Turkey Respects Force Not Weakness


2009-10-12 15:22:00

ArmInfo. "Dragging out of the signing of the Protocols in Zurich
was the first step by Turkey. Armenia will yet face much testing in
this context.

Turkey respects force and not weakness. Therefore, we should be strong
in this fight where Turkey has already revealed its true face by its
actions in Zurich", Richard Giragosian, Director at Armenian Center
for National and International Studies (ACNIS), told media on Monday.

"Dragging-out of the signing was a peculiar test for Armenia and
the super powers. Turkey wanted to see the response of the opposite
party. Ankara’s attempt failed since Armenia responded to that
challenge and refused to sign any agreement. By such maneuver Turkey
just aroused dissatisfaction of super powers and found itself in the
position of the defeated party", he said.

R. Giragosian believes that the Turkish parliament may protract
ratification of the signed Protocols at least till the beginning of
the next year.

"The reason is that the Armenian-Turkish border is to be opened within
60 days after the protocols are ratified. Turkey will probably wait
for the next year to increase its political force in the context of
the 95th anniversary of Genocide. Turkey is very glad to see discord
between Armenia and Diaspora and inside the country. It is especially
important that these undesirable processes have made Armenia weaker
in the eyes of Turkey," Giragosian said.

Armenia and Turkey signed the "Protocol on the establishment
of diplomatic relations" and the "Protocol on the development of
bilateral relations" in Zurich on October 10. To come into effect
the protocols must be submitted to the respective Parliaments for
the ratification on each side. Armenia and Turkey have no diplomatic
relations and their border was closed in 1993 by Ankara.