Nune Yesayan is not singing in Turkish

Aysor, Armenia
Sept 5 2009

Nune Yesayan is not singing in Turkish

`From now on if there will be any journalist who will dare to announce
something absurd or incorrect about me or my family I promise he will
be punished’, – announced the singer Nune Yesayan speaking about the
publications concerning her that are found in the press and which
according to the singer do not correspond to the reality.

The singer informed that there was an anonymous article which read
that she during one of her concerts sang in Turkish.

N. Yesayan advised all the journalists to `examine the subject before
writing an article.’ She mentioned that on her every concert before
performing any song she speaks about the history of the
song. Certifying the case she noted that the song about which the
rumors went was in Armenian dialect of Qesab, a city in Syria.

`I don’t see any Turkish element in my songs’, – highlighted
N. Yesayan and said that she is not against when she is being
criticized or analyzed, only if it is being done with basis.