Hayastan All-Armenian Fund’s 2009 Telethon Raises $15.875 Million


December 9, 2009

YEREVAN, December 9. /ARKA/. Hayastan All-Armenian Fund’s 2009 Telethon
has raised $15.875 million, Ara Vardanyan, executive director of the
fund, said Wednesday at a press conference.

"Telethon is the only instrument giving us a chance to account for
the job done. This job is positive in nature, and we are thinking
over plans for the next year," he said adding that some 12,000
people participated in the telethon in 2008, while now the number of
participants doubled.

The number of participants grew 18% in the United States alone.

Vardanyan said that this year the fund got large sums from Europe on
two wills.

"We received $2.25 million from France and will spend this money
for reconstruct the school after Muratsan in Shushi, city in
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic," he said. "The other sum, $1 million,
received on a will from Great Britain, will be spent for recovery of
a hospital for children in Armenian Syunik province’s city of Kapan."

Vardanyan said that $8,000 was transferred from the Armenian
president’s administration.

He said that the fund is raising money in Armenia through Haypost
and SMS on VivaCell.

The SMS-Campaign is already completed.

About 12,000 people has taken part in it, and 15,000 people donated
money through Haypost within ten days and the whip-round will last
until late December.

Vardanyan said that the major part of the donations (70%) would be
targeted for recovery of Shushi city’s drinking water infrastructure,
schools, library and three streets.

He said that one million people watched the telethon 30 minutes and
can transfer money, if want.

In January 2010 names of all the participants from Armenia and
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic will appear on Hayastan All-Armenian Fund’s
Internet site, and names of all participants from other countries
will be placed on the site in May.

About $870,000 have been spent for holding the telethon on November 26.

The results of the fund’s implemented programs and future projects
were presented at the telethon.

Hayastan All-Armenian Fund was established in 1992 for implementation
of national projects and development of infrastructures in Armenia
and Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

The president-headed council of trustees is made up of prominent
representatives of Armenian communities worldwide.