BAKU: Savarsh Kocharyan:”Russia Made Armenia A Polygon Of Political


Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
March 26 2006

“Because of a policy of obedience pursued by official Yerevan, Armenia
has already turned from a fortpost of Russia into its addition”.

This statement was made by the chair of the National Democratic
Party of Armenia Savarsh Kocharyan (APA). He stressed that Armenia
has become a polygon of political and economic pressure of Russia.

“Russia continues supporting authoritarian regimes in the territory
of the former USSR. Moscow is concerned about Armenia’s inclination to
integrate into Europe and wants authoritarian regime to be established
in our country as it exists in Belarus”.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Officials question the fate of diplomat

By Tania Chatila, News-Press and Leader

Glendale News Press, CA
March 26 2006

Reports say U.S. Ambassador to Armenia may be removed for genocide

GLENDALE — Rep. Adam Schiff and two other Congressmen have written
letters or questioned Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice regarding
reports that the U.S. Ambassador to Armenia is being removed from
his post over remarks he made last year acknowledging the Armenian

The concerns stem from remarks Ambassador John Marshall Evans made
on a visit to UC Berkeley in February 2005. Evans referred to the
1915 massacre of an estimated 1.5 million Armenians at the hands of
the Ottoman Turks as a genocide.

The U.S. government does not recognize the killing as a genocide.

“It was more than just mentioning it in passing,” said Aram Hamparian,
executive director of the Armenian National Committee of America, which
joined Schiff and Rep. Frank Pallone (D-New Jersey) and Rep. Grace
Napolitano (D-Santa Fe Springs) in writing letters to the White House
regarding the matter. “It was an explicit mention of the events and
why the U.S. government needs to properly recognize those events.”

Since then, Hamparian said the committee has received word that Evans
is being removed from his position because of the statements.

“Our information from friends in the American government and the
Armenian government is that he is being recalled,” Hamparian said. “I
am convinced that he is.”

But Terry Davidson, a State Department spokesman, said that he has
not been recalled.

“Generally, we don’t open up the personnel process, but ambassadors are
appointed by the president and serve at the pleasure of president,”
he said. “Currently, he is the ambassador in Yerevan [Armenia] and
until the president determines otherwise, he’ll be there.”

Despite the State Department’s official insistence on the matter,
the rumor has picked up speed and raised concerns.

Schiff said he proposed several questions to Rice at an open hearing
a few weeks ago, and last week met privately with a deputy secretary
of state and expressed his opposition to a recall.

“I expressed … I thought it would be real a travesty,” Schiff said.

“The American government doesn’t deny the facts of the genocide, and
while the government hasn’t demonstrated the courage to recognize it,
that certainly shouldn’t compound policy by discharging an ambassador
that chose to speak the truth.”

If the move goes through, it would be a setback for the
Armenian-American community, said Armond Aghakhanian, an executive
board member of the Glendale-based Armenian American Chamber of

“He’s been a great ambassador and then you get rid of him just because
of speaking the truth?” he said.

Aghakhanian said Evans’ fate is something that no one wants to admit.

“I think there are plenty of strong indications that [Evans’] tenure
is being cut short because of the comments,” Schiff said.

“It certainly has not been a career-enhancer and might be a

Evans did not return calls for comment.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Armenian American Chamber Of Commerce Recognizes Influential Busines

By Tania Chatila, News-Press and Leader

Glendale News Press, CA
March 26 2006

Gala honors service

BURBANK — The best thing about owning or running a successful business
is the ability to give back to the community, according to officials
with the Glendale-based Armenian American Chamber of Commerce.

That was evident at the chamber’s third annual business awards gala
Friday night at The Castaway restaurant, where one business and two
local business owners were awarded for their support of the local
Armenian-American community.

About 400 people — including chamber members and local officials —
attended the event, which honored Bank of America as business of the
year, Alec Baghdasaryan as businessman of the year and Jenik Akopian
as businesswoman of the year.

“We just wanted to recognize the businesses, professionals and business
owners who are not only successful in their industry, but also manage
to give back to the communities they serve,” chamber Executive Director
Annette Vartanian said. “Anything possible they can do, they do it.”

The three honorees were chosen by a committee based on their
involvement in the community, said Armond Aghakhanian, an executive
board member of the chamber.

“These are good examples of businesses that are not only successful,
but really contribute back,” he said.

Baghdasaryan, who has lived in Glendale since 1987 and opened his
Glendale-based business, Information, Integration Group Inc. in 1991,
is a member of the Homenetmen Glendale Ararat Chapter and the Armenian
Educational Foundation.

“In my upbringing, my parents were always ready and willing to help
others,” Baghdasaryan said. “So I developed this sense of helping
others too.”

It is especially important for successful business owners to help
the Armenian American community because it is still a relatively new
community to the nation, he said.

For Akopian, the importance is in supporting the elderly because they
helped build the community and the Armenian American youth because
they will build the future, she said.

“I do believe in the community, and I believe in the young generation,”
she said.

Akopian, a Glendale resident, is also involved with the Armenian
Educational Foundation and the Homenetmen Glendale Ararat Chapter,
as well as being an administrator for Autumn Hills Health Care Center
in Glendale.

“It’s such a great feeling [to be honored],” she said.

“But again, my message is cherish your families, because without the
love and support of your families, no one can be successful.”

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Scoppia La Polemica Sul Prossimo Lavoro I Taviani Censurati Per LaSh

Caprara Fulvia

La Stampa, Italia
17 Marzo 2006

Fulvia Caprara ROMA Secondo il giornale turco in lingua inglese
“”The New Anatolian”” il premier Silvio Berlusconi avrebbe inviato
ai fratelli Taviani una lettera per invitarli a non rendere tesi
i rapporti con la Turchia. Motivo? Il nuovo film che i registi
inizieranno a girare il 24 aprile in Bulgaria e’ tratto dal romanzo
“”La fattoria delle allodole”” ambientato nell’Anatolia ottomana del
1915-16, proprio durante la tragedia dell’eccidio armeno negato dai
turchi. In realta’, fa sapere Paolo Taviani, nessuna lettera e nennun
invito e’ mai arrivato dal Presidente del Consiglio. Almeno finora.

Anzi: “”Durante la preparazione del film avevamo avvertito un certo
clima poco disponibile da parte dei turchi, cosi’ abbiamo parlato
con il ministro Buttiglione che e’ stato chiarissimo. “In Italia”,
ci ha detto, “non esiste la censura “, “i film vengono giudicati per
la loro qualita’ artistica”””.

Il romanzo della scrittrice italo-armena Antonia Aslan sposa la
tesi del genocidio ricostruendo una vicenda avvenuta durante la
deportazione forzata degli armeni dell’Impero ottomano fino al
nord della Siria. La tesi turca e’ che questa deportazione non fu
un genocidio, ma venne decisa come necessaria “”misura di guerra””
in risposta alla ribellione, su istigazione delle potenze europee,
degli armeni dell’est anatolico. Questi ultimi vennero considerati
traditori degli ottomani perche’ si erano alleati con gli invasori
russi, attaccando le popolazioni turche e facendo, tra queste,
diverse centinaia di migliaia di vittime. E’un fatto che i convogli
ferroviari che deportavano gli armeni furono attaccati lungo il cammino
da forze paramilitari, soprattutto curde, e che, secondo gli armeni,
lo sterminio fu spaventoso, tanto da meritare la definizione di
“”primo genocidio del XX secolo””.

I turchi respingono questa versione degli eventi sostenendo che non
ci fu massacro e che i morti, sia da una parte che dall’altra, armeni
cristiani e turchi musulmani, furono non piu’ di 500-600mila. “”Il
nostro film – chiarisce Paolo Taviani – e’ ispirato al libro con la
liberta’ che da sempre un autore e’ abituato a prendere rispetto
a un’opera letteraria. Della storia dell’eccidio ci interessava
soprattutto l’aspetto umano e infatti al centro degli eventi c’e’
l’amore che unisce una giovane armena a un soldato turco.

Anzi, direi che i turchi un film cosi’ dovrebbero proiettarlo nelle

Sempre in base alle informazioni riportate su “”The New Anatolian””
l’irritazione del governo turco sarebbe aumentata nel momento in cui
al film e’ stato assegnato il contributo Eurimages (600mila euro),
decisione presa durante una riunione dei 32 ministri della cultura
del Consiglio d’Europa con l’opposizione del solo ministro turco e
l’astensione di quello macedone: “”La Turchia – si legge nell’articolo
– sta finanziando le tesi armene con il proprio denaro””. Ma non basta,
la notizia che al film sarebbe andato anche il sostegno Rai avrebbe
creato una forte tensione nei rapporti diplomatici tra Ankara e Roma. E
tutto questo proprio mentre il ministro degli esteri turco Abdullah
Gul avrebbe annunciato passi diplomatici nei confronti dell’Italia
e di altri Paesi europei.

“”Siamo favorevoli all’entrata della Turchia nella Comunita’ Europea –
dicono i Taviani -, nel nostro film non parliamo di turchi in generale,
ma di quella organizzazione nazionale dei “Giovani Turchi” che scateno’
l’eccidio. Abbiamo scelto il romanzo perche’ ci ha appassionato,
ci e’ sembrato che valesse la pena raccontare questa storia.

Punto e basta. I “messaggi”, come diceva Rossellini, li porta il

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Cinema: Borghezio A UE, Turchia Non Nuova A Censura Su Armeni


ANSA Notiziario Generale in Italiano
17 Marzo 2006

A Proposito Del Film Dei Taviani ‘La Masseria Delle Allodole’

(ANSA) – BRUXELLES, 17 MAR – Mario Borghezio, capo delegazione della
Lega al Parlamento europeo, ha chiesto, in una interrogazione alla
Commissione Ue e al Consiglio, se non ritengano che il “tentativo di
censura” al film “La masseria delle allodole” dei fratelli Taviani
“dimostri che il regime turco non ha ancora acquisito i valori fondanti
di liberta’ su cui si basa l’UE ed in particolare quello delle liberta’
di espressione”.

“Da notizie di stampa – si legge nell’interrogazione – risulta
che il governo turco sta tentando di esercitare pressioni, anche
per via diplomatica, sui governi europei per ottenere censure al
film ‘La masseria delle allodole’ dei maestri del cinema italiano
Paolo e Vittorio Taviani, a cui e stato assegnato il contributo
Eurimagis da parte del Consiglio d’Europa”. “Il governo turco –
rileva l’eurodeputato del Carroccio – non e’ nuovo a queste manovre
per impedire la conoscenza dell’olocausto degli armeni”.

Il giornale turco in inglese ‘The New Anatolian’ ha scritto ieri che
Silvio Berlusconi avrebbe scritto una lettera ai fratelli Taviani
chiedendo loro di non urtare la suscettibilita dei turchi col film
che stanno girando sui massacri degli armeni nell’Anatolia ottomana
del 1915-16.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Armenian Delegation Heading for US

AZG Armenian Daily #054, 25/03/2006

Press Release


On March 25-30 delegation headed by Minister of Finance and Economy
Vardan Khachatryan will set off for Washington for Millennium
Challenge Compact signing. Chief Economic Advisor to the President
Vahram Nersissiantz, Minister of Foreign Affairs Vardan Oskanyan,
Armenian Ambassador to the US Tatoul Markaryan and other officials are
included in the delegation.

On March 27, Minister of Finance and Economy Vardan Khachatryan and
Ambassador John Danilovich will sign 235, 65 million USD
agreement. Secretary Condoleezza Rice will attend the signing ceremony
that will take place at State Department’s Benjamin Franklin Hall.
Secretary will also address the participants.

On March 28, representatives of MCC and Armenian delegation will
jointly present the main directions and objectives of the program to
the representatives of media, NGOs and Armenian Diaspora. They will
also answer the questions.

Press service of Ministry of Finance and Economy, RA

Shooting Armenia – Eternity Territory Film Began


Shooting Armenia – Eternity Territory Film Began

25.03.2006 01:38 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Film director Alen Melik-Grigoryan began shooting
Armenia – Eternity Territory 52-minute documentary. The script of the
film, produced by Simon Kaghinyan, is written by Armen Vatyan,
cameraman is Mkrtich Malkhasyan. In Melik-Grigoryan’s words, there are
also performed episodes in the film. Christian period of Armenia is in
focus of the film. The pagan period will also be shown and will be
shot in Garni.

The picture goal is to acquaint the world with Armenia. The film will
be recorded in Armenian, Russian and English and will be screened in
all countries that have an Armenian community. The film will fit BBC
standards and level.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Armenian contract soldiers to replace Russian border guards

Armenian contract soldiers to replace Russian border guards – commander

Shant TV, Yerevan
22 Mar 06

Since the introduction of contract service, the number of Armenian
servicemen has increased within the Russian frontier troops deployed
in Armenia.

At present the Russian contract servicemen account for 40 per cent of
the total number of the staff.

The commander of the Russian Border Troops, Gen [Sergey] Bondarev
said: “In accordance with the Collective Security Treaty, in parallel
with training Armenian frontier troops, some sectors of the border
will be gradually handed over to Armenian frontier guards. But the
handover has not yet been put on the agenda because of the current
situation on the Armenian border. For this reason it has been
suggested that Armenian contract servicemen should be trained to guard
the border although the institution of contract service is being
developed now. Armenia has numerous problems regarding the security of
its borders. For instance, the Armenian-Azerbaijani sector of the
border requires huge human and material resources; it is more than 900
km long. The military units on this border should be reinforced. We
are responsible for guarding the Turkish-Iranian sector, which is of
great help to Armenia.”

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Minister says Armenia-Iran road to be finished by November

Minister says Armenia-Iran road to be finished by November

Shant TV, Yerevan
22 Mar 06

Armenian Transport and Communications Minister Andranik Manukyan has
said that road linking Armenia and Iran will be finished on time
despite financial problems, Yerevan-based Shant TV has reported.

Speaking at a briefing in parliament on 22 March, the minister said
that the construction of the road would be finished by November this
year although some international financial organizations had failed to
allocate funds for the construction of the Megri-Kapan sector of the

In 2005, the Armenian government allocated 6,320m drams, or 14m
dollars, for the road’s construction. The road was earlier planned to
run via the Shikagog national park. But because of protests of the
public and international organizations it was later decided to
construct the road bypassing the park, the minister said.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Une fusion Alcatel-Lucent couronnerait la carriere de Serge Tchuruk

Agence France Presse
24 mars 2006 vendredi 4:48 PM GMT

Une fusion Alcatel-Lucent couronnerait la carrière de Serge Tchuruk

PARIS 24 mars 2006

Une fusion avec son rival américain Lucent serait pour le PDG
d’Alcatel Serge Tchuruk, 68 ans, le couronnement d’une carrière
agitée, qui après des succès dans le pétrole, notamment à la tête de
Total, l’a amené à affronter les difficiles restructurations dans les

Celui que des spécialistes du secteur appellent “le survivant”, parce
qu’il est resté à la tête d’Alcatel, tandis que John Roth (Nortel),
Lars Ramqvist (Ericsson), Henry Schacht (Lucent), Michel Bon (France
Télécom) ou George Simpson (Marconi) ont tous été balayés par
l’éclatement de la bulle internet, a obtenu de se maintenir à la tête
de son groupe jusqu’à 70 ans, en 2008.

Il avait obtenu ce sursis il y a un an, au cours d’une assemblée
générale des actionnaires houleuse, tandis que son conseil
d’administration nommait comme directeur-général adjoint
l’australo-britannique Mike Quigley, qui devenait ainsi son nouveau
dauphin, après le départ de Philippe Germond.

Mais Serge Tchuruk, qui avait accepté “en homme de devoir” en 1995 la
présidence d’Alcatel, en pleine crise après les démélés judiciaires
de son prédecesseur Pierre Suard, tenait à aller au bout de la
mission d'”homme providentiel” dont il se sentait investi, pour
assurer la croissance durable d’un groupe qu’il a complètement

Ayant dû tailler à la hache dans les effectifs du groupe, qu’il a
quasiment diminué de moitié, après avoir même officiellement annoncé
qu’il voulait faire d’Alcatel “un groupe sans usine”, Serge Tchuruk a
réussi à relancer sa société sur des marchés porteurs, en faisant
notamment le leader mondial de l’ADSL, et à rassurer les marchés
financiers. Après des années de pertes abyssales, Alcatel est
redevenu bénéficiaire en 2005.

La nouvelle initiative de Serge Tchuruk a d’ailleurs été accueillie
avec faveur par les investisseurs, qui ont fait gagner 4% à l’action

Du baume au coeur pour ce patron réputé pudique et modeste, mais
aussi coléreux et têtu, qui a réussi à survivre à un séisme financier
majeur: la chute de 38% de son action en une journée, en septembre
1998, où des dizaines de milliards étaient partis en fumée en
quelques heures, à la suite d’un avertissement sur résultat. La
crédibilité de la direction d’Alcatel fut durablement entamée auprès
des marchés financiers.

Pourtant, Serge Tchuruk, bénéficiait d’une image impressionnante,
forgée au cours d’une longue carrière à l’international, d’abord chez
Mobil où durant seize ans il a changé de poste tous les dix-huit
mois. Après avoir rallié en 1979 la direction de Rhône-Poulenc, il a
ensuite ranimé les activités chimiques de Charbonnages de France,
avant de prendre en 1990 la tête de Total, dont il a préparé la
fusion avec Elf qu’éxécutera son successeur Thierry Desmarest.

Polytechnicien, ce fils d’émigrés arméniens, né à Marseille, ne se
satisfaisait pas de la santé retrouvée par Alcatel grace à sa
prééminence mondiale dans les offres “triple Play”, combinant voix,
accès internet et télévision. Il a aussi multiplié les efforts depuis
un an pour rattraper ses retards dans les télécommunications mobiles,
prendre des parts de marché dans les pays émergents, et diminuer la
dépendance d’Alcatel envers les politiques d’investissement des
opérateurs de télécoms.

Alors que la tentative de rapprochement avec Lucent en 2001 avait
échoué à cause du prix à payer, jugé excessif, Serge Tchuruk, fort de
performances devenues nettement meilleures que celles de Lucent, peut
penser que sa ténacité lui permettra cette fois d’aboutir.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress