Azerbaijani Press: ANAS Institute of History issues statement on map crisis, Azerbaijan
Oct 11 2017

Thu 16:36 GMT | 19:36 Local Time

The Scientific Council of the Institute of History of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) has issued a statement with regard to the publishing of a map of so-called “Greater Armenia” in the Russian version of the textbook “General History” for 10th grade.

The statement stresses that the map illustrating the territory of so-called “Greater Armenia” is based on a marble map posted on the wall on a street (Via dei Fori Imperiali) in downtown Rome in 1934 upon the order of Benito Mussolini, a fascist dictator who sought to revitalize the Roman Empire.
“At that time of military-political transition, it is no secret that that particular map was selected to be posted on the wall under the influence of the Armenian lobby, who were seeking to achieve its ugly ambitions. The dissemination of this made-up map of “Greater Armenia” in the world’s various media and information resources, including Wikipedia, is ensured by the US-based National Association for Armenian Studies and Research. A special grant has been allocated by this Armenian nationalist organization. All the analogous maps depict the northern borders of so-called “Greater Armenia” stretching south of the River Araxes towards the Caspian Sea. The biggest concern is that such a made-up map has been published in the Russian version of the textbook “General History”, reads the statement.
According to the statement, the studies (“Irevan Khanate: Russian occupation and relocation of Armenians to Northern Azerbaijan”, “Karabakh: Real history, facts and documents”, “Nakhchivan: Its history and monuments”, “Real history and fictional “Greater Armenia”” and numerous works dedicated to the acts of genocide committed by the Armenians against the Azerbaijani people), which were conducted by the Institute of History in recent years under the instruction of Azerbaijan’s president, revealed that no Armenian state existed in the South Caucasus till the Azerbaijani Democratic Republic handed over Irevan and the territories adjacent to it to Armenians on May 29. 1918.
“Mass relocation of Armenians to the South Caucasus was carried out under Turkmenchay (1828) and Edirne (Adrianople 1829) treaties,” says the statement.  
The statement also notes that the Ministry of Education should fully take control of this sphere and determine the authors of textbooks.
“The Institute of History is confident that if all textbooks, including history textbooks are examined by ANAS scientific research institutes, in particular by the Institute of History, there will be no such mistakes. Inexperienced and incompetent experts should be removed from this work,” says the statement.