BAKU: Armenian gov’t refuses to back NK independence bill

AssA-Irada, Azerbaijan
November 12, 2009 Thursday


The Armenian government has opposed a draft law on recognizing the
self-proclaimed Upper (Nagorno) Garabagh republic as an independent
state. The authorities, at their meeting on Thursday, rejected the
bill submitted by the opposition Heritage parliamentary faction,
Armenia Today news agency reported. Recognizing the Upper Garabagh
republic is inappropriate for us at this point, Armenian Deputy
Foreign Minister, Savarsh Kocharian, said in his address. The bill was
forwarded to the legislature on October 15. The party initially put
forth the initiative in 2008, but the parliamentary majority blocked
its passage. Upper Garabagh is a historical Azerbaijani territory.
Armenians were settled there in the early 19th century. Azerbaijan and
Armenia have been locked in conflict over the mountainous region for
over a decade. OSCE-brokered peace talks kicked off after a lengthy
war that ended with the signing of a shaky cease-fire in 1994. Armenia
continues to occupy Upper Garabagh and seven adjacent Azerbaijani
districts in defiance of international law.