Vardan Voskanyan: Erdogan is the first Turkish ‘sultan’ who will defile the sacred soil of Shushi

Panorama, Armenia
June 15 2021

Expert in Iranian studies, the member of "I'm Honored" pre-election bloc Vardan Voskanyan has commented on Facebook the upcoming visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Azerbaijani-occupied Shushi town of Artsakh. As Voskanyan described, Erdogan will become the first Turkish 'sultan' in the history 'who will defile the sacred soil of Shushi town.'   

"This is a challenge as a message itself sent not only to us but also Russia and Iran. This is an impudent message about the heart of Artsakh to be trampled by Turks and Armenia, Russia and Iran reconciling themselves with this nightmare," Voskanyan said. 

In his words, reconquering Shushi by Armenians and also its allies though close partnership should be formulated at least at the public level  as a united matter of honor, since Armenian, Russian and Iranian blood has been shed for centuries in the struggle against Ottoman aspirations toward the region.