In a statement adopted today, the State Commission Coordinating the Armenian Genocide Centennial Events expressed gratitude to the peoples of the Middle East, who sheltered the Armenian Genocide survivors 100 years ago. The statement reads:
“Now that the life of the peoples of theĀ region, the existence of the ethnic and religious communities is endangered, we consider it a moral obligation to stand by them.
On these days the attention of the world is focused on the tragic events in the Middle East, especially Syria and Iraq, the fate of the refugees that flee terrorism and civil war.
Armenia has opened its doors for Armenians of Syria and Iraq and has accepted more than 16 thousand refugees so far. All Armenian state structures are involved in solving their problems and accelerating their integration with the society.
The Armenian Diaspora structures, the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund have initiated and implemented a number of programs to ease the condition of Armenians of Syria and Iraq.
- Deeply concerned by the events in the Middle East;
- Interested in the soonest establishment of peace and stability in the region;
- Strongly condemning the crimes committed by terrorist organizations, which claim the lives of thousands of innocent people, destroy holy places and cultural values;
- Assessing these barbarities as crimes against humanity and civilization;
- Aware that the defense of the peoples of the region requires combined efforts and comprehensive support, including provision of humanitarian aid both to the refugees and the endangered communities;
The State Commission Coordinating the Armenian Genocide Centennial Events applies to:
- All inter-governmental and international humanitarian organizations, countries implementing programs targeted at solving refugee problems to provide soonest comprehensive support to the people of Syria, who have found themselves in a disastrous situation, to take corresponding measures to provide assistance to all states that have taken practical steps to accept refugees, including Armenia;
- All state institutions, public and private organizations in Armenia to take comprehensive steps to ease the solution of problems facing the Syrian Armenians;
- All community organizations and individuals to take all possible means to support and provide comprehensive assistance to the community in Syria and those who have moved to Armenia.
The worrying situation of Syrian Armenians is a challenge facing the whole Armenian nation and requires urgent combination of the powers and capacities of Armenia and Diaspora to coordinate all actions to solve the problems of compatriots with joint efforts.”
The State Commission concluded that assisting any Armenian in need is a sacred duty and responsibly, pledging the willingness of the Republic of Armenia and the Diaspora to maintain support for any Armenian in an emergency.