Alarm Signal: Sevan Is In Danger

Marianna Gyurjyan

11.12.2008 15:22

"Golden mine for Sevan" film is a signal of alarm. The GeoProMining
Company, the concession manager of the gold processing plant in Ararat
and Sotk ore mine, intends to move the production from Ararat to Sotk.

"Currently the company has started financing the scientific research
into the influence on the environment in Sevan," the author of the
film scenario, President of the "EcoLur" information Center Inga
Zarafyan said. According to her, surveys have shown that citizens
oppose the implementation of the gold mining project in Sotk. The
technologies and chemical compound used for gold processing will
multiply the threats to the lake.

"Sevan is a national value. After being proclaimed a National Park
in 1977 it had to become a zone of special protection," expert Gagik
Sughudyan says. "If it is possible to open metal ores here, then we
violate those laws. Peacekeeping forces should be deployed between
today’s authorities and nature to have the nature stay untouched.