Four Versions of Mheryan’s Murder

17:55:22 – 27/02/2009

The assassination of the Deputy Chief of the Police Gevorg Mheryan was
a blow both to the Police and to the State and its revelation is a
matter of honor for the Police and the State, told the reporters the
Chief of the Police Alik Sargsyan on February 27 noting that the
investigation of that crime is under his personal control and a group
of professionals work on it. Alik Sargsyan did not go into details
about the process of investigation noting that they work on 4 possible
versions of the case and they need a little time. Alik Sargsyan did not
say when he is going to hold the next press conference but extended
hope that during the next conference he will have more concrete
information and will be able to say which of 4 versions is excluded and
which one they focus their attention on. Alik Sargsryan ensured that
they will do everything to reveal the case as it is a matter of honor
for them.

By the way, he also asked time for revealing the violations towards
reporters when one of the reporters said that the revelation of
violations against reporters is a matter of honor for them. Alik
Sargsyan said that no violation against reporters will remain
unrevealed just a little time is needed.