Armenian Benefactor Is "Dropped" And "Damaged" – Newspaper

Nov 10 2011

YEREVAN. – During her press conference back in July, Armenia’s Diaspora
Minister Hranush Hakobyan had said that a promenade of Armenian
benefactors would open in Armenia in September, Yerkir daily writes.

“It will be created between [capital Yerevan’s downtown] Republic
Square and the area nearby the Myasnikyan Statue. The statues of
Alexander Mantashyan, Michael Aramyants, Boghos Noubar, Calouste
Gulbenkian, Grigor and Karapet Melkonyan brothers, and Alex Manoogian
are planned to be placed on the promenade. September passed, yet
the promenade did not open. Diaspora Minister’s spokesperson Anahit
Andreasyan informed Yerkir that the promenade would open by the year’s
end. According to our information, the promenade’s opening is delaying
because one of the statues was dropped and damaged while transferring.

And, behold, Andreasyan merely noted that the reason was certain
technical problems,” Yerkir writes.

From: A. Papazian