Met With The French Delegation


08:01 pm | March 26, 2009


RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan met today with the delegation of the
French Credi Agricol Company, which is the largest banking company in
the world. The delegation includes Europe correspondent, president
of the Credi Agricol Consultant consulting company Zhan-Luk Perot,
Director General of the Credi Agricol National Federation Josef d’Ozen,
members of the board of the Acba-Credit Agricol Bank CJSC Iv Kuturie
and Philip de Sibeins.

Welcoming the guests, the Prime Minister remarked that the visit of the
delegation bolster development of cooperation with Armenia, especially
during the current global financial/economic crisis. According to
Tigran Sargsyan, Armenia’s banking system has proved its strength and
stability by confronting the negative effects of the global financial
crisis and the system instills hope that Armenia will able to overcome
the possible difficulties to come through cooperation with the Credi
Agricol and other international organizations.

Members of the delegation expressed satisfaction for their mutually
beneficial cooperation with Armenia in the result of which, according
to the company representatives, Armenia’s banking system has become
one of the leaders.

Members of the delegation mentioned the stance of the RA Central Bank
towards other banks functioning in Armenia as one of the guarantees
for cooperation.

At the end of the meeting Tigran Sargsyan expressed gratitude on behalf
of the RA Government and to all the people who have contributed to
the development of cooperation with Armenia over the years. The Prime
Minister expressed hope that the productive cooperation will continue
in the years to come.