BAKU: ‘Azerbaijani Intelligence Is More Superior To Armenian’

Nov 10 2011

The idea behind the successful invasion of Nagorno-Karabakh by the
Armenian is fundamentally a false and misguiding notion. This response
came from the military expert Jasur Sumarinlu commenting on the
statements made by the Chief of the Department of Intelligence,
Major General Arshak Karapetyan.

According to Karapetyan, the victory of Nagorno-Karabakh by the
Armenian forces is correlated with the superior Armenian intelligence
over Azerbaijan’s.

Karapetyan even stated that the Armenian forces are so much more
superior to Azerbaijani that the military intelligence of Armenia
is aware of every step that Azerbaijan plans to take. He added that
although Azerbaijani military intelligence has had the chance to cross
over to the Armenian side, Azerbaijani military has yet to discover
and capture members of the Armenian intelligence force.

Azerbaijani military expert Sumarinlu responded to his remarks as
nothing but misinformation. Sumarinli said that the only reason why
Armenia has had any luck in the military development was only due to
the military and economic support provided to Armenia by Russia.

‘The role of Armenian intelligence in their own success is slim to
none. I know for a fact that the Azerbaijani intelligence is far
more superior, even during the Karabakh war. Last year we caught an
Armenian military intelligence officer, and by means of exchange he
was returned back to his own country. This is just one example from
dozens of stories that I have had personally heard about the captured
members of the Armenian intelligence,’ noted Sumarinlu.

Sumarinlu also considers the comments made about Turkey by the Armenian
general to be absurd.

“Turkey’s political, military, official and nonofficial circles have
repeatedly stated that the armed forces of Azerbaijan and Armenia
cannot be compared. Azerbaijan is ahead of the Armenian military
development. The superiority is based on several aspects, such
as battle tactics, logistics, human and financial resources, and
economic development. Turkey is considered Azerbaijan’s number one
supporter, and up to this day they have provided more than $200m in
military assistance. Therefore, they know exactly how much development
Azerbaijan has experienced in the past decade,” stated Sumarinlu.