Interdepartmental Commission Set Up To Deal With Problems Of Armenia


APRIL 30, 2010

By instructions of the Armenian president, an interdepartmental
commission on problems of the military-industrial sector has been
set up. The commission is headed by Arthur Baghdasarian, Secretary
of the National Security Council (NSC). Its purpose is to draft a
concept and a state program of developing the military-industrial
complex of Armenia and to take practical steps on its development.

The problems of the military-industrial sector and the possible ways
of their solution were discussed at the April 29 meeting of A.

Baghdasarian and the heads of 39 enterprises cooperating with the
ministry of defence.

"The National Security Council has conducted studies on development of
the military-industrial complexes in other countries. In Western
European countries, the state spends 10-15% of the budget on
development of the military-industrial complex as its operation means
the development and modernization of other branches. Great importance
was attached to development of the military-industrial complex in the
USSR where such enterprises also produced consumer goods. Our studies
show that there is some potential in our country, and we should use
it efficiently to get good results," A. Baghdasarian said.

Ara Tananian, Head of the National Security Strategy Implementation
Department of NSC Staff, presented the results of the studies conducted
by NSC. Murad Isakhanian, Head of the Military-Industrial Department
of the Ministry of Defence, spoke about the problems related to the
development of the complex.

Summarizing the meeting’s results, A. Baghdasarian considered it
important to analyze the existing problems and work out correct ways
of development. He said: "Our meetings with Russian and Belarusian
companies have produced the first results. There are preliminary
agreements, documents have been signed to encourage contacts between
military-industrial enterprises of Armenia and these countries. A
working group was created at the Security Councils of Armenia
and Russia with the aim of ensuring progress in the sphere. I am
convinced that we will be able to make considerable progress in
several directions within a year".

According to the press service of NSC Secretary, a decision was made
to create a complete database based on passports to be presented to
the heads of enterprises and to develop practical initiatives.