Noyemberian regional hospital under repair

Noyemberian regional hospital under repair

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 12, NOYAN TAPAN. The Noyemberian regional hospital
in Tavush marz is being repaired with co-financing of the Hayastan
All-Armenian Fund’s local bodies of Germany, Switzerland, Australia
and Lebanon. According to information submitted by the Fund, major
repairs are being carried out with the proceeds from a concert given
in Cologne, Germany and also with part of the money raised during the
Telethon 2009. The Union of Armenian Doctors and Medical Workers in
Germany will donate medical equipment to the hospital.

Despite its current poor state, the hospital continues to provide
services to residents of the region and Lori marz as well. About 1,400
citizens receive medical services in the hospital a year. Only part of
the hospital is now being repaired so that the other units, in
particular the maternity home and the surgery unit, can continue

Repairs of the roof, the construction of an elevator well, and the
installation of metal-plastic windows have been completed. Repairs of
power supply, heating and air conditioning systems, tiling work, and
decoration of walls and ceilings is underway.