BAKU: Former President Of Belgian Senate: "The European Union Attach


April 7 2010

"The European Union must leave the OSCE Minsk Group behind and
demonstrate its positions on the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh

Brussels. Fuad Gulubeyli – APA. "I am a professor of political
sciences at the Paris University at the same time and reading
lectures about the South Caucasian countries. I am taking great
interest in Azerbaijan because it is one of the main actors in the
geopolitical processes in the South Caucasus. I am working to make
my students of a special study of the Caucasus", former President
of the Belgian Senate and Independent Senator Anne-Marie Lizin told
APA European bureau in Brussels. She reminded about her activity
as the Vice-President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly. "While
taking the office in this organization you must address the election
issues of the member countries you like it or not. I was monitoring
the presidential elections in Armenia n 2008 while working for the
OSCE. I was in the observation mission during the Georgian elections,
in the OSCE mission during the Georgian-Russian war and just therefore
I know these countries and processes there well. I could see different
aspects between those three countries and understood that how important
country is Azerbaijan for us".

Anne-Marie Lizin said in fact few Europeans thought about their
dependence on the energy resources. "It is great mistake that they
don’t know Azerbaijan closely today. Experts of some leading oil and
gas companies really know this country, but most of the Europeans
don’t have an idea about this region located between the two seas.

Most of the talks are about the conflicts in the South Caucasus and
I also express my ideas about this issue. I think that we have to
note first of all the Russia’s role while speaking about the Nagorno
Karabakh conflict. But the European Union must also play its role in
the peaceful solution to the conflict. I consider that EU must be
more active and leave the OSCE Minsk Group behind and demonstrate
its position discussing the problem with Russia to achieve serious

Anne-Marie Lizin said The European Union was attaching not so much
importance to this conflict today. "We are indirectly playing any
role in the process of solution to this conflict today, but it
is seen clearly that this role is not in favor of Azerbaijan when
we are specking about Turkey. For example, when we demand Turkey
to normalize relations with Armenia, it has negative impact on
Azerbaijan’s position. But other question is that UN Security Council
passed resolutions in favor of Azerbaijan and this issue should be
discussed with Russia at first. I consider that the possibility of
the solution of this dossier should be just in this level".