After a continuous and devoted service of two decades to our nation, the Mother and Child Health and Birthing Center of the Armenian Relief Society (ARS)—gratified with the success of its multi-faceted performance as a progressive medical establishment—celebrates its 20th anniversary.
The ARS Mother and Child Health and Birthing Center
Conceived and realized in Akhurian, on a native soil ravaged by the 1988 earthquake, the ARS medical center, opened its doors in 1997 to the 40,000 inhabitants of the region’s towns and villages to secure pre- and post-delivery care to their fertile-age women and their progeny, providing all necessary gynecological and pediatric treatments, resulting in a noticeable improvement in the statistics of the region’s overall health and well-being.
As a modern, progress and growth-oriented establishment, the Mother and Child Center, with the energetic support of the global ARS entities, in April 2005, opened its Birthing Center equipped all required up-to-date medical implements and staffed with qualified specialists. After three productive years, in 2008, the Center’s newly assembled, full-service Dental Health Division started treating patients, stabilizing and raising the overall health level of expecting and new mothers—especially during their period of pregnancy.
Today, the ARS Akhurian Mother and Child Health and Birthing Center utilizes—along with all necessary medical and sanitary equipment—up-to-date units providing central heating and uninterrupted electrical power, advanced echocardiographic and mammography related examination systems in its pediatric, gynecological, and first aid departments, broadening its reach in the proper treatment of its patients.
In order to befittingly celebrate the Center’s 20th anniversary, and to encourage and increase the happy advent of female births in the homeland, the ARS Central Executive Board, in its 14th plenary meeting, formulated its “Sponsor-a-Birth” program, based on which, a family blessed with the arrival of a second newborn female child at the ARS Birthing Center shall receive the sum of $150 (USD) as a heartfelt congratulatory gesture.
On this occasion, the ARS Central Executive Board congratulates past and present administrations of the Center, for their devoted service of twenty years, as well as the global ARS entities and all supporting individuals to whom we owe the results, which, we are confident will continue to be realized in the future.
Donations can be made to the ARS Mother and Child Center here: