2.5 Kilometers of Gravity Irrigation Canal Opened



The US Government Funded MCA-Armenia Program Delivers Water and
Training to Farmers

On May 7, the U.S. Ambassador Marie L. Yovanovitch and the Deputy
Prime Minister Armen Gevorgyan opened 2.5 kilometers of the 8.5
kilometers that constitutes the Aygezard gravity irrigation canal
scheme (Ararat marz) rehabilitated under the Millennium Challenge
Account-Armenia (MCA-Armenia) Program. A farmer’s plot at the 1.4
kilometer mark also was the scene for a number of other important
programmatic events, including the inauguration of the 200th
Demonstration Site under MCA-Armenia’s Water-to-Market Activity.

Ambassador Yovanovitch and the Deputy Prime Minister emphasized the
impact of infrastructure rehabilitation on improving farming practices
and attitudes of farmers, including more effective irrigation
practices, transition to higher value agriculture, and ultimately-
increased profitability of Armenian farmers. They highlighted the
increased yields and other benefits that improved irrigation will
bring to Mr. Ashot Abrahamyan, a farmer who, through hard work and
ingenuity, has struggled to maintain his two hectares of apricot
orchards for 20 years, despite extreme scarcity of water. Over 11,
000 rural residents from Aygezard, Gintver and Nor Ughi communities
will benefit from the rehabilitation of this Aygezard gravity system.

Following the official speeches water was released into the completed
section of Aygezard gravity scheme, after which the dignitaries and
guests made a tour of the 200th Demonstration Site under MCA-Armenia’s
Water-to-Market activity, a drip irrigation system installed on a
hectare of apricot orchard.

This investment in Aygezard, is an important part of the 180 million
USD worth of agricultural assistance provided by the US Government to
Armenia through the Compact signed with the Millennium Challenge
Corporation (MCC) in 2006. When completed in September 2011, the
MCA-Armenia Program expects to have refurbished major sections of
Armenia’s main canal systems, modernized some of the most urgently
needed pumping stations, introduced new gravity irrigation schemes,
re-built tertiary canals in communities across Armenia and restored
sections of the Ararat Valley Drainage system. The MCA-Armenia Program
is also training nearly 45,000 farmers in improved agriculture
practices, delivering technical assistance to water supply
institutions and providing 8,5 million USD in credit to farmers and
small agribusinesses in support of the program objectives. MCA-Armenia
press service reports.