Joint air defense system to grant additional security guarantees to Armenia and Russia

“The document on establishment of a Joint Regional Air Defense System of Collective Security in the Caucasus has been worked out under the decision of the CSTO Collective Security Council,” Armenian Deputy Foreign Minister Davit Tonoyan said in comments to Mediamax.

“The draft agreement was reviewed by Armenian and Russian Defense Ministries’ experts for several times; it passed all the procedures of interstate synchronization in Armenia and was sent to the Russian side for the same procedure, which was successfully completed,” he said.

The draft agreement is ready and the sides will agree on the date and location of its signing.

Davit Tonoyan noted that the agreement regulates bilateral relations but, according to the arrangement of the parties, it will be enforced within CIS and CSTO as well in case of violation of the air space of one of the sides.

Speaking of the new components of the future agreement, Davit Tonoyan said: “The document creates a legal basis for air defense system of collective security in the Caucasus region within the state borders of Armenia and Russia. In case of a need for protecting Armenia’s air space, it will allow engaging not only forces of the air defense and aviation of the 102nd Russian military base stationed in Armenia but also the air defense and aviation of the South Military District of Russia. It will grant additional guarantees of security to Armenia and Russia”.

Can the new agreement be applied in case Azerbaijan restarts military actions in Nagorno Karabakh conflict zone?

“I’m sure there are no grounds for doubting the effectiveness of air defense of the Defense Army of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic,” Tonoyan said.