Smoking causes 6 million deaths every year

World Without Tobacco Day this year is marked with the slogan “Tobacco and cardiovascular diseases”. Tobacco use is one of the main causes of cardiovascular diseases.

Due to smoking, 6 million people die every year, according to the World Health Organization, the death of about 900 people is due to secondhand smoke.

According to the official data, 26-27% of the population over the age of 15 smokes today in Armenia, every second man smokes (53.4%), in the case of women it is incomparably lower (2.3%), this cannot give an accurate picture of the situation, since women usually hide that they smoke; in recent years, the number of young smokers has increased.

Since last year, according to the EAEU regulation, in all participating countries cigarette packs got a terrible look. According to the international health organization, the photos are effective and help people to give up a dangerous habit.

“A1 +” conducted a survey among citizens to find out what influence the photos have on smokers and how they relate to the rise in cigarette price.