The Budget Of 2010 "Realistic And Modest"


Aug 28 2009

"The budget of the next year will be realistic and relatively
modest. We should not forget about our real possibilities but in the
same time we should preserve our position in economic and financial
development that we have at present", – stated Tigran Davtyan the RA
Finance Minister in the meeting with the journalists and assured that
there is no need of sequestrating the budget.

According to the Minister the budget of this year is being realized
effectively almost all the programs that have been prepared by the
budget are being implemented.

"There is no any unsatisfied apply and even there are expenses that are
more than in the previous years, the social expenses in particular",
– said the minister mentioning that the salary of the budget system
grew with 18%.

To assure that there are no problems concerning the expenses T. Davtyan
informed that there is 170 milliards AMD on the joint treasury account
at this present.

In the same time the Minister mentioned that having enough resources
they work in economical regime.

"We do not make expenses that have no vital influence over the
economy. They are moved to the forth trimester, and make over 93
milliards drams and are mainly expenses of preservation of governmental
management system", – mentioned the minister.

Tigran Davtyan informed that some other expenses have been added
which have not been foreseen in the primary version of the budget
and which are directed to the promotion of the economy.

"By the budget 945 milliard AMD are prepared for the expenses,
which I think will be realized in the limits of 905 milliards", –
said T. Davtyan.