. Mais si
ce n’est pas moi qui le leur fais, ce sont eux qui nous le feront."

Ma propre grand-mère se rangeait a cette logique, elle qui avait
toujours vecu a Yozgat, la où les Armeniens furent massacres en 1915.

"La rumeur disait que les Armeniens allaient s’allier aux Moscovites
pour tuer tous les musulmans", m’expliqua-t-elle un jour. "Alors,
les anciens sont entres de force dans l’eglise armenienne, et ils y
ont trouve beaucoup d’armes et de munitions, ce qui, pensaient-ils,
confirmait les rumeurs." Puis vint le kesim, le massacre des Armeniens,
ajoutait-elle tristement. Des Armeniens qui, probablement, n’avaient
accumule ces armes que par peur.

Dans l’esprit des Turcs, cette logique du "il fallait le leur faire
avant qu’ils ne nous le fassent" fut egalement renforcee par les
atrocites massives commises par les milices armeniennes contre les
musulmans en 1916-1917, quand ils eurent l’occasion de se "venger"
dans le sillage de la progression de l’armee russe sur le front du
Caucase. Les Turcs gardèrent la memoire des horreurs de cette periode,
les Armeniens ne se souvenant que de 1915.

Mais aujourd’hui, il est temps, selon moi, d’etre juste. Pour notre
part, je pense que les Turcs ont commis une erreur terrible pendant
des decennies en ignorant complètement les souffrances enormes que
connut le peuple armenien en 1915.

Pourtant, meme alors, il se trouva des personnalites exemplaires
qui firent passer la justice avant le nationalisme. A Bogazliyan, un
district de Yozgat, le mufti de la ville, Abdullahzade Mehmet Efendi,
denonca le gouverneur qui etait un bourreau volontaire. Le religieux
temoigna aussi contre le gouverneur lors d’un procès devant un tribunal
militaire en 1919, affirmant : "Je redoute la colère de Dieu."

On retrouve cette conscience musulmane dans les minutes du procès au
cours duquel les unionistes furent juges pour leurs crimes contre les
Armeniens. Un passage decrit comment "les anciens et les dirigeants" de
Cankiri, accompagnes de leur mufti, adressèrent au maire de la ville
la requete suivante : "Les Armeniens et leurs enfants des vilayet
[provinces] voisines sont chasses comme du betail vers les montagnes
pour y etre massacres. Nous ne voulons pas que cela se produise
dans nos vilayet. Nous avons peur de la colère d’Allah." Ces gens
qui redoutaient la colère de Dieu furent selon moi les meilleurs
representants de notre nation en 1915. Et aujourd’hui, nous sommes
de plus en plus nombreux a nous souvenir de leur esprit, et meme a
nous joindre a leurs pleurs.

2010-05-03A Meeting Of Armenian And Belarusian Businessmen To Be Org


MAY 3, 2010

YEREVAN, MAY 3, ARMENPRESS: A meeting of Armenian and Belarusian
businessmen will be organized May 24-27. Karen Martirosyan,
executive director of the Yerevan Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
told Armenpress that the goal of organization of the meeting is to
strengthen the economic ties between the two countries even more and
to find new ways of cooperation.

"The Armenian businessmen will have a number of meetings with their
partners and interested parties. The experience shows that suchlike
contacts are quite efficient and the results become tangible in a
short period of time," K. Martirosyan said.

Yerevan Chamber of Commerce and Industry continues to receive
participation applications from the Armenian partners. K. Martirosyan
noted that applications are received not only by the companies,
which already have certain ties with Belarusian partners, but also
by those who want to get acquainted with the local market, to specify
the economic opportunities of that country.

Suchlike meetings between Armenian and Belarusian businessmen are
organized still from 2002.

BAKU: Turkish premier reaffirms his country is loyal to protocols

APA, Azerbaijan
May 1 2010

Turkish premier reaffirms his country is loyal to protocols with Armenia

[ 01 May 2010 05:06 ]

Baku ` APA. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday said
his country maintained its willingness to settle problems with
Armenia, despite the coalition government in Yerevan has decided to
suspend the ratification process of two protocols the two countries
had signed to normalize relations and restore diplomatic ties, APA
reports quoting web-page. "We have kept our positive
stance and remained loyal to the word and the spirit of the protocols
from the very beginning and we will continue to do so," Erdogan told a
televised address to the nation.

Erdogan said U.S. President Barack Obama voiced in his remarks on
April 24 "allegations which cannot be accepted by our nation although
he has taken into account part of our sensitivities."

The Turkish premier was referring to Obama’s annual speech on April
24, the date accepted by Armenians as the anniversary of the incidents
of 1915 in the Ottoman Empire.

In his speech, Obama described the incidents of 1915 as "one of the
worst atrocities" of the 20th century and "a devastating chapter" in

Erdogan reiterated Turkey’s proposal to leave the issue to historians,
criticizing "third parties of trying to forge domestic political

A U.S. House panel and the Swedish parliament have earlier approved
two separate bills that affirmed Armenian allegations on the incidents
of 1915.

"Turkey is very much disturbed from such insincere attitude of
countries which we see as our friends, whoever they might be," Erdogan

The two protocols between Ankara and Yerevan aims to normalize
relations, reopen their border and restore diplomatic ties which broke
down in 1994 following the Armenian occupation of Karabakh region in

President du Karabagh a rencontre les membres de l’ONG Brit Arm Con.

Le Président du Karabagh a rencontré les membres de l’ONG
British-Armenian Connect


dimanche2 mai 2010, par Stéphane/armenews

Le 19 avril le Président du Nagorno Karabakh Bako Sahakyan les membres
a reçu les membres de l’organisation non gouvernementale
British-Armenian Connect dirigée par le président du conseil de
l’organisation Hayk Haroutyunyan.

Les questions liées à l’éducation des étudiants arméniens dans les
universités étrangères, l’introduction et la demande de technologies
contemporaines et avancées et des méthodes de gestion dans la Patrie
ont été discutées pendant la réunion.

Le Chef d’état a noté l’importance de l’éducation des jeunes dans des
universités à l’étranger, en particulier, au Royaume-Uni, leur retour
au pays et leur application de la connaissance acquise pour le
développement du pays.

Bako Sahakyan a mentionné que ` l’Artsakh paye une attention spéciale
aux questions de la formation et de la préparation de cadres et il
espère que ` British-Armenian Connect’ puisse jouer un rôle dans ce

Le président de la Cour suprême de la République de l’Artsakh Ararat
Danielyan, le ministre de l’Education nationale Vladik Khachatryan, le
ministre de la culture et de la jeunesse Narine Aghabalyan ont
participé à la réunion.