Baku: Political Expert: Mathew Bryza Maneuvers With Statements On Ka


10 August 2009

"While commenting on Matthew Bryza’s statements, I want to emphasize
his high diplomatic skills," political expert Fikrat Sadigov said
commenting on a statement by OSCE Minsk Group U.S. co-chair Mattew
Bryza that return of 7 occupied regions reflects Azerbaijan’s
territorial integrity.

"Bryza is actually high-skilled diplomat and he skilfully maneuvers
with various statements on Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict. This time,
he was faithful to himself. I am not surprised as this is not his
first such statement," Sadigov said.

"As to the occupied regions, according to the updated Madrid
principles, seven occupied Azerbaijani regions must be returned
to Azerbaijan. There should not be double opinion. We have always
insisted on this and stressed it in the talks. The joint statement
made by the heads of the co-chair countries in Italy also made it
clear that Azerbaijan’s occupied regions should be returned," he said.

"Another issue that five regions should be released immediately and
the remaining two with time that does not mean that they will not
belong to Azerbaijan. As far as I know, the agenda includes question of
liberation of all occupied Azerbaijani regions. The issue of Nagorno
Karabakh will be discussed in parallel and will be determined through
negotiations within the framework of the territorial integrity of
Azerbaijan," he said.