‘Serious Setbacks In Turkey’s Reform Efforts’ Toward EU Membership:


14:26 11.02.10

European Parliament yesterday discussed draft resolutions on EU
membership candidates Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia, and Turkey, according to the parliament’s official website.

MEPs (Members of the European Parliament) gave a positive overall
verdict on last year’s efforts by Croatia and the Former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia to qualify for EU membership. In resolutions
debated and approved on Wednesday, MEPs also underlined the limited
progress made by Turkey towards meeting the "Copenhagen" EU
eligibility criteria for EU membership.

Issues such as the rule of law, freedom of expression, good
neighbourly relations, treatment of ethnic minorities, women’s rights
and the fight against corruption and organized crime must still be
addressed by all three candidates.

Progress on concrete reforms remained limited in 2009, says the
resolution on Turkey drafted by Ria Oomen-Ruijten (EPP, NL) and
adopted by show of hands.

MEPs regret the Turkish Constitutional Court’s decisions to shut down
the Democratic Society Party (DTP), and to annul the legislation
limiting the jurisdiction of military courts. They say these are
"serious setbacks in Turkey’s reform efforts" and therefore call for
the Constitution to be reformed.

The Turkish Government should contribute "in concrete terms" to the
comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus issue, say MEPs. By immediately
starting the withdrawal of its forces from the northern part of the
island and addressing the issue of settlements of Turkish citizens,
Turkey would help "facilitate a suitable climate for negotiations."

As positive news from Ankara, MEPs cite the broad public debate on
issues within the so-called democratic opening, and a law removing
restrictions on broadcasting in Kurdish.

They also appreciate the diplomatic efforts made to normalize relations
with Armenia but ask that the relevant protocols be ratified. In
addition, they acknowledge Turkey’s role in regional security (Black
Sea and Middle East).