‘I Am With The People, But Not With HAK’: Tigran Karapetyan On Last



Recent personnel changes in Armenia’s political scene are among the
important preconditions to preparing for the upcoming elections, said
People’s Party leader Tigran Karapetyan, speaking to journalists in
Yerevan today.

In his words, the Republican Party of Armenia’s active drive to win
over Yerevan residents in the pre-election period already proves that
as before, this time too the elections will be rigged.

“Newly appointed [Yerevan] mayor Taron Margaryan will ensure the
votes of the Avan administrative district in the elections; former
mayor Gagik Beglaryan, the Kentron [center] administrative district;
and if Edward Madatyan’s son is appointed in the position of deputy
mayor, naturally, the Erebuni administrative district vote will be
ensured,” said the party leader.

Karapetyan noted that the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (HHK)
is running against fellow coalition member Prosperous Armenia party.

“I don’t see HAK [the Armenian National Congress] and the other
parties actively working; instead, my position hasn’t changed; I will
continue to remain as an alternative party, as a democratic person,
who has been by the people’s side and will continue to fight for the
people,” he said.

On HAK’s last rally, the People’s Party leader said he didn’t like
the way it was held: “The speeches were interrupted by applause, when
a group entered Liberty Square, say, from Ajapnyak, Avan or Kentron.

They could have gathered beforehand and begun the rally. Liberty
Square should be called Unity Square where all parties have to gather
and unite – for the welfare of the people and not the government. My
participation at this rally was premeditated – I wanted to be by the
people’s side; however, I became disappointed when I saw familiar
people who were with us,” he said.

Asked what was stopping him from “being united” with the people at
Liberty Square, Karapetyan said, “Let them have invited me to the
stage; I would speak from there, but no one emphasized that Karapetyan
was there, though [HAK coordinator] Levon Zurabyan approached, greeted
me and we talked. From the onset uniting with HAK wasn’t planned –
I am with the people, but not with HAK.”

From: Baghdasarian