Again About The Conditions Of "Azat Artsakh" Press Service


Monday, 10 December 2012 12:44

Nothing is going to change in “Azat Artsakh” public press service in
the forthcoming year: neither the salaries of the journalists and other
employees nor the journalists’ royalties, newspaper editor-in-chief
Leonid Martirosyan noted during December 5 NA discussions of the
State Budget draft 2013.

As he reported the funds of the press remained unchanged as compared
with this year. 90% of the press expenditures are covered by state

During the discussions the unfavourable building conditions were
touched upon as well. As the editor assured the problem had been
discussed for many years, they had applied to the authorities but the
issue was still unsettled. During these years neither of the founders
of the press service /the founders are NKR President’s office, the
Government and the National Assembly/ visited them to get familiarized
with the building conditions, Leonid Martirosyan announced and added
that they felt ashamed to receive foreign guests.

That the governing bodies are all well aware of the conditions of the
public press service is out of question as the journalists also raised
the issue during the meetings with different high-ranking officials
yet the conditions have not changed at all.

During the discussions NA deputy Vahram Atanesyan informed that he had
addressed an application to the Prime Minister about the conditions of
the press service and now he was waiting for a reply and explained that
they had not visited them as they had nothing to say in this concern.

While the authorities decide how to solve this “complicated” issue
the journalists will continue working in the same conditions.