Japanese Experts Present First Results Of Research On Seismic Risks


Nov 10 2011

YEREVAN.- Japanese experts presented on Thursday preliminary
results of research on seismic risks in Yerevan. The project is
implemented jointly by Armenia’s Emergency Situations Ministry and
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) within the framework
of the agreement signed by the countries’ governments.

The project was launched in September 2010. Risk assessment was held
with the participation of different experts.

The first stage included research of basic materials, information
gathering, study of soils in Yerevan, the mapping of the upper soil
layer, design of databases, collecting of data about the state of
the buildings, the transport system.

The purpose of the program is to assess seismic risks in Armenia and
establish a management plan for seismic risks.


Armenia’s residents need to know what to do during earthquakes –
Japanese expert

November 10, 2011 | 13:02

YEREVAN. – A Japanese team of experts is conducting seismic risk
studies in Armenia, for the past two years, and the intermediate
results of capital Yerevan’s seismic risk study was presented on

The team’s leader Fumio Kaneko informed news reporters that they,
together with Armenian experts and scientists, conducted studies. “At
this time we know the risks that exist for Yerevan,” he noted. As per
Kaneko, the capital’s greatest problem is the time-worn housing. It
is also important that Yerevan residents be aware of the potential
dangers and be prepared for potential disasters,” Fumio Kaneko stated.

Since the majority of Yerevan’s buildings were constructed during the
Soviet times, they have become considerably weak, over time. According
to the expert, around 5,000 buildings were constructed during that
time period, and almost half of Yerevan’s population lives in those
buildings. “In our estimation, around 1,000 buildings would collapse
and the rest will be damaged in the case of a strong quake. Close
to 30 thousand could die and twice as many could be injured,” the
expert maintained, adding these numbers refer to an over-magnitude-7

The Ministry of Emergency Situations and Yerevan City Hall need to
create a powerful system for earthquake preparation. “They should
decide whether to reinforce the old buildings, or to demolish them and
construct new ones. It is also necessary teach earthquake preparation
in schools,” Fumio Kaneko noted.